For Every Problem ... There Is A Chemical Solution ....

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Hats of to all the researchers ... making things like this
possible .... we have come a long way !!

WOW ....


Check this second one right on YOUTUBE.



Well-Known Member
I can see why the fat kid wanted to be a girl, only way he'd get laid, but cool stuff. science is amazing.
I was in the bodybuilding world for quite some time, and i used hormones. Looking back on it, i probably aged 5 years in the course of 1. They definately arent to be taken lightly. I have 18 year old kids come up to me all the time looking for that shit (I'm still a pretty good size). I would never reccommend them to anyone without legit medical use. BUT YES HATS OFF TO THE SCIENTISTS!!


Well-Known Member
I was in the bodybuilding world for quite some time, and i used hormones. Looking back on it, i probably aged 5 years in the course of 1. They definately arent to be taken lightly. I have 18 year old kids come up to me all the time looking for that shit (I'm still a pretty good size). I would never reccommend them to anyone without legit medical use. BUT YES HATS OFF TO THE SCIENTISTS!!
I disagree, I believe it can help you live longer and stay healthy if you take it moderately like a vitamin. very small doses to keep your body running well and strong. I'm not talking about being a roid freak. Many people do it and I think it's good, Joe Rogan takes HGH to stay young, he's almost in his 50's and he seems like he's just 30 years old.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
For me, this is about science ... as also transformation.
I admire People who are not afraid of who they really are.
I marvel at such journeys partaken .... to realize the
ones true identity
Obviously this is taking it to an extreme .... in getting


Well-Known Member
transformation is science....
and you admire people who are not afraid of who they really are by changing themselves? makes no sense. you are who you are already, by using chemicals to mess with your body that is only making you aren't and what you want to be... TECHNICALLY. That's just the real way of looking at it.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Ya but that is just surface ... beautification.
Definitely a dramatic change ... but has
nothing to do with ChemicalZ.

Don't ADD my thread.



Well-Known Member
Study up on John Lilly. You probably have a few stack of his books in your dormitory. But his Sensory Deprivation tools he utilizes is amazing...sadly some scientist retired his words after his death.... after his cuckoo nature on Special K :(

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Ohh ya ... I believe we had a chat about John's work in the past .... I know him well from research ... I can tell you what his wife wore when they found her frozen in the forest !!
Fascinating body of work to say the least ... true pioneers both of them. As they took it to the limit ... unlike many others in the field.

Been re-reading Huxley ... recently .... I would love to procure my product form a person of his caliber in thought process.
Monetary aspects in transactions would be a mere formality .... with attention focused on a joined experience as per given session.



Well-Known Member
Yes. Was walking the aisles of an old antic book store and I stumbled upon this rare one: John Lilly, "The Dyadic Cyclone." And the word dyadic has an universal meaning across the book. read a few pages and had a few laughs.... planning to skim another 20 tonight :D

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Dude that couple was crazy. She drove him mad. I had a girl like that once. Had to put a restraining order on her.
Enjoy your read my friend.



Well-Known Member
Changing genders... fuck man accept what nature has given you.... This is people who have too much time to think and have nothing better to worry about. Kinda like there is plenty of food and no animals to get me so im worrying about... should I have been born a girl instead? lol

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Changing genders... fuck man accept what nature has given you.... This is people who have too much time to think and have nothing better to worry about. Kinda like there is plenty of food and no animals to get me so im worrying about... should I have been born a girl instead? lol
I understand what you are saying .... At the same time .... I have met some people who have been born in the wrong body.
I studied Psychology at University and have attended some symposiums. Unbelievable stuff.
I am not sure how this feels like .... it must be horrible.

midwest reefer

Well-Known Member
While gender (natural or scientifically enhanced) is a fascinating topic for debate, one can’t begin to judge right or wrong unless you have walked in their shoes. The display of human strength and will power always amazes me. These are simply examples of deep emotional drive and passion to become the person they want to be.


Well-Known Member
Now were talking about genders. So deep embedded human shit. What if man and woman didn't signify what they really meant in society. What would be the outcome. My mind is on hyper drive and I still can't fathom it. This is going to be a long one lad's... but a healthy beautiful conversation at that ;)