

Well-Known Member
Actually that Sea Water report is not true. They already use sea water according to an official that was interviewed on al Jezeera.
At least that's what I believe he meant.

But I do think they will have to rethink their backup cooling systems now.
I think they are using unfiltered seawater atm. Also, the seawater used is not used as the coolant. It's typically used for the boiler and does not mix with the coolant which surrounds the reactor:leaf:


Well-Known Member
55 or so reactors...damn near 9.0 earthquake...11 damaged reactors, and only one or two meltdown?

those are some damn impressive figures if i do say so myself.
if that happened over here the entire breadbasket would be glowing right about now, no?


Well-Known Member
It's really bad.. I watched the videos.

Folks are in line for gas and aftershocks going.. They just hang tough.

Most of the people they find have passed.


You guy’s are breaking my heart, given the chance 70 years ago the godless heathens would have wiped out every American!!
I thought this was a weed growing forum…..
As far as nuclear power and oil is concerned what do you think is powering your H.P.S bulbs and the other utensils… wake-up and smell the coffee or in this case the Kush…


I love you man, you are definitely someone I would have a smoke with , but I think you should get some sleep !!!!


Well-Known Member
This is a terrible tradgedy. And I'm not trying to sound flip or uncaring. Oil prices worldwide will fall considerably because of this. Japan is the 3rd largest consumer of crude oil in the world and If Im not mistaken the biggest importer. Someone with alot of $$$ would be very wise to short sell futures of Oil. Please donate some of the profits to help these poor people.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
This will happen,is it happening now?Maybe http://www.rapturechrist.com/seventrumpets.htm
No Joe. There are several Biblical prophecies that have to be fulfilled before that happens. Is it a sign of the times? If you're into Biblical prophecy then yes, we're getting close.

  1. The anti-Christ has to make an appearance
  2. We will be required to wear his mark when he/it takes power
  3. A Jewish temple will be rebuilt on the mount in Jerusalem
  4. Israel will be in a war of all wars (probably due to the temple being built on the mount)
  5. Israel will fall
  6. Apocalypse
  7. Christ arrives
Here comes the Millennium. Peace will reign. All will smoke weed.