Rob Roy
Well-Known Member
where do you get your water from?
did no tax dollars go into construction of the interstate highway system? you approve having your money extorted by the government for fuel taxes but not in other ways?
were no tax dollars ever involved in the infrastructure used to provide internet service? were no tax dollars used in any way to usher about the creation of the internet, perhaps through public education, federal scholarships for higher learning, subsidization or loans of companies whose materials were used somehow in the creation of the internet itself or the infrastructure needed for its mass implementation?
simpleton logic for simpletons, i suppose. if you said 'that may imply', you might be closer to reality, which you are far out of touch with, it seems.
this is not a deductive logic argument, it depends on definitions. and, once again, at least SOME grasp on reality.
I don't approve of fuel tax extortion. Approving of something and paying for something to prevent an entity from harming you are two different things. I approve of people being responsible for paying for that which they use, not that which another entity insists "is for their own good" if they do not intend to use it or do not use it.
You keep avoiding the point I'm making. Yes extorted tax dollars were used to construct things. That doesn't mean the funds weren't gotten through extortion though does it? You're trying to justify the rape by saying, "hey judge I know the bitch liked it because she stopped struggling."
Reality isn't what a majority is deceived to believe or believes out of ignorance of all the facts. The majority of the world used to believe the world was flat, but that didn't mean it was flat. I have a grasp on reality. Taxes given invountarily are extorted. Logic insists that is true.
You keep trying to shift the argument to rationalizations of why the extortion is "good" based on all the wonderful things it brings about. That isn't an argument REFUTING the extortion, that is a rationalization attempting to JUSTIFY the extortion.
Are we in agreement that the extortion DOES HAPPEN? Or is that REALITY, beyond your grasp oh flat earth dweller?