Man Shot and Killed While Watering Friend's Lawn

The majority of cops I have met aren't assholes.

Idiots feel the need to hate on police because they always get caught doing dumb shit.

I've never been arrested because I'm not an idiot, but that doesn't mean I haven't had my fair share of run-ins with police. I just know how to handle myself.
The majority of cops I have met aren't assholes.

Idiots feel the need to hate on police because they always get caught doing dumb shit.

I've never been arrested because I'm not an idiot, but that doesn't mean I haven't had my fair share of run-ins with police. I just know how to handle myself.

Same, and I have traveled many many miles in my 25 years... have had run-ins with the police, have been arrested 2 times, never a "bad" experience per say... very cordial and professional.

It's sad that so many cannabis users have the 'Fuck da popo' mindset, I guess they just don't understand how cops continue to hold onto their experiences with cannabis users and how it plays into their overall point of view of us...

At least, judging by the rep I've received from this thread, there are a good many tokers with level heads on their shoulders... of course, to respect the police and admit so on these forums is next to being a pedophile it seems, so I understand them not wanting to speak publicly.
this is why i miss the old days those were the days were people didnt give a fuck and the cops would get it to if they were caught slipping like this
this is why i miss the old days those were the days were people didnt give a fuck and the cops would get it to if they were caught slipping like this

You get 'caught slippin' by your homies with that "Love Conquers All" quote in your signature and you may just get it too!

I'm gonna love you to death Ver D! :hump: :hump: :hump:
I've only had two instances where cops were a dick for no reason at all. In Jersey lost at 4 in the morning on the turnpike I had two cops be real assholes to me just because I was lost as fuck. (They still gave me directions)

Also I had a few cops threaten to romp me in Philly after a punk show. But I was "loitering" while waiting for my friends to come out of the venue.
Busted for what?

I'm away from home, so I don't grow... and if I was to ever get pulled over down here away from home, I'd gladly tell the cop about the 2g's I carry on me at any particular time when driving around. Then we'd probably have a friendly chat about Alaska and how I legally grow there, I'd tell him about all my equipment and experience... poke at his funny bone with a joke about coming up to visit and partaking in a little ganja on top of some snowy mountain ridge after a snowmachine ride, being the respectful human that I am, I'd hope that he'd probably let me go on my merry way, if not... oh well, it's against the law down here and I knew that... so until it changes I can only accept what penalty I knew I faced, I'd hold no grudge against the cop for that.

Now, when I do get back home... there's nothing to be busted for, because it's legal under the Alaska Castle Doctrine... :-)

Keep trying, partner... you're the only one out of the two of us who will have a negative experience due to your mindset.
busted for holding a water nozzle...BANG-BANG
I've only had two instances where cops were a dick for no reason at all. In Jersey lost at 4 in the morning on the turnpike I had two cops be real assholes to me just because I was lost as fuck. (They still gave me directions)

Also I had a few cops threaten to romp me in Philly after a punk show. But I was "loitering" while waiting for my friends to come out of the venue.

Reminds me of a few New Orleans cops I've seen... if you can even call them cops.

busted for holding a water nozzle...BANG-BANG

Won't happen, because A) I only get drunk during Christmas and lord knows I don't water my lawn in the winter time... and B) I'm not an idiot and know better than to aim said nozzle at the police.

However, there is a time when using a water hose against a police officer may be possible... if it's towards my female officer friend, and only if she wears a white tee.

Mmmm, bubblydoodledum her tits are nice. :hump:
Not a good scene. Positive attitudes. The army and cop's would come out to my paintball field all the time. So i got to know alot of them. Pretty much if you get in there bussiness they will get in yours (cops). There was need for force but not that much. We don't know all the facts and weren't there so making a fair judgment call is hard. I do agree that it is tragic and there needs to be a further investgation? Even in Vancouver the police force is starting to show a more milizarized type role/equipment. My sister's friend that we grew up with us is a cop in toronto now. she go beat up alittle already.they gave her a different side arm because issue was to big. The female cops in Barrie ont that cant use the 870 have been issued AR 15 or something. Yes you are seeing force vs force lately and it scares people. But better have it and not need it then need it and not have it. It comes down to this...we don't need gun control we need gang control. So before you say F**K the pigs walk down one of those Police Officier memorial's because you will probably cry when see how many "pigs" have given their world trying to make yours better. They are just like you and me some are bad and some are good. they are all human
i almost got arrested for being 17 and having a sandwich bag in my pocket but i think the cop just wanted to scare me which didn't work cause i was high and just thought the whole thing was funny and a waste of time also that's the last time i ever try and catch the ice cream truck
Not a good scene. Positive attitudes. The army and cop's would come out to my paintball field all the time. So i got to know alot of them. Pretty much if you get in there bussiness they will get in yours (cops). There was need for force but not that much. We don't know all the facts and weren't there so making a fair judgment call is hard. I do agree that it is tragic and there needs to be a further investgation? Even in Vancouver the police force is starting to show a more milizarized type role/equipment. My sister's friend that we grew up with us is a cop in toronto now. she go beat up alittle already.they gave her a different side arm because issue was to big. The female cops in Barrie ont that cant use the 870 have been issued AR 15 or something. Yes you are seeing force vs force lately and it scares people. But better have it and not need it then need it and not have it. It comes down to this...we don't need gun control we need gang control. So before you say F**K the pigs walk down one of those Police Officier memorial's because you will probably cry when see how many "pigs" have given their world trying to make yours better. They are just like you and me some are bad and some are good. they are all human

wouldnt get a tear outta me...i get up and do a little dance every time i hear or read that a cop got killed. too bad if it was a good cop, ill still do my dance
So before you say F**K the pigs walk down one of those Police Officier memorial's because you will probably cry when see how many "pigs" have given their world trying to make yours better. They are just like you and me some are bad and some are good. they are all human

Great words!

I visit quite often to leave my well wishes to those that have died in the line of duty...

Then I come back here and see stuff like this,

wouldnt get a tear outta me...i get up and do a little dance every time i hear or read that a cop got killed. too bad if it was a good cop, ill still do my dance

And think to myself how a human mind let's itself go so far into a hole of hatred that it can no longer function as a positive mind... for all it knows is hatred and therefore the human attached to the mind, is nothing more than a cop hating version of Hitler.

Oh well, at least I rest easy in the fact that my life is a lot more positive than his. :peace: :joint:
This thread I think is about this one incident, I mean its obvious that there are good cops out there and theres bad cops. I've only had a run in with the cops once really, but it was a couple of days. 2 of the 4 cops I dealt with were professional. The one was clearly a veteran, knew what he was doing, and was respectful. The other one was like his little mini me, he was young but he was smart. Then, the one that charged me with burglary (costing me lots and lots of unnecessary lawyer charges just to get it dropped fast) like a dumbass.. he was a REALLLL dumbass. Brand new cop. Not sure if he still has his job. I had to sign something saying I wouldn't sue the police dept cause he screwed up so bad. But because of this i'm not going to "hate" cops forever. The truth is there are thousands of cops in this country who gave their lives for ours to be better. There are some cops out there who, apparently can't tell the difference between a tazer and a gun, which is extremely frightening, but that's just one cop. There are bad apples in every line of work. I think its brash to call every single cop a pig and talk about how fucked up they all are...because I know there are good ones, that care about their community. Anyways just my .02 :) Not gonna lie, my heart races every time I see a cop car but usually if you treat a cop with respect they'll do the same.
Make them pigs responsible for their actions.

There are lots of great cops out there who love their job. Many of my friends are now officers and I tell em to leave the uniform at home because they make me nervous. lol
Don't let these pigs ruin it for the rest of them.
Great words!

I visit quite often to leave my well wishes to those that have died in the line of duty...

Then I come back here and see stuff like this,

And think to myself how a human mind let's itself go so far into a hole of hatred that it can no longer function as a positive mind... for all it knows is hatred and therefore the human attached to the mind, is nothing more than a cop hating version of Hitler.

Oh well, at least I rest easy in the fact that my life is a lot more positive than his. :peace: :joint:

how is your life more positive than mine??? cause you love po-po and i dont that makes you a better person? youre a coward with no backbone to stand against a regime that make murder okay as long as its a cop doing the hate to think its my loyal duty as a citizen to respect a bunch of chicken shit pigs, like apparantly you do from ALL your post responses pertaining to police and there gang mentality...
how is your life more positive than mine??? cause you love po-po and i dont that makes you a better person? youre a coward with no backbone to stand against a regime that make murder okay as long as its a cop doing the hate to think its my loyal duty as a citizen to respect a bunch of chicken shit pigs, like apparantly you do from ALL your post responses pertaining to police and there gang mentality...

My life is more positive because I spend not one second of my time hating anyone... my life is more positive because unlike you, I don't feel the need to use such childish language to engage in a conversation.

My life is also more positive because I am not delusional about this so called "regime" of police you speak of... and, my life is more positive because I do consider it my duty to respect those who go out every day, and put their lives on the line for my benefit... be it a cop, firefighter, EMT, soldier, high-tension power line worker, whatever the danger of the job they perform that betters the well-being of the public.

Enjoy hating the "police regime", I'm going to enjoy this bowl, file a flight plan with my local flight service station, and then catch a nap, lots of positivity to take in today! :-)

This thread I think is about this one incident, I mean its obvious that there are good cops out there and theres bad cops. I've only had a run in with the cops once really, but it was a couple of days. 2 of the 4 cops I dealt with were professional. The one was clearly a veteran, knew what he was doing, and was respectful. The other one was like his little mini me, he was young but he was smart. Then, the one that charged me with burglary (costing me lots and lots of unnecessary lawyer charges just to get it dropped fast) like a dumbass.. he was a REALLLL dumbass. Brand new cop. Not sure if he still has his job. I had to sign something saying I wouldn't sue the police dept cause he screwed up so bad. But because of this i'm not going to "hate" cops forever. The truth is there are thousands of cops in this country who gave their lives for ours to be better. There are some cops out there who, apparently can't tell the difference between a tazer and a gun, which is extremely frightening, but that's just one cop. There are bad apples in every line of work. I think its brash to call every single cop a pig and talk about how fucked up they all are...because I know there are good ones, that care about their community. Anyways just my .02 :) Not gonna lie, my heart races every time I see a cop car but usually if you treat a cop with respect they'll do the same.

i dont hate all cops per say,i live in a very small town and often get pulled over for inspections of my load, ect. i personally dont give em a reason to be a dick. its the ones that dont need a reason that i often refer to. my whole hatred with the po-po is accountibility. if a good cop looks the other way when another cop is abusing someones rights or what ever,its that good cops sworn duty the stop that abuse...again, sworn duty... but they dont! there lies the whole issue of my personal dislike for cops. when the good ones start policing there own.....ill stop dancing. but we know that aint gonna happen cuz GANGS dont rat on their own. and with that being said....gonna go buy me a new pair of dance shoes.