The problem I've found with some of my lberal friends is they fail to recognize that by insisting on certain government programs and interventions they are supporting force and running away from free will, live and let live etc. The government is not supposed to redistribute wealth or dictate your life style or the outcome of your life, they are only suppose to protect everybodies acccess to freedom, period. What you achieve is up to you.
My liberal friends rail on and on about the middle east wars, declaring we have no business there, ( I agree) yet they insist somehow on less liberty here and more and more government intervention in OUR lives, while recognizing our foreign interventions are wrong.
Maybe you can be a liberal that wants a smaller government, but I think it runs opposite to today's definition of the liberal ideology. Holding opposite points of view within the same person about liberty defies consistency and logic...cognitive dissonance.
I'm not much of a Reagan fan, but I think he got one thing right..."when government expands, liberty contracts." Of course he was a big fucking hypocrite on pot. To legislate YOUR morality on MY body, MY property, MY wallet is tyranny, period. People always think they can run somebody elses life, THAT is the problem.
If it makes any liberals feel better, I think many "conservatives" are a bunch of fucking hypocrites too. Live and let live.
Well you see liberals beleive goverment should care for the well being of ALL not just the rich.
Righties beleive government should exist only when THEY need somthing.
You see its ok if we get health care its not really what they care about they are lieing. They know if they stop obama on health care they can call him a lier other then admitting they stoped healthcare not Obama.
I still dont agree with what obama is doing but he is president and not a liberal he is a conservitive democrate.
He keeps the war on drugs going and a liberal would have pushed for a single payer system.
Obama is just like Bush same exact policys to the mother fuckin T. Only reason these guys like George Bush is because he gave them back assault rifles but in the mean time distroyed our country and took away more "libertys" that you guys are so found of then Obama ever did.
Stop voting for people that lie for a living its quite simple. Vote for your neighbor not the guy on TV telling you everything you WANT to hear and its not even him talking.
Every modern day president has speach wrighters and a god damn teleprompter.
You think these people care about you when they dont even know what to say they have to read it from wrighters that went to harvard?
Think about it I mean damn you guys act like voting for someone else on the podium would have made this different.
Its all planed he Knew he was gonna be president when he was 13 same with George Bush and Bill Clinton.
These guys are raised by the elite from adoption homes given names and tought to be good readers and well spoken speachers.
Hense when Gore won they knew it was over the plan had backfired had to loose ballats if Florida.
Remember Al Gore has his own green scandle he is trying to milk so its not likley he would push for a oil war in the middle east considering THATS his competitions agenda not only for political purposes but for money.
You see if Gore would have won we wouldnt be at war because it wasnt his buisness plan to take over all middle eatern oil. Not his memo he would rather move america green and milk that scam witch I must say seems alot less violent then taking over middle eastern countrys because brown people hijacked an airplane.
I mean not to be an ass but the guilty ones for wrecking the plains into the buildings(if its even real) are the ones that where in the plain and they are dead.
You righties did the same thing to Iraqis that you hate being done to you.
Dont blaim the gun blaim the shooter right? Right?!?!
Hypocrisy!! AGIAN!!
Now im waiting to hear how stupid I am and how uneducated I am now GO!