Mind, Body and Spirit


Well-Known Member
yeah, it comes down to faith. when i first started out i was against God and kept being slapped in the face by stuff that i couldn't deny anymore...maybe you'll get slapped! keep your eyes open man and stay honest. :) lol

the truth of the big bang theory is that it works with what Christians believe. the theorists however leave that first part to our imaginations, the part where something comes from nothing, and Christians attribute this to God...the singularity was placed into existence by God. i see that event as the moment of birth, like a seed sprouting.

dark matter prob accounts for at least 60% of the mass in the universe according to most theories...it will only help to understand more about it. we should strive to understand more about everything in this amazing universe and never be afraid of the truth!


Well-Known Member
so we dont all have individual DNA, as in we dont all have our own unique code? was that an argument or just a science lesson? if it was an argument, definitely went over my head.
it was a fact...I really try to avoid arguments here... and yes everyone has their own individual DNA,DNA in different sequence and different genes from others...why do you think forensic scientist use this fact to catch criminals....it's more complicated and unique than finger printing...


Well-Known Member

there is no need for the Creator to have been created. you won't get very far if you think in terms of segmented existence, start and end.

holy blatant contradiction batman! why would u base ur idea of reality on segmented existence if u think its a bad way of thinking?

if u dissect a persons view in a dualistic manner, u will see that the world they see is a complete reflection of how they see themselves. people assume that there was a Creation because they think of a time that they werent alive and assume that the universe was the same way.

the universe has always been around. there was no creation, no big bang.

everything happens twice


Well-Known Member
if there was no "origin" of the universe why is it all expanding away from one point in the center?

i don't base my idea of reality on segments, what i said is that segments are not applicable. SKH was trying to understand the notion of existence prior to the framework of our experiences (time and space) and to me that doesn't make sense, God is independant of dimension itself. in a universe created, there was "prior to creation" in the absence of matter, space and time. it was pure Creator.


Active Member
No; when the world gets so hot that we can hardly take it our children will start being born with less hair, the children after even less. This is an example of evolution.]

you are still homosapien no matter how much hair you have the fact that your genetic code now transmits the code for "no hair" does not prove that it is evolution, it is adaptation. specialization if you will. history has shown that humans are gradually getting taller and living longer, but we are still the same carbon based lifeforms seeded on this planet, x-years ago. you can see that all people are different just by interacting with them but would you say that some people are more evolved by the fact that they know what the symbol pi stands for, or that a runner for jamaica can do a 100meter dash in 5.8 seconds? its simply specialization of an expressed gene. and with a super f-ing long genome the combonation foe what can be achieved is infinite. this is the perfection/proof of GOD.


Well-Known Member
OK, this thread is way too fun. I'm in...

IMO, critical is to keep open our views of the universe and to be open to discuss possibilities.

For example, if God is real and personal is he deaf or is he incapable of speaking? I was challenged with these questions a long time ago (over 20 years) and have faced them. For me the important question was (is) not if there is a God. The real question: If there is a God, so what? What does this mean to me? Who is he to me?


Well-Known Member
Green... I agree completely. You can see adaptive evolution everywhere. What you can not see is a true fossil record for Darwin evolution. It simply is not there, but the poorly formulated theory has been accepted as fact while throwing the scientific method out the window.


Well-Known Member
If there is a God, so what? What does this mean to me? Who is he to me?

you better figure out what He wants from you and do it the best you can! He doesn't ask for much if you realize the bible is from Him. other imperfect religions make demands of people but this one turned the tables, this one is where God did something for us and then let's us choose...He asks us to choose. pretty amazing imo.


Well-Known Member
OK, this thread is way too fun. I'm in...

IMO, critical is to keep open our views of the universe and to be open to discuss possibilities.

For example, if God is real and personal is he deaf or is he incapable of speaking? I was challenged with these questions a long time ago (over 20 years) and have faced them. For me the important question was (is) not if there is a God. The real question: If there is a God, so what? What does this mean to me? Who is he to me?
OK then...So when humans build something, like lets say....a car, a house, an airplane maybe...well all these have a purpose and that is why we created them, for that purpose...So when we say there is a god who created all these things and we are created in his image...what is our purpose?We know that all plants and most animals, with the exception of humans, are there to support the different nichies and the chain of life, some we eat for energy and that's the only purpose that they have to us...but humans, they're fuckin aliens on this earth!!!!!!!! outta this world....I mean fuck me side ways and call me a donkey but what other living being is even close to being like us...I mean chimps share 98% of our genetics but come on...they are not even close to 1 perecent like us....they only look some what like us with the hands and legs maybe some of us are hairy ass mother fuckers like them but they are not like us at all...so what is our purpose in this world to be like chimps?


Active Member
we only know what we are told or what we try to formulate ourselves. that being said basing your idea of Gods image has to come from somewhere, whether you've read we are his image or you believe other wise, the fact has to remain that some omnipotent being is at play just for the fact of the perfection/balance of our universe. science=God and vice versa for the fact that basis of science is to achieve balance which is Paradise/heaven/divinity/nirvana/etc.

to say there is no God is to say that you know everything which is to say you are god...... there is no substance in an atheistic argument.


Well-Known Member
Sanifsan, for his good pleasure. For me, understanding this was a major changing point in my life. Not only do I have a purpose, but it is from the one who created me and it is pretty simple and IMO, way cool. I am simply his and for his good pleasure.


New Member
Whoa! I disappear for a day and it's all kicking off without me. I don't really like being termed an atheist, I'm a realist. I believe what is real (or my perception thereof).

Reality is something we all need to face, whether we want to or not. Reality is ugly, we piss we shit, we fuck and we fight (no particular order). The ugliest thing of all, the one that really reminds us we are merely animals, is the fact that one day we will die. We have the imagination to comprehend our deaths, and that it will mean the end of our consciousness. This is why, in ages gone by, people have needed to believe that somehow death isn't REAL. Most christians in the modern world are afraid of death, and cry when a loved one dies. How can you say you believe one minute, then cry your hearts out when someone dies? Surely, these should be tears of joy? How can you mourn? You mourn their death, you don't celebrate their rebirth.

Also, a point on atheists screaming out to god on deathbeds. A skydiver (not sure if he was an atheist, but there is a point) fell 3 miles to certain death (landed at a speed of 100mph). His final words were (as the entire thing was filmed) "Well... that's it then... bye."

When you face death, you couldn't care less what you believe. All you know, is that you really don't want to die. Deep down, we all know. We really do, we're just too scared to admit it.


Well-Known Member
sorry i was gone for a while i'm travling cross country... but back to the subject... humans are unique no questioning that... if anyone can prove we are not at least as far as the earth is concerned then have at it... skunk if you believe you are an animal then have at it... i don't!!! I believe god is the underlying intelligence of the universe and humans are a way to use the energy and part of the universe that is everchanging... we were put here in a physical body by god to house an energy... a soul... our soul is our connection to eternity what gives us our perception and our realization of eternity and the universe is eternal... and we are part of that... however no one knows everything certainly no human... i hope by the time i die i will have learned as much as possible and it is my dream to push the human race towards the realization that there is a whole universe out there and that the earth and each one of us individually doesn't amount to shit... only by way of coming together will we be able to do anything with our planet and beyond... but everyday we are driven further apart... our purpose here is to use this energy inside of us to make the universe a more perfect place... however whereas our physical body gives us a tool to interact with the physical part of the universe it also inspires fear... skunk i think u and others are afraid of death i'm not and will never be... i gave up fear years ago... fear is evil and it is our fear which has made all of the bad things in history happen... fear will be the downfall of the human race... we should show no fear and open ourselves to eternity and truly try to understand it only then will we move towards perfection...


Well-Known Member
if there was no "origin" of the universe why is it all expanding away from one point in the center?

i don't base my idea of reality on segments, what i said is that segments are not applicable. SKH was trying to understand the notion of existence prior to the framework of our experiences (time and space) and to me that doesn't make sense, God is independant of dimension itself. in a universe created, there was "prior to creation" in the absence of matter, space and time. it was pure Creator.
if u believe that there is a beginning (and im assuming end also) u are segmenting reality. its just one really big segment, but ur still relying on a superficial label to attempt to understand nature.

if u remove the idea of an omnipotent creator, u let go of the need to segment reality even further. by saying that God made us, ur saying that we live in a smaller reality naturally disconnected from "god's" VIP room.


Well-Known Member
we only know what we are told or what we try to formulate ourselves. that being said basing your idea of Gods image has to come from somewhere, whether you've read we are his image or you believe other wise, (1)the fact has to remain that some omnipotent being is at play just for the fact of the perfection/balance of our universe. science=God and vice versa for the fact that basis of science is to achieve balance which is Paradise/heaven/divinity/nirvana/etc.

(2)to say there is no God is to say that you know everything which is to say you are god...... there is no substance in an atheistic argument.

1- prove it.

2- i do think this.


Well-Known Member
When you face death, you couldn't care less what you believe. All you know, is that you really don't want to die. Deep down, we all know. We really do, we're just too scared to admit it.
cool post, skunk. but i completely disagree with the end. not everybody is afraid of death. at this very moment, im rather impartial. last night i wouldnt have wanted to die because i was having a good time. but ive wanted to end my life countless times when i feared that my life wasnt going to get any better.

even if u want to question how upset i was, or even if i ever had any thoughts like that, u still cant ignore the millions(/billions?) of people that have committed suicide over the years. not everybody is afraid of death, and i know im not.

why are u afraid of dying skunk?


New Member
Sometimes life can be more frightening than death. The fact that you're still here preo proves that you are afraid of death, when it comes down to it.

Most suicides do it because they feel sorry for themselves, a selfish act that causes much pain for the people that truly love you. I also believe that most suicides are a call for help.

Having had a varied criminal career, and with no direction in my life I have done my fair share of bird (prison time). Many people attempt 'suicide' in these places, but they have no real intent. It is a cry for help, you want people to know how much pain you are in. Unfortunately, sometimes these atttempts can go a little bit too far

The only times I ever contemplated suicide was while a child. I won't go into details, but I had a pretty bad childhood. i actually left home aged 12. Anyway, I can remember my thoughts, and they were all about me. They'll be sorry when I'm dead, that sort of thing.

If you have a life, you have friends and family that love you, you should never feel the need to feel sorry for yourself.

We all fear death, we may face it in different ways. I think I would be calm, shit happens. I have been in situations before, felt the panic rise to a lump in my throat. I've always swallowed it, never allowed myself to panic.

I am afraid of death because I know it is the end. Suicides are different, to them it's not about death it's about their life. Also they will imagine people's faces, and what they will be saying/thinking after they are dead. They've thought about death so much that it almost ceases to be real. They usually get a reminder halfway through cutting their wrists.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes life can be more frightening than death. The fact that you're still here preo proves that you are afraid of death, when it comes down to it.

Most suicides do it because they feel sorry for themselves, a selfish act that causes much pain for the people that truly love you. I also believe that most suicides are a call for help.
aw, come on man gimme some more credit than that. the main reason i hadnt offed myself was the idea of my mom and the guilt i feel for upsetting her. ive never really talked about my contemplating suicide to anybody before, and i dont plan on bringing it up to anybody i know personally, so i was never crying out.

n dont get me wrong, im not trying to defend myself or try to prove how strong i can make my convictions, im simply telling u that ur wrong. im not afraid of death, and that means to me that there must be more ppl that feel the same way. honestly man, i understand how this may sound like bullshit, but the fear of death is not inherent to the human condition.

i believe that with the end of ones perception comes the end of ones existence. if u agree, (from ur posts i assume u do) i dont know why u would be afraid of death.