Man Shot and Killed While Watering Friend's Lawn

NO... DON'T YOU GIVE ME THAT SHIT. You don't know shit. Where you getting your stat's? Police are getting picked off in Mexico, there stations coming under machine gun fire and grenade attacks!!! Drug cartel threanting there family's lives/kidnapping so they will resign. We have it so good in Canada/USA for the most part. I don't think you realize the value of life in other countries do you? What would the states be like with no cops?

I got it off the dickswinging website either you or socata linked me to. Is that a credible source to you?
Maaaan, this is the type of things that i wasa arguing with my boss about, all i forever hear is "for gods sake, they're just human, poeple make mistakes!" sure, forgetting to put your seatbelt on is a mistake, or maybe a wrongful arrest is a human error, just aking a mistake, but killing someone outright is slightly more than a mistake.. That's the type of situation where you double and tripple check, although in reality this lack of real checking can be seen from all levels of government.

As i've said before though, everyone and their uncle is expected to have guns, it doesn't make the cops jobs very easy. and i mean in their defense, unless it was attatched to the hose, it's not the most innocent looking thing from a distance, although then you'd need to learn how close the cops were.
All I will say in this thread is this:
To all the haters......
I hope none of you will ever be a victim, or in a bad accident.
How many victims are because of your actions?
If your getting hasstled by the cops your doing somthing wrong most the time.
Wanna stay off their radar, quit being a fuck up.
The reason cops are out there is to protect us against fucks that steal our shit,
beat people up, and don't care about anyone but themselfs.
You want cops held accountable??? Hold your self accountable first!
I've spent time in county and state prisons you know why???
Cause I fucked up, I served my time and did my parole.
My only complant is the narrow minded people that want to keep it hanging over my head Grrrrrr.
Quit cryin about can't find work go join the service and learn some thing.
Thank you for being real and honest dirtsurfr. I wish you the best and that your mistakes don't haunt you. We all make them, some just get caught. And then try to turn the blame on the cops for catching them.
Most cops just can't wait to shoot someone. These porkers had a blast killing an innocent man watering a lawn. You are right we are responsible for our own actions that is why you should always stay as far as possible from any pigs. Marijuana is harmless but the police force is armed and dangerous.

The most annoying part is the diareaha of the mouth coming out of the captain. All he is doing is preparing for the lies they will need to back up when the case goes to court. Unless one cop testifies against one of the other cops justice will never be served. So justice will never be served. These pigs will get off completely then will go out and kill some other innocent person just to get another hard on.
i am sick of hearing that cops take undue bullshit...

they are a fucking legally endorsed street gang, so they should expect other gangs to treat them as one.

i have had money taken from my wallet by cops.

and the reason cops are here is to steal your shit, beat you up, and generally not care about anyone but themselves. just like any other street gang.

if you think differently i am sorry but you are deluded.
I got it off the dickswinging website either you or socata linked me to. Is that a credible source to you?

I have no idea? There is changes that need to be made. War on drugs(marijuana) for one. Iam not arguing a point. But being negative and complaining will get both of us no where. No one can dis agree with that.
i good friend in the neighborhood i grew up in is an ex sailmaker in a wheelchair, he opposed a city decision to start charging money for people to moor their boats in the bay. he also spoke out publicly against specific cops that frequented the marina and violated the privacy of the boat folk. the cops he dissed by name raided his house threw him out of his wheelchair and stood on his chest while they planted pills all over his house.

protect and serve my ass.
i am sick of hearing that cops take undue bullshit...

they are a fucking legally endorsed street gang, so they should expect other gangs to treat them as one.

i have had money taken from my wallet by cops.

and the reason cops are here is to steal your shit, beat you up, and generally not care about anyone but themselves. just like any other street gang.

if you think differently i am sorry but you are deluded.

You must live in one hard community. I feel sorry for you brother :(
i love cops.. was just walking me dog and he goes to take a poo on this, what i know is a town cops front yard.. so knowing this, i'm all trying to pull him out of the yard and shit, and i really don't feel like him dumping in sum pigs front yard if i can help it.. so, picture this, dog is all squating, trying to do his thang, and i'm all trying to pull him out of the yard and closer to the street so he can dump there.. now mind you, i have paper towels in my hand to pick up where ever he goes.. i got him all the way to the sidewalk, but he couldn[t hold back anymore.. out of the corner of my eye, i see this cop roll up in his car, stopped in the middle of the street and is watching me.. i play dumb.. but being that i disturbed the dogs thought process by trying to drag him off of the lawn first, he just squated and nada came out but i guess a lil gas.. i was very surprised by this as he usually makes a mess to put it politely.. so, i look at the ground, and notice no poo, then stop the dog and am examining his ass to see if it was stuck on his fur, which is unfortunately is a very common occourence with such a furry critter..\
now, the cop sat within shitting distance, and saw me look at the ground then the dogs ass, and walk away with a napkin in me hands, so he goes to me... you are going to clean that up right?? i'm all dying to come off as a smart ass and say ... how do you wipe up a dogs fart piggy?? but i refrain meself from doing so and say, he didn't go officer, like i'm sitting here explaining my dogs shit to some pig.. i thought the whole thing was kinda ironic personally.. so, the jerk off sits there for a few minutes giving me the evil eye, and i just turn my back on him and keep walking.. like he wasn't sure if i was lying to him about no dogs non shit, and had to make up his mind about it, even though i[m standing there with a napkin in my hand waiting to clean up any non farts that he may shit on cops yards..

my whole thought was, i wonder if i had been in front of my own front yard, and he would have seen the dog in th squat position, would he have cared as much as it was in front of a fellow piggys house?? i highly doubt that would have been the situation, but i guess i'll never know.. maybe i;ll go put him back on his leash and stand in me front yard for an hour to find out.. anyone want to start a poll on the results??
yeah i have moved out of the insanity known as south florida.

EDIT: probably half the force is homegrown the other is largely new yorkers.. never could figure out why those yanks liked it down here so much.
the best though is the sherriff who killed a kid in my hometown while in his underwear. yeah the cop, not the kid. the kid doorbell ditched him, the cop chased him and the kid dove for his legs (he was capt of wrestling team some of my best friends knew him, lookin for the takedown haha ;) ) cop shot him in the head. no reprimand for cop.
yeah i have moved out of the insanity known as south florida.

EDIT: probably half the force is homegrown the other is largely new yorkers.. never could figure out why those yanks liked it down here so much.

The weather! That's why all the New Yorkers go there. Sorry to hear about your friend, but I, as a citizen would probably have reacted the same way if someone were to charge me in that situation. He'd have a knife before popo showed up though. At least that's what the law tells you to be safe.
i am sick of hearing that cops take undue bullshit...

they are a fucking legally endorsed street gang, so they should expect other gangs to treat them as one.

i have had money taken from my wallet by cops.

and the reason cops are here is to steal your shit, beat you up, and generally not care about anyone but themselves. just like any other street gang.

if you think differently i am sorry but you are deluded.

ok.. heres the situation.. my parents went away on a two week vscstion, lol.. no but heres the scope.. i at one time had a horrible drug habit..i won't get into what it was as those who know me know a lot of my stories, but i was in the ghetto closest to my house where it was common place to acquire the things which i sought at the time.. i had stopped, and acquired me things, got back in me car and was driving down this street, coming home.. behind me was this suv that had his hi's flashing at me.. i had no clue what the fuck they wanted, and i was stopping to find out, but i just kept driving as i had no clue wtf they were.. i get over this lil bridge, and get boxed in by what i[m now discovering is a very undercover pig pen on wheels, and another that was behind them which i never even saw till the popo was at my door with his service 9mm in my face.. now, not wanting to do anything that may not be conduscive to my good health, i sat there with my hands on the wheel, pooing me pants pretty much.. they pull me out of the car, cuff me, through me down on the ground, and the one really tough guy cop starts to give me about three or four swift kicks to the back of the head while i[m laying on the ground already cuffed. i surely wasn't resisiting arrest in the least , and i do admit that i was in the hood and had drugs on me person at the time, can't deny anything on my part.. but once again, i never knew that the punishment for possession of cds was a few quick swift kicks to the back of the head, mind you, i haven[t even been arrested yet, and couln]dt have even been charged with any crimes till they found the drugs and we get downtown.. but here i was, find quilty and given my punishment at all one time before ever standing in front of a jury.. funny how that works in our country..

and this is a lil off topic, but who cares.. i love in this country they saw you are innocent until proven quilty, yet you have to sit in jail until you see a judge, unless ofcourse your able to post bail and get out, but at any rate you would have had to have been in a cell for some amount of time before that happens.. things that make you say hmmm. to quote aresnio..
The weather! That's why all the New Yorkers go there. Sorry to hear about your friend, but I, as a citizen would probably have reacted the same way if someone were to charge me in that situation. He'd have a knife before popo showed up though. At least that's what the law tells you to be safe.

yeah the kid was a dumbass for shooting in(wrestling wise, no gun) but he was quite drunk, cop was in his underwear and they both knew eachother and lived in the same neighborhood the kids whole life, so it was not some strange cop.

and damn im not judging you but im usually considered a pretty violent person, love the ring in every form, but i wouldnt use deadly force of any kind if someone went low there is no confusion about what their intent is.