lol you aint seen my avatar nowhere else.
I change my avi regularly.Wasn't referring to you Mr. Carthoris, sir. Although, Johnny.....
It seems to be more about another bankrupt state and the teachers union holding it hostage.......... it's either reduce some benefits and make teachers pay some of their insurance/retirement or layoff 6200 teachers- sounds like a win/win to me!
I don't buy into the scare tactics used by Progressive think tanks designed to scare the living crap out of gullible bed-wetters.
If only those programs listed by the Center for American Progress were actually at-risk.
Not one of them meets Constitutional muster as a function of the Federal government.
The states, or the people, are vested with those responsibilities.
Not one counterpoint.![]()
The fed creates $60 billion every 10 business days and gives it to bankers to purchase treasuries.
This Johnny Organic guy, what a fucking joke. I'd bet a nickle to a hundred dollars he'd approve of killing anyone that doesnt agree with him. It's his way or the highway, no compromise allowed. Somehow he doesn't get that government is a bundle of compromises, well maybe he does get it and wants it to dissapear, so he can live on Johnny O. planet, with everything going his way and him keeping all his money, a dreamer for sure. His dreams are a workers nightmare, and his kind are winning, stamping out workers gains made over 100 years of strife and compromise. As a worker, Sure, I'd like to be paid 100-1000 bucks an hour, maybe more, but through union compromises and agreements with the companies, us workers get a fair liveable wage, and the company makes a very nice profit. Both of us, workers and the companies would like to make more, but we compromise to the benefit of both, a concept not recognizeable by the Johnny O's of this world. I say fuck them and their stupid selfish Ideas, let's ban them, not unions.
Whats wrong with wanting to keep your stuff that you worked really hard for? Seriously tell me what is wrong with that?This Johnny Organic guy, what a fucking joke. I'd bet a nickle to a hundred dollars he'd approve of killing anyone that doesnt agree with him. It's his way or the highway, no compromise allowed. Somehow he doesn't get that government is a bundle of compromises, well maybe he does get it and wants it to dissapear, so he can live on Johnny O. planet, with everything going his way and him keeping all his money, a dreamer for sure. His dreams are a workers nightmare, and his kind are winning, stamping out workers gains made over 100 years of strife and compromise. As a worker, Sure, I'd like to be paid 100-1000 bucks an hour, maybe more, but through union compromises and agreements with the companies, us workers get a fair liveable wage, and the company makes a very nice profit. Both of us, workers and the companies would like to make more, but we compromise to the benefit of both, a concept not recognizeable by the Johnny O's of this world. I say fuck them and their stupid selfish Ideas, let's ban them, not unions.
California is a huge rat race(Southland mostly), people don't stop for anything unless it is cheese. Get out to the Mid-West and people will stop and help you all the time.Well it really is the standard psychological cycle.
Let me explain. Americans go through a cycle of looking for blame, assigning blame and then we let go of the concern without doing anything.
In a way it's like Stoning people to death. We have some crime ( blame ) we gossip and debate then we gather to stone the person ( assign blame and punish ) then we go back to our existence having killed the instance of a problem and have not changed what causes the problem.
Just sharing my experience in observation.
Think about that cycle and see it for yourself in Daily American life.
One example is how we slow down to see a traffic wreck but we never try and help those effected after we know what has happened. We may say "stupid move" or "tough luck." Then we let go of it and move on to the next wreck.
Legalize over Decriminalize!
Don't move on to profits when the people are in a wreck.
This is true. And most people don't understand that they WILL have to pay for it, beginning with strong inflation. You can't create that kind of money without creating the genuine wealth to back it up, without making all the other money worth less. In other words, when the government prints money, all the money is still worth the same TOTAL, but there are more dollars so each dollar is worth less.