I Am Stoned And Pregnant.....What a A Hole Right?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i have six weeks to go in my pregnacy and i took two mini hits of a white wid derivitive variety. i have been depressed because i cant finish my masters thesis this year, so i took a puff and now i feel worse. i am only two months away from nailing it (my masters/science). all i have to do is just finish and submit for review. and boom a degree. i have dedicated 7 years to getting this done and now i feel like a total loser for letting my husband get me preg. and i fell like a bad mom for tokin!
i say whats wrong with that as long as your not smoking 24/7. a few joints threw the pregnantsy is just fine.. docrors orders from mygirls.....


Well-Known Member
How Marijuana Crosses the Placenta

Courtesy of Michael R. Foley, M.D. (2007) http://www.merck.com/mmhe/sec22/ch259/ch259a.html

Refer to the diagram above to understand the pathway of marijuana from the mother's blood to the fetus' blood. Some of the fetus' blood vessels are located in the villi of the placenta, and they extend into the wall of the mother's uterus. The mother's blood is traveling through the intervillous space which is separated from the villi by a thin placental membrane. Chemicals from marijuana are able to travel from the mother's blood through the placental membrane into the villi which contain fetal blood vessels. Once the chemicals enter, they travel from the umbilical cord to the fetus (Foley, 2007).

Whos posting fucking articles now...


Well-Known Member
The only thing that would bother me about my wife smoking while preggo(which she did) is the actual smoke itself. I can see the actual smoke doing more harm than the mj itself. Our kids are both very smart and know their shit. I would just rather see a vape being used. Mj or not smoke is very toxic. No drinking or "smoke" and your baby is gonna be fine. Sounds like you have a good thing goin. Finish your masters and all is gonna be peachy.

I don't see how a vape is any safer.... in ALL the studies done on vaporizers, NONE of them measure other contaminants heres a quote "These studies have not measured the presence of toxic gases, such as ammonia, hydrogen cyanide and carbon monoxide"

so how exactly is that safer for the baby? less tar more carbon monoxide which is WAY more harmful? there is more evidence that smoke out of a water bong reduces carbon monoxide BETTER than vaporizers...

sorry but I hate it when people think vaporizers are as good for you as inhaling air..this is not the case, there are drawbacks, and it is no safer for pregnancy than smoking (if anything smoking through a bong in very moderate dosages would be theoretically safer than vaporizing....)


Well-Known Member
Shouldn't be smoking anything.
but we have, since the stone age.... our lungs can handle it... in moderation, very very effectively with virtually no problems (this ONLY applies to cannabis smoke... )

I truly don't think there will be any negative drawbacks from blazing once when you're feeling like shit while pregnant... if youre blazing a few times a day while pregnant THEN I think you have a problem.... otherwise I don't th ink you should be making yourself guilty as that extra stress will be bad for the baby as well.....


Well-Known Member
I know women who smoked throughout their pregnancy for morning sickness and they are some of the best mothers I know. Marijuana is a more benign substance than Asprin, even Tylenol can kill you in lower doses. Before the cannabis tax act children and babies were routinely giving cannabis tincture. This was about 100x more powerful than smoking. Cannabis has thousands of years of history as a Non toxic & safe medicine. I'm sure that the cannabinoids are passed to the fetus but there is no hard scientific evidence to support claims that cannabis can endanger the child.
So don't feel guilty cannabis can't kill you or your baby, I've eaten doses of hash oil that would put a horse to sleep with no negative effects, except feeling great the next day. :mrgreen:


Pickle Queen
wow lots of info in here, being 28 and ready to have kids at any time now i've wondered how i'm gonna quit smoking maryjane, i;ve had friends say their doctors told them not to stop, and to only smoke a small dube a day, a coworker told me should smoked all 3 pregnancies and no issues with either 3, but i still say stop. My coworker explained she was told it would be much worse for the baby if she quit and went through withdrawl, such much info but which is correct???????


Staff member
yeah a few puffs wont harm the baby, actually women sometimes take a few hits to stop morning sickness, cause obviously you cant go a take gravol ...
or like they smoke while in labour , so it hurts less


Well-Known Member
wow lots of info in here, being 28 and ready to have kids at any time now i've wondered how i'm gonna quit smoking maryjane, i;ve had friends say their doctors told them not to stop, and to only smoke a small dube a day, a coworker told me should smoked all 3 pregnancies and no issues with either 3, but i still say stop. My coworker explained she was told it would be much worse for the baby if she quit and went through withdrawl, such much info but which is correct???????
Withdrawal? I thought marijuana was not physically addicting. Or maybe it depends on a persons traits... I smoke cigarettes for like 12 years.. then one day, I just stopped. Havent smoked one since. There was a slight withdrawal with that... nicotine is physically addicting... but pot... I can stop for a month or two.. start back up, stop... whenever I feel like, with no side effects... am I mistaken?


Staff member
Withdrawal? I thought marijuana was not physically addicting. Or maybe it depends on a persons traits... I smoke cigarettes for like 12 years.. then one day, I just stopped. Havent smoked one since. There was a slight withdrawal with that... nicotine is physically addicting... but pot... I can stop for a month or two.. start back up, stop... whenever I feel like, with no side effects... am I mistaken?
mistaken, i used to get tummy aches, not tired at all, used to be SUPER BITCHY without pot like whend id run out,, so then i layed off it for a bit


Well-Known Member
mistaken, i used to get tummy aches, not tired at all, used to be SUPER BITCHY without pot like whend id run out,, so then i layed off it for a bit
That's a mental addiction, those are psychological symptoms. Withdrawal, physical symptoms, are shakes, nausea, migraines, etc, no?


Well-Known Member
Ehh, I guess it depends on how you define withdrawal. I think we are both right. :)


Active Member
RELAX! I'm a momma to twin boys, and vaped the first 4 months of my pregnancy to help with morning sickness, they are one year old now and beautiful/healthy/intelligent. However you should take responsibility for being knocked up, it takes two to tango honey. Embrace it, and accept a new chapter in your life


Well-Known Member
wow lots of info in here, being 28 and ready to have kids at any time now i've wondered how i'm gonna quit smoking maryjane, i;ve had friends say their doctors told them not to stop, and to only smoke a small dube a day, a coworker told me should smoked all 3 pregnancies and no issues with either 3, but i still say stop. My coworker explained she was told it would be much worse for the baby if she quit and went through withdrawl, such much info but which is correct???????
Withdraw!? Jeeze I recommend that you do your own research and come to your own conclusions. If you want to find the truth about anything critical thinking is required, rumors and government propoganda surround us. Modern medicine is only effective due to sterile practice and antibiotics. Besides that medicine is still a very crude process we've just added some fancy labels and put drug pushers in lab coats to tell you how 'safe' their next chemical is.
If 'marijuana withdraw' is the worst you can do I would feel pretty comfortable smoking . . .