I Am Stoned And Pregnant.....What a A Hole Right?


Well-Known Member
its too late.. Your baby will be missing 1 eye.. have down syndrome and think he is a Butterfly.. . Cause Butterflies have no Concern for Such Things.


whats a white widow derivative variety?Is that fake ganj?Or just a technical term for white widow,the strain?If its fake ganj,thats a big nono,fake ganj,is straight poison.If its real ganj.And you just had a couple tokes,not a problem,but I 'd hold off until you deliver.Just make sure,you baby,is'nt vaccinated to the xtreme,or even at all.http://www.nvic.org/
Of all things to stress about when you're smoking weed while pregnant - vaccinations are the last thing you need to worry about. I sincerely hope that there is NEVER anyone that follows this persons advice - ALWAYS GET YOUR KID VACCINATED.

Unless of course you want autism [/sarcasm]


Well-Known Member
Of all things to stress about when you're smoking weed while pregnant - vaccinations are the last thing you need to worry about. I sincerely hope that there is NEVER anyone that follows this persons advice - ALWAYS GET YOUR KID VACCINATED.

Unless of course you want autism [/sarcasm]

I hope youre joking. Have you ever heard of mercury? The 1000% increase in brain based problems in children?
Go ahead and let your NEWBORN be injected with 8 vaccines back to back.

Also you should buy your baby that bottle water with Fluoride added. [/sarcasm]


Well-Known Member
You should make pregnant porn this is your small window of opportunity take advantage before it's to late...I bet you will make extra

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
I hope youre joking. Have you ever heard of mercury? The 1000% increase in brain based problems in children?
Go ahead and let your NEWBORN be injected with 8 vaccines back to back.

Also you should buy your baby that bottle water with Fluoride added. [/sarcasm]

I can guarantee one thing. The baby will be born and some day it will die...so who cares. If it doesn't grow up to be a shitty kid like a lot of kids these days then fuck it. Mission accomplished.


Well-Known Member
I can guarantee one thing. The baby will be born and some day it will die...so who cares. If it doesn't grow up to be a shitty kid like a lot of kids these days then fuck it. Mission accomplished.
I hear that. I say the 7 billion this planet already has is plenty.

I can tell you one thing, I am never having kids. No way am I bringing them into this hell hole we have going on here. lol


New Member
u know what...just smoke some pot, fuck, and make babies....there you go ...it is ok...fuck what anybody tries to say...you did nothing wrong...all natural...helps the aches pains and stress and that shit is really bad for you and the baby....live life and love

Namaste' to you all:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
The majority of these guys are just fucking with you I hope or just fuckin Idiots.My wife smoked herb while pregnant and my Daughter is 18 and is in her Sophmore year of college.Graduated high school @ 16.Go easy on yourself and the papoose.Everything gonna be Irie :)


Well-Known Member
that is low rent smoking when u are prego... hey u let hubby nut in u , y no birth control? y make kid suffer because u are selfish?

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
MMMMMM kay.....are you a bad mom?..yes, are you the worst mother ever? hardly, smoking cigarettes while pregnant was totally acceptable up until the 80's. like others have said at leaste it wasen't crack or meth. Personally i can see how the amount of stress your under could make you weak enough to smoke some weed. next time just take a deep breath and think about it..


Active Member
If your vaporizing, no worries... even if you weren't and just toking on a jay, again no worries, lots of us on here are byproducts from the 60's, at least I was and I came out just fine!


Well-Known Member
what do you expect to get out of this post?

I, second that!
Im a mother... Kids are blessings!(when they r sleeping lol) Taking 2 hits is not going to effect the baby. The docter told me i could drink a glass of wine... I didnt! I would have puked. So you did it...just Don't do it again everything will be dandy. As for blaming the hubby...not nice. You can still finish your education without putting blame on others. You & your husband should be over joyed, Babies are wonderful , until they wreck your brand new car lol! but u have time for that. Just relax & quit stressing! Stress is worst for u & the baby! Peace & Congrads!

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Agreed. Stressing about smoking pot is gonna hurt you and the baby more then if you just sat down and did some bong rips of chitowns Sour Kush.