Is My Plant Growing?


Active Member
Does this plant look retarded it seems to be growing weird one leaf isnt even serated another is growing under the biger leaf and on side of the plant seems to have better growth....


Well-Known Member
yes ... is that even a weed plant? haha

I see some burning and what not, could be over feeding them my man or have a PH issue, could be the reason of deformed leaves too


Well-Known Member
yes ... is that even a weed plant? haha

I see some burning and what not, could be over feeding them my man or have a PH issue, could be the reason of deformed leaves too

Were you attracted to this thread because of the word RETARDED in the title?.......................................:-P:-P:-P:lol:


Sometimes you get strange leaf formations. Probably fine. May have got slightly stifled with overwatering. I bet it grows out fine.


Well-Known Member
totally was ... retarTed people attract other retarTed people =D

Sometimes you get strange leaf formations. Probably fine. May have got slightly stifled with overwatering. I bet it grows out fine.
Whateveeerrr, you don't know shiiiiiiit! Thpbptpbptpbptpbppt! LOL!!! It's never getting old


Active Member
thanks for the reply it was over watered but I adressed that issue and has slight nute burn used a diluted nute mix when I transplanted it... So should I keep it growing and do you think I should have a bigger pot for it??


Well-Known Member
thanks for the reply it was over watered but I adressed that issue and has slight nute burn used a diluted nute mix when I transplanted it... So should I keep it growing and do you think I should have a bigger pot for it??
A bigger pot is never a bad idea. and ya just Watch the PH keep it 6.5-7.0 and hold off on nutes, maybe add some B1 to yer watering, like 1/2 strength


Well-Known Member
^^^^^ what my retarded brother said ^^^^^ by the way we are twins.....:sad:

EDIT: I meant me and SloJo69 Sorry dude above

All in good fun

:cuss::cuss: LOL


Well-Known Member
Side note:

It just has some weird deformities. Don't start making a ton of changes, just adjust what yer already doing. Water it, maybe without nutes for a couple weeks. Add B1 if you have it. If you dont see an improvement in a week or so, try something else like better light or maybe transplant then. If you do a buncha stuff you wont know what it was that fixed it or even killed it


Well-Known Member
The seed came from a recent sack so Im sure its weed
I have plants that get stifled...or briefly stunted. The new growth might show slight malformities for a short while after. You should be OK I think.

Good luck. Keep us all posted.


Active Member
Does any one kno if I can change My RETARTED title to RETARDED lol not that it really matters its kind of funny just for the future would be nice to kno thnx


Well-Known Member
Does any one kno if I can change My RETARTED title to RETARDED lol not that it really matters its kind of funny just for the future would be nice to kno thnx I'm the retart......I never even noticed the mis-spelling...LOL

Try going back to the original post and editing. You might be able to .....


Well-Known Member I'm the retart......I never even noticed the mis-spelling...LOL

Try going back to the original post and editing. You might be able to .....
lol seriously? i thought that was the whole reason for your comment here:
Were you attracted to this thread because of the word RETARDED in the title?.......................................:-P:-P:-P:lol:


Sometimes you get strange leaf formations. Probably fine. May have got slightly stifled with overwatering. I bet it grows out fine.
In which i responded as:

totally was ... retarTed people attract other retarTed people =D

retard :D


Well-Known Member
Ahhhh looks like OGKush got the title changed. Now no more jokes......

In all seriousness friend, I think you'll be OK, that is why we are messing around.


Active Member
I have a plant that grew so strange at the start i started to doubt that i planted a pot seed. Ended up calling her cabbage patch through out the grow and being the plant I would have taken my clones from. She grew two "main" top colas both as big as my wrist and six inches plus long before the next lowest node. In short, seedlings due odd things in the beginning just let her grow and due her thing. Cuz you never know.

keep smoking


Well-Known Member
You changed the title indeed! gah, now our jokes make no sense! lol

EDIT: Also another side note man. I had a plant in my grow im doing now that was deformed a tad, called her gimpy1. You can check it out in my journal in my sig which ill be updating tonight. But ya, he grew out just fine now, yers is alot bigger than she was, but still the same kinda shit. She just grew out of it. The advice i gave here was because of the burn spots on the tips mostly


Active Member
Im hoping for a female I have 3 other seedlings I know I dont have the greatest chances but Im planning on ordering some fem seeds if any one has input on ordering seeds please help trying to convince my lady its low risk have searched threads on ordering online but she just wont believe me