

Well-Known Member
My heart goes out to Japan at this time.

I was offended by the early news and commentaries.
As I remember one of the earliest news I was aware of was that a tsunami had/was happening to Japan.
The point of view of the "show" was financial related. They worried first about oil futures and vaguely commented on the Nation of Japan.

Now that two nuclear plants may fail it's time to think about something more than oil futures.

How do you feel? What do you think?
Core one is in meltdown at this very moment. Core three at the same Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant is now going overtemp fast.

It appears that two other cores are going hot at the same site... they could lose 3 reactors at just the one site. Engineers can no longer get close enough to verify meltdown. The suspect meltdown is underway because of the isotopes they are measuring in the air.. :(
My heart goes out to Japan at this time.

I was offended by the early news and commentaries.
As I remember one of the earliest news I was aware of was that a tsunami had/was happening to Japan.
The point of view of the "show" was financial related. They worried first about oil futures and vaguely commented on the Nation of Japan.

Now that two nuclear plants may fail it's time to think about something more than oil futures.

How do you feel? What do you think?

no they didnt, when i was watching it happen no one said any thing about oil. cnn i was watching.
core one is in meltdown at this very moment. Core three at the same fukushima dai-ichi nuclear plant is now going overtemp fast.
oh fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:o


I would just like the record to show that I am only trying to lighten the mood. This is a terrible tragedy and the thought of a nuclear meltdown scares the shit out of me. I would also like to wish the people of Japan all the best and my sincerest condolences for the lives lost. :-(


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China is gonna be awful pissed.... they are first in line for continental drift of nuclear isotopes....
I lived there for a number of years and still have to hear back from any friends still in the area, I am hopeful...hopeful they died really quick or are still alive.
The nuclear shit is just topping on an already shitting day and a few decades to come.

The media here is totally biased and not really doing anyone favors, thats why I watch BBCA and Al Jazeera to see what the rest of the world is thinking.
Yeah this is all so insane. A few of the major drifting tracks slid in, and countless import cargo ships were lost. If those reactors go shit is gonna get crazy...
I was watching the news one morning baked and luaghing my ass off not at the oil or earthquake but at the way they said that the economy jumped becuase of the need of world leaders and allies to buy supplies to send over to japan to rebuild. The world economy will be strong temperarely. But the reason why is japan, feels awful on what happen but the economy status just had me laughing.
Poor Japan. I've watched videos. The destruction is amazing.

This reminds us that we cannot take things for granted.
Poor Japan. I've watched videos. The destruction is amazing.

This reminds us that we cannot take things for granted.
This is going to be a huge blow to the whole "clean" energy crowd. This will be the 3rd major nuclear disaster in the history of nuclear power plants. Those reactors, if they haven't melted down, are still completely trashed due to the seawater being pumped in and the damage to the zirconium cladding on the control rods. Yes, the damage is horrific, but it's going to pale in comparison to what will happen if/when those reactor cores melt down.:fire:
Actually that Sea Water report is not true. They already use sea water according to an official that was interviewed on al Jezeera.
At least that's what I believe he meant.

But I do think they will have to rethink their backup cooling systems now.