Seedsman Seeds-Skunk Mix-From the Beggining


Well-Known Member
Havent really had a chance to check runoff ph. i havent even really watered them yet, other than the time i transpanted into bigger pot using high ph tap water, and that was over a week ago. Ill probably finally end up watering them tonight or early tomorrow, the moister reader says its still moist. Ive got about 15 seperate gallons of phed tap water of 6 ready to go.

Still cant tell sex :( Its been flowering over a week now, and i cant find a single hair/ballsack. im hoping withing the next day or so ill be able to tell, when i do ill post more pics. A few of my babies have really taken off over the past 2 days. I had to raise the light last night and probably again later on tonight. Id say out of the 12 plants total, 9 of them look awsome, and there are 3 that look a little thin and stretchy and lanky(all 3 look sativa) and they dont look like they will yield too much. But all the others are looking very happy and healthy. I have a feeling my 3 biggest bestest plants will be male, thats just the way it usually goes, right? Keeping my fingers crossed and like i said hopefully ill be able to tell sex soon.

Just a question i kinda already kno the answer. Is it too late to top? Ive thought about topping the 3 sativas and maybe 1 or 2 of the taller skunks, but ive heard from many different places not to top once flowering has begun. But ive also heard of people topping as far as a week after flowering and supposedly everything still works out fine. I have a feeling if i top now, everything will be ok. but something, idk what, is stopping me from cutting my babies. But the sativas look like they really need to be topped. Any advice? Would you top this late in flowering?


Well-Known Member
haven't topped myself, i'd be afraid it might slow down flowering development, but that might be bogus since genetics should be the overriding factor


Well-Known Member
aint you spsoe to top like before you go into flower.

it's only week one man so if u top they might stretch up to light and be right dunno mate upto you.

i personally would wanna do it atleast a week before flower but thats me


Well-Known Member
so you haven't had to water your plants at all sense you transplanted? wasnt that like a week ago? you see any roots by the drain holes. and i would check your runoff ph. i wish i had when i started getting those spots, i would have know my runoff was below 5ph, and locking out some of my nutes.


Well-Known Member
haven't topped myself, i'd be afraid it might slow down flowering development, but that might be bogus since genetics should be the overriding factor
yeah im afraid having waited this long it might do more harm than good. Ive topped a few plants in my previous grows with awsome results so i kno its a good technique, but ive never waited this long
aint you spsoe to top like before you go into flower.

it's only week one man so if u top they might stretch up to light and be right dunno mate upto you.

i personally would wanna do it atleast a week before flower but thats me
Ya i always top a week before flowering but with this crazy tight schedule i just didnt have time to. Hell just 2 weeks ago they were tiny 2 week old babies lol im kinda shocked how fast some of them grew. I think i will just play it safe and not do any topping.
so you haven't had to water your plants at all sense you transplanted? wasnt that like a week ago? you see any roots by the drain holes. and i would check your runoff ph. i wish i had when i started getting those spots, i would have know my runoff was below 5ph, and locking out some of my nutes.
yeah its been probably more than a week. i keep a close eye on it, and the moister checker still reads moist. I kno i shocked them a little with the strait up tap water, so ive been trying to watch them extra close so i dont over water them. ill definatley check runoff ph next watering.


Well-Known Member
aint you spsoe to top like before you go into flower.

it's only week one man so if u top they might stretch up to light and be right dunno mate upto you.

i personally would wanna do it atleast a week before flower but thats me
also just wanted to say thnx for commenting. this doesnt seem to be a very popular strain, or maybe its just my horrible grammer :wall:. but i appreciate you stopping in and checking out my grow :)


Well-Known Member
if they dont get light soon, i would water/feed them with some h2o2 to help get them going again. seems to help when i do it.


Well-Known Member
if they dont get light soon, i would water/feed them with some h2o2 to help get them going again. seems to help when i do it.
not really quite sure i know what u mean. i just googled h2o2 and thats hydrogen peroxide? never heard of using that on plants? they've been growing at a pretty fast rate if u ask me. Im guessing the reason why the pots are still moist is because ive never really given them time to grow into their current pots.


Well-Known Member
if they dont get light soon, i would water/feed them with some h2o2 to help get them going again. seems to help when i do it.
holy shit dude i just did about 30 seconds of reading about h2o2 for plants and theres all kinds of benifits and shit that it does! why the fuck have i never heard this before?! HUGE thanks man!


Well-Known Member
no problem man. i learned about using h2o2 on here :) i use the stuff from the dollar store. i figure its better then nothing.


Well-Known Member
Lots of action been going on round here. Srry havent put any pics in awhile. Im planning on posting more pics pretty soon, prob when i kno for sure how many males i have. As of right now, i only have 1 confirmed male, that leaves me with 11 fucking plants! im actually hoping atleast 3 more are male. I cant bare to throw any females away. As of right now i have 7 sure females, 1 male that i destroyed last night, and 4 more undecided. Oh, and their gettting BIIIIIG. I got one female that grows like 4 inches a day, freakin beast plant. ill try to get some more pics maybe later on tonight


Well-Known Member
your fan club is waiting, liking what i've seen for the genetics so far, well worth the price so far


Well-Known Member
also just wanted to say thnx for commenting. this doesnt seem to be a very popular strain, or maybe its just my horrible grammer :wall:. but i appreciate you stopping in and checking out my grow :)
hey man no worries you should stop by an check my grow out haha.

got any new pics mate?


Well-Known Member
Well i dont have as good pics as i wanted. ive been wanting to take some more individual pics. Just found out last night that the 3 suspected males, 2 of them are female!. ive only had one male out of the whole bunch. There is only 1 more plant that im not 100% certain. so i guess as of now i have 9 different females.......dahyum....only ment to have around 4. i also bought a new trash can im gonna use as a water resevoir. uhhh i think thats about it for now. :)


Well-Known Member
oh man, i cant believe i forgot to mention the best news! i talked it over with my pops, and he said i can move the plants to his place for a few days while my gf's graduation is going on. So i dont have to cut em all early! Its going to be a major pain in the ass, but totally worth it. He lives about 2 hours from me. He will have to bring his truck over one night, and we'll just load em up real fast. im in a fucking apartment so its risky shit but i gotta do what i gotta do i guess.