Seedsman Seeds-Skunk Mix-From the Beggining


Well-Known Member
i forget what size bulb your using now, i'm not a HPS grower but 2 feet sounds like a lot of distance
sounds more of a ventilation issue, needs quick attention, when a leaf gets a cupped appearance, i.e. the outer edges are higher than the inside of the leaf, that leaf has been damaged


Well-Known Member
i forget what size bulb your using now, i'm not a HPS grower but 2 feet sounds like a lot of distance
sounds more of a ventilation issue, needs quick attention, when a leaf gets a cupped appearance, i.e. the outer edges are higher than the inside of the leaf, that leaf has been damaged
That makes ALOT of sense. My last grow was almost completely ruined due to bad ventilation. Im using a 600 watt hps, and i have to admitt i think its a bit much for the babies.
I would think 2 feet above would be plenty high too, its the ventilation im convinced now!

Ok so right now their all in my luandry room. The floor temp reads about 80 degrees, but i guess thats not acurate. I keep my apt about 76 degrees day and night. There is no door to the laundry room so its a very open space. I currently have 2 oscillating fans, one fan blowing directly under the light and above the canopy, and one other smaller fan blowing on the plants from a few feet away. Should i add more oscillating fans or are they not gonna do the trick?


Well-Known Member
ventilation can be a bitchy problem, your choice of genetics(really want to see this grow go well) has prompted me to go reading on HPS and canopy distance
in a nutshell, it sounds like the optimum distance for a 600w hps from the top of the canopy should be about 1 1/2 feet
but there's a lot of variables here, i'm guessing you aren't using a cool tube(blocks infrared emissions which don't benefit plant)
some venting of the warm air is needed, i hope you have such a vent in the laundry room, might be able to tap in there to exhaust hot air?
there are of course security issues with such an arrangement


Well-Known Member
I dont really have any kind of serious venting equiptment, other than oscilating fans. My origonal hope was to get some sort of high power fan and hook it up to the vent where the dryer blows out because i noticed some of those vents lead all the way up the the roof. But unfortunatley my dryer vent leads right above my front door :( so theres no way i could do that.

I really hate having this 600 watter on for 18 hours a day. its constantly keeping my a/c running, and im getting kinda paranoid having this bright blazing light coming out of the kitchen all night lol. Im thinking maybe ill change up the whole setup again. Thinking ill get the 150 watt mh, and ever single cfl i have, and go that route. If i do that it will put off extremely less heat, and i can let them have 20/4 light.

I just drenched them all with 2 day old phed tap water. When i first checked on them today, the leaves seemed a bit more curled up, and one plant was very droopy with slightly curled up leaves, so im guessing they were all thirsty and still not getting proper ventilation.
Should i be keeping the fans on full speed at lights out too?


Well-Known Member
i keep my fan on low 24/7 blowing over the tops of the plants. your going to want to fix your ventilation soon. once you have that its easier to dial the room in for temps and humidity.


Well-Known Member
I dont really have any kind of serious venting equiptment, other than oscilating fans. My origonal hope was to get some sort of high power fan and hook it up to the vent where the dryer blows out because i noticed some of those vents lead all the way up the the roof. But unfortunatley my dryer vent leads right above my front door :( so theres no way i could do that.

I really hate having this 600 watter on for 18 hours a day. its constantly keeping my a/c running, and im getting kinda paranoid having this bright blazing light coming out of the kitchen all night lol. Im thinking maybe ill change up the whole setup again. Thinking ill get the 150 watt mh, and ever single cfl i have, and go that route. If i do that it will put off extremely less heat, and i can let them have 20/4 light.

I just drenched them all with 2 day old phed tap water. When i first checked on them today, the leaves seemed a bit more curled up, and one plant was very droopy with slightly curled up leaves, so im guessing they were all thirsty and still not getting proper ventilation.
Should i be keeping the fans on full speed at lights out too?
i guessed the dryer exhaust might have some drawbacks, but you still may be able to ventilate better
the trick is to suck hot air that is up high and exhaust away from the grow area
sounds like your only option is to vent out the laundry room door, position a fan up high and blow hot air down, then use the other fan to blow that air out the door
or you might be able to put together a cheap deal with some flexible ductwork hose
in any event, if your temps stay high, your going to get major smell from the flowering plants


Well-Known Member
Do i just need a better fan? Ive been thinking if i need to buy a fan then i would get one of those 40-50$ blowers at lowes, but i was hoping i wouldnt have to do all that.

heres some more pics of whats going on and some pics of the fans i have now. I havent even tried putting the square looking fan in there, figured that would help a little more?



Well-Known Member
plants still looking good(as far as i can see), hopefully temps are on the edge
i see the fans blowing in, which does given good air motion, but they don't seem well positioned to blow hot air out
you need to blow hot air out of the grow room into your kitchen as best you can


Well-Known Member
i have a feeling thing are gonna start looking real ghetto aroung here. Im thinking i get the square fan and somehow position it at the top of the doorway blowing out. I think that would add a significant amount of circulation, but its just gonna look funny.

I was also thinking, i could get the duct fan that i have in the mother keeper, and connect it to the dryer vent that leads outside, and get some outside air coming in. I could only do this at night though cause its starting to get pretty warm outside during the day now. Temp outside at night is low 60's i believe.


Well-Known Member
sometimes ghetto is good, shows adaptability in the face of adversity
you might be able to construct some homebrew venting that gives a better look
but the square fan blowing out should help a fair bit, hopefully enough


Well-Known Member
Well i added the other fan yesterday and it seems to be circulating alot more air, but some of my plants just still dont seem happy. Theres 3 of them that continue to wilt. They are most droopy when the lights are about to turn off( like right now) and while the lights are off. Most ofthem seem pretty happy.

I also moved the thermometer up a little on the wall. With the new fan, temp stays about 80.

Will be getting more soil today and reppotting them tomorrow is the plan. 10 more days left to veg. Overall i think everything is pretty much going to plan. Im expecting 3 females from the 3 fem seeds, and guessing 4 or 5 of the 9 skunks will turn out male, so that will leave me with a total of 7 or 8 plants ;)




Well-Known Member
looking good. the 3 plants your talking about look over watered i think. are the pots light when you water/feed them?


Well-Known Member
80 degrees should be fine, provided that is at the top of the canopy
and like redrum says, wilting is more often an indication of over watering


Well-Known Member
I think your right again cause now that i think about it, those three plants were the lasts ones to sprout, and ive been feeding all the plants the same, so they prob didnt have enough time to dry out like the others.

I got the soil :) about to start repotting now i guess. I wanna do it all as right as possible so it will prob take me forever to do. Im planning to fill each pot half way with soil, and drenching it under the sink, which prob isnt the best thing, but i dont have any other water and i wanna do this now. i wonder if it would be better to fill up containers and lower the ph a little? Im not sure it will make much a difference because the water is fresh out of the fossit. I figure what makes the most difference is letting the water sit out for a few days, and since im not going to do that, 8 ph prob not that big a deal. Plus fox farm is phed for noob mistakes like this too i think. Then, ill go ahead and transplant.

Ive now noticed the three droopy plants are less droopy so thats good. Ive been away for almost 2 days, thats prob why they look so good. But on a few other plants, ive noticed spots here and there, but nothing too drastic. ill be putting new pics up very soon


Well-Known Member
a ph of 8? that is not a good ph, far better for it to be under 7
my guess the FF soil is fairly acidic(which is good, you want a fairly acidic soil, say 6.2 or so), which may be helping with an 8 ph of water
but an eight ph is going to be trouble over time(i would think)


Well-Known Member
i dont plan on continueing to feed them with 8 ph water, just wanna easy way to soak the soil for the first time so it drains properly later on. The plants wont be in the pot while im draining the soil. I wonder if thats still bad? I usually get the water to 6ph, let it sit for a few days, then add whatever nutes im using. Its always seemed to work out.


Well-Known Member
ok, that's a bit clearer, if it's a system that has worked for you, then it's probably going to work
i just water to get to desired wetness, but there are so many possible ways of doing things, everybody seems to have some of their own tricks


Well-Known Member
try to wait till the pot is light before you water. only water what plants need to be watered. you can get a ph meter on ebay for $25 with shipping. ph up and down isnt that much money.


Well-Known Member
Its been 25 days since i dropped the seeds in the water for germination. I think their looking awsome. A few of the skunks are starting to put off quit a smell already. Since i didnt plan on having so many i have to go get a few more pots tomorrow. Dollar tree 2.5 gal buckets for a 1$ :) need to get 5 more and then ill be done repotting. Im also thinking ill switch to flowering any day now, maybe tomorrow or the next day.

oh my god i just realized im dam near a month behind schedule!! My girlfriend graduates in the middle of May and i was suppose to be DONE with them by the first week of May because theres gonna be alot of family over and stuff. I dont know what the hell i was thinking. a whole month omfg......If i switch to flowering right now then they should be done by the end of fucking screwed.......... ughhh man im kinda freaking out right now......... well heres some more pics.

