Wisconsin Revolt

Who do you support in the Wisconsin Revolt?

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Giving teachers 500 more dollars a year wouldn't increase the level of education in this country, nor would taking 500 for pensions, ect. Teachers in Wisconsin average 50k, and they don't work 12 months a year. So that number is deceptive. The pensions, health insurance, and ect cost as much as the salary. By continuing this and making tax payers pay for it, you are saying that government workers are more important than your average citizen.

No, you are right, it won't. But they work 12 months of year about as much any other professional with a benefits package that includes paid leave, vacation, sick, personal, etc. especially when you factor in are constantly forced to use their personal time for work knowing that it will never increase returns, and at times have to spend their own money on supplies and teching tools.

And Id like to remind you, the Union leaders had already agreed to nearly every financial concession, this thread was about bargaining rights. The right to have a say the next time you come up to the table, say at a time when the economy is good, we have enough money to pay for education, and marks have improved. But if conservatives have their way unchecked they will destroy our public schools and make serving at Chili's a more lucrative career.
Power to the people! The economy is bs monopoly banker money that doesn't really exist. Fascism is designed to fail eventually, it can not last forever.

Amusingly, all money has a value that doesn't really exist except in what it can be used for. Take the money in Germany after ww1, they were burning it for fuel because it was worth less than charcoal/wood. Gold has a value in our mind, but when comparing it to say a can of spam you have to keep in mind the gold has little real value outside of electronics and a few other specific things. It is in large part based on faith in the value of the dollar, gold, ect. We know what the value of spam is, a meal. What is the real value of gold and money, though? Whatever we decide it is each day.
No, you are right, it won't. But they work 12 months of year about as much any other professional with a benefits package that includes paid leave, vacation, sick, personal, etc. especially when you factor in are constantly forced to use their personal time for work knowing that it will never increase returns, and at times have to spend their own money on supplies and teching tools.

And Id like to remind you, the Union leaders had already agreed to nearly every financial concession, this thread was about bargaining rights. The right to have a say the next time you come up to the table, say at a time when the economy is good, we have enough money to pay for education, and marks have improved. But if conservatives have their way unchecked they will destroy our public schools and make serving at Chili's a more lucrative career.

This thread was about bashing Conservatives from the first post, the 3 poll choices showed that. It wasn't much different than the classic question I will share below.

How long have you been gay?

I am sorry I missed this, even though it was the next post, I had quit reading the thread.

Guess you are crazy and stupid.

Yes NAFTA, just for the reason that it exists and what it does, is "regulation". But NAFTA was a deregulating act. America should require that all countries, and all foreign goods sold to the US should have to me environmental, labor, and safety standards. I don't want any goods in our market place to be made by children, slaves, the extremely poor. Working conditions should have to meet similar standards as ours. And the manufacturing processes need to be eco-friendly, as do the products. "Free" trade agreements prevent this.

US workers woke up in this country so the wealthy are taking their factories to find new working poor to abuse in other parts of the world and making a fortune selling it back to us, while we borrow money to pay for it. Their are already giant boats with factories on them so corporations can go the country with cheapest labor or least regulation as workers stand up for themselves around the world. Thanks to the deregulation of credit(started under Reagan) us personal debt has soared and is a much bigger problem than the national debt. All so we can keep buying the shit from the motherfuckers who shipped all our labor to china so they could make more money than anyone ever deserves.
This thread was about bashing Conservatives from the first post, the 3 poll choices showed that. It wasn't much different than the classic question I will share below.

How long have you been gay?

Yeah about bashing conservatives for trying to take away the bargaining rights of public employees.
You are the one who lives in la la lands, economists have understood how government spending can be used to grow/shrink the economy for 70 years, its called Keynesian economics.

When you suffer from a lack of demand the gov't should "prime the pump" by putting money into the hands of consumers, either directly, or through jobs programs such as public work projects, public-private partnerships, and other ways. When you suffer from a lack of supply(which we definitely DO NOT) is when you give tax cuts to the upper class, those who own the capital which creates supply.

Either way, cutting spending and lowering the deficit leads directly to less demand, there are no ifs ands or buts about it, you shrink the deficit you shrink the economy, period. Which is why you need to balance the budget when the economy is rolling and when you are in a recession you spend spend spend. Problem is so called "conservatives" increase the deficit every chance they get no matter what, and they always/only do so in a way that benefits the upper class(they don't even deny this, "trickle down economics") Problem is that is how you boost supply, not demand.

We used to think that "supply creates its own demand". But about 100 years ago we learned that isn't true.

La la land. Keynesian economics works in vaccums not in the US today. The free market is imperfect. And because of these imperfections, it's the government's job to intervene and somehow make things right....right? Except we are broke, retarded and our money is already declining in value. Too much public spending has proven unsustainable in parts of Europe as well. Government finances of Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, Spain , Hungary Iceland.

You can't solve a problem with just spending more money and acquiring bad debt. The marketplace is increasingly influenced by people's expectations of the future, including the scale of debt... something Keynes didn't take into account. The growing complexity of the global financial system have caught up with the answers he developed decades ago. We have thrown a lot of money at problems and unemployment hasn't budged.

Meanwhile, state credit ratings are approaching junk status and they aren't going to be able even issue bonds.

That one comment said it all. Why do think debt is such a huge prolem? There is a huge misuderstanding on this board of how debt works and the current status of the federal and state govs financial situation. Oil brothers...yeah that's dick...loopholes...yeah that may be dick....CEOs using tax payer money for bonuses ...yeah that's real dick. But in the grand scheme of things...it doesn't amount to shit. No feasible amount of tax revenue can compenstate at this point.
Keynesian economics worked so well the Great Depression lasted 12 years.
He said it so I don't have too :lol:
Deregulation vs regulation is just a clever use of semantics. The bottom line for me is our government put this policy in place. You are one of the few people that has ever defended Keynesian economics because it's such a historical failure. Our markets were designed to collapse because we've given up our right to print currency. The private bankers that own the federal reserve are the ones in control here and thier ponzi scheme has grown to such great proportions it's falling apart from the ground up. Derivitives, currency speculation, hedge funds, ect. These are the real tools being used to destroy this country and many others around the world. The goal here is total domination not 'economic recovery'. These people understand that resources are finite so they've decided the best solution is to kill all of us.
This thread was about bashing Conservatives from the first post, the 3 poll choices showed that. It wasn't much different than the classic question I will share below.

How long have you been gay?

Really? I'm a conservative Mormon. You REALLY think this about bashing conservatives? This is about the truth and what it happening across the country to Unions and the middle class. Keep voting against your best interests. Like the Judas Goat you lead the rest of middle America to the slaughter. You need to open your damn eyes and see what's going on here instead of spouting rhetoric half of which you don't even understand.

If being gay means having common sense then by God I've been gay since birth.
Really? I'm a conservative Mormon. You REALLY think this about bashing conservatives? This is about the truth and what it happening across the country to Unions and the middle class. Keep voting against your best interests. Like the Judas Goat you lead the rest of middle America to the slaughter. You need to open your damn eyes and see what's going on here instead of spouting rhetoric half of which you don't even understand.

If being gay means having common sense then by God I've been gay since birth.
So far, nothing you have stated in this thread would indicate you are a Conservative anything.

This most certainly was intended to be a Conservative-bashing thread.

That sort of backfired, eh? :-P

Government employee unions are the problem in this particular case. Of all the problems we as a nation face, they are just one. I have stated why they are the problem in previous posts.

This columnist explains it better than I ever could:

Cathoris was not suggesting you are gay.

He used that question to demonstrate how slanted the poll questions are.

Jonny... were you dropped on your head as a child?
What an intelligent retort! :-P

I suppose you are not ignoring me after all.

You are about as Conservative as my Yellow Lab.

He has no responsibilities. All of his needs are met. Free room and board. Free health care.

He makes a lot of noise when he is angry or agitated, but he does not do anything.

He whines when he does not get his way.

In short, my yellow dog is a Democrat.
blah blah blah.. You're like a dog that returns to it's own vomit. Don't you get tired of being a shill?
Another zinger!

You sure are giving me what for.

How will I ever recover? :-o

Just being in the virtual presence of such a towering intellect making such blistering remarks makes me so nervous I just might just make wee wee in my britches. :oops:

/sarc off

And just think, our last exchange featured you, :dunce:, lecturing me for going off topic.

I won't hold my breath waiting for any proof whatsoever that I am a 'shill.' :clap:
What an intelligent retort! :-P

I suppose you are not ignoring me after all.

You are about as Conservative as my Yellow Lab.

He has no responsibilities. All of his needs are met. Free room and board. Free health care.

He makes a lot of noise when he is angry or agitated, but he does not do anything.

He whines when he does not get his way.

In short, my yellow dog is a Democrat.
hey that dog loves you without question...and the love he gives you is priceless...so you leave that poor doggie alone or I will start calling you Johnny Vick
hey that dog loves you without question...and the love he gives you is priceless...so you leave that poor doggie alone or I will start calling you Johnny Vick
Ain't that the truth!

Seriously, I love my dog. He will be eleven on St.Patrick's Day.

If you call me Johnny Vick, I'll call the OP Charlie Seca. WINNING!

I narrowed my PC problem down to a bad motherboard. A replacement is on the way.
‎ WSUM 91.7 FM (University of Wisconsin)

It's on the Net.. Covering good music and the most current news on this.
Ain't that the truth!

Seriously, I love my dog. He will be eleven on St.Patrick's Day.

If you call me Johnny Vick, I'll call the OP Charlie Seca. WINNING!

I narrowed my PC problem down to a bad motherboard. A replacement is on the way.

awesome...for the your Dog and the new board....poor Charlie Sheen never thought it would get this bad...but that winning is going down as a classic
awesome...for the your Dog and the new board....poor Charlie Sheen never thought it would get this bad...but that winning is going down as a classic
It is awesomely epic.

Or epically awesome.


Carne Sheen fits, too! Must be the tiger blood.