Is My Plant Growing?


Active Member
i have had clones in 2 gallon pots since i transplanted them from cups they are like 3 feet tall do you think they will have to much roots to finish in the 2 gallon pots they have been in flowering for two weeks, also i have 14 plants under 1 400w hps light and i have 2 strains one is growing tall as hell and the other is growing short and bushy and they are in a 4 * 4 grow atrea. I figure thats not enough light for them or enough room so i ordered a 600 w hps and plan to add that in with the 400w hps. is this ok to do two weeks into flowering and is it ok to mix two different watt lights. Here is some pictures. How do these look?



Active Member
I have two "physically challenged" plants that look a lot like your retard. I got a couple plants from a friend that looked a lot like that, they had several 3 pointed leaves and even more single point leaves. I re-potted them, flushed them and started them on my nuts. The bottom of the plants still look funny, kinda wrinkled leaves etc. but all the new growth since I took over looks healthy, 5 point leaves, nice color etc.


Active Member
those were pics from the first week of flower sorry. i wanna know how i should hang the two lights also so that the whole room gets the same amount of light

Green Growbot

Active Member
there are a couple of strains that seem to be prone to that 3leaf anomaly. Ive read that some start with 3 then they grow a little more and the next layer is 5 leaves, the a 7 leaf layer and then 9 at the top. crazy shit.


Well-Known Member
Wow...twice in the same grow journal, someone posted pics of their own plant, and asked..."So what do I do next?" and "Is this ok to do?"

I would think you would want to post these kinds of questions in, well....the proper area to begin with, but for the sake of argument, lets say they didn't understand, and decided to post in the grow journal area anyway....why wouldn't you post in someone who has an amazing grow of 30, 40, 50+ plants going, especially when you have a larger grow like that...

Shit just baffles me...

those were pics from the first week of flower sorry. i wanna know how i should hang the two lights also so that the whole room gets the same amount of light
For starters, you have nute burn, a decent amount of it, but since thats not what you were asking about, i'll keep it on topic. Yes, it's perfectly fine to have 2 HPS, 1 400W, 1 600W running together, provided you can handle the energy they consume with your sockets. (IE; no multi-socket adapters :-P) I'm sure the plants will rejoice in the light. HOWEVER, also keep in mind that twice the light means twice the heat, so proper ventilation is a must!! Especially in a 4x4 growing space.
But other then that nute burn (which can be handled with a simple flushing or 2, and a re-evaluation of the types/amounts of nutes your watering with. But that part, i can't help you with, for that part you'll need to READ, READ, READ on nutes and micro nutes, make sure you have a pH meter, a ppm meter, and the proper nutes for flowering cycle) you have a pretty nice grow, but if you want to show it off, AND/OR get help with it, then i recommend starting a Grow Journal thread of your own, since this is ogkush970's retarded plants thread.

And to ogkush970 - Your plants not looking so retarded anymore, and please, someone feel free to correct me if i'm mistaken, but def looks like a very indica dom strain.

Green Growbot

Active Member
And to ogkush970 - Your plants not looking so retarded anymore, and please, someone feel free to correct me if i'm mistaken, but def looks like a very indica dom strain.

...I agree it does look like an indica dominant.



Well-Known Member
Altho i'll tell you, reading this thread is making me think...

...about starting a "My plant looks retarded" thread, for people to post pics of their FUCKED UP looking plants for others to look at.
And you have simple rules, like;

#1) No fucking up your plant on purpose just to post pics!! (You may be asking "Who would?" But you be surprised at what people will do to make other think they're cool,. you have to remember, while most of us are here to learn, there is absolutely a percentage or people who are here simply to post their pics so that others will tell me "Wow, look at those plants, your soooooo cooooooool!!!!" Maybe not JUST like that, get the idea)

#2)Were looking for genetic defects, aborations, abnormalities, mutations, and the like. NOT simply plants that were messed up by over fertilizing. (Now plants that were messed up by over microwaving are ok, despite the fact that doing so would be a CLEAR violation of Rule #1.

#3) The abnormality SHOULD NOT (not CANNOT) be a result of your doing, for example, if a limb is growing in a substantially incorrect direction, the idea would be that it's a result of genetic defect, NOT a result of Low Stress, or High Stress Training.
#3A - A special category, for plants that are not defective, but have been man (or woman) manipulated. Specially points will be awarded to those who (through any use they desire ((grafting, training, topping, fimming, ect...))) are able to manipulate the plant into the most unique design or look. IN EXAMPLE; Training the topped plant into the shape of a heart or something....granted, that's a little stupid, but do anything you like, make it fun!

Thats the rules! Have fun!!
(I'll come back and link the thread as soon as I make it)

Personally, due to the destructive nature of these projects and concepts, i recommend you use males. I've always firmly believed, that as long as your not interested in pollen, and find a male plant in your garden, you shouldn't kill should TEST ON IT :fire: Males are good for experimenting on, topping, lsting, fimming, pruning, grafting, practice cloning, and so on. Or, use the leaves and make confections if you care to. I personally don't, but...the point is, males are still valuable to people who are learning. I'd suggest it to anyone whom takes their gardening more seriously then a passive hobby.

Anyway, GOOD LUCK!!

MADE <<<< Link

Green Growbot

Active Member
haha....I assume that a pot plant that has roses blooming instead of buds would fit such a category (and probably win someone a Nobel prize for genetic manipulation of a living being).


Active Member
why u gotta be so technical im here to fucking learn cuz i dont know everything which falls under i didnt know exactly where to post so i posted anywhere 10 times hoping to get a response since most posts go unnoticed or the post hasnt been read in 20 yrs , thanks for the advice but i dont have nute burn it was from spraying them and if this is how peeps are on here fuck this site


Active Member
updated pics of all three plants I got growing hopefully I can tell sex in a couple of weeks two are stretched just cause they were further away from the light but since I got my led light they are taller than the plant that first started this thread but not as bushy let me know what you think thanks og



Active Member
Updated pics of my two girls had to chop down 1 male... the plant that started this thread the retard lol is under a 400w led. And the other plant is under a 400 watt digilux bulb setup and grew on my so I had to tie her down cus im out of room... techniflora nutes... let me know what you all think thanks and my bad it took me a while to update the thread


Well-Known Member
yeah we noticed the misspelling way back but he couldn't change it. it's turned into a joke. i love when people write retart. you h ave some nerve calling someone retarded when you don't even know how to spell retard.

og, they are looking good. they look big!!


Active Member
Thanks man just hoping all turns out ok. the 18th was its fourth week in flower. Ill post some more pictures in about a week or two