Marijuana Seeds

I want to warn anyone thinking of buying strains from riot seeds that I have been alerted to the fact that riot seeds are using some of my pictures taken from my threads and renaming them as their own strains.

the strains that I know of are

Riot Seeds Fuckberry it is actually a pic of my Black Rose complete with my watermark!

Riot Seeds Blood Rose again a different pic of my Black Rose complete with my watermark!

Riot Seeds Sid Vicious is a pic of the Cannabiogen Seeds Sandstorm

Double Black Doja is a pic from one of my 2006 threads of a Black Russian!

these were listed on the Attitude seedbank but I have noticed that they have taken a couple of the pictures down now (I wonder why!) it seems highly unlikely that they were posted in error as they were posted on the riot site as well, in fact the Riot Double Black Doja is still showing the 2006 Black russian image.

so just a heads up, research what you are buying before you part with your hard earned cash

Looks like my pics are listed at most of the seed banks
here is riot seeds Blood Rose listed at sensible seeds

and here it is from my black rose thread from HG420 2008

Wow, I will never buy anything that comes out from Riot. I can't believe that people stoop this low to sell their "product". Shameless.
the strains i wanted were on the border of my price range ($10-$15/seed) when i'm getting great, hard to find genetics....which i was lead to believe he had, oh well, ya live and ya learn. ill just wait to order riot single seeds from attitude.
Hey All, as a supporter of Riot genetics and member of their forum, I wanted to jump in here with a cut & paste of Matt's mea culpa posted in the Riot forum:

Gey Y'all just found out Heathw as upset for me using his pics of the Black rose for some of my strains - The mother of all of these strains is indeed the black rose, but as he is a much better photographer than myself, obviously, and was at one time a friend, I figured he wouldn't mind and he was given credit on the pages. Apparently this pissed him off, so I took them down on the site and on the attitude, and he has my sincere apologies. What can I say he really is a better photographer!


Now this seems pretty reasonable to me, but judge for yourself, and remember, this is the guy that created "Clockwork Orange"!
Good luck & good grow.......BB
i just got my order in from everything looks good, impressive packaging. i hope they all sprout. i will give an update, stay tuned.
Burger Boss,

you seem to be missing the point, You or I have no way of knowing what the plant looks like that riot seeds is using because he hasn't shown us! how do you know the mother plant he used is even purple?.

I gave Matthew some black rose seeds because he told me he was starting up a medical canna collective so naturally I gave him the seeds, if I had known he was going to use them to create crosses to sell then I wouldn't have give them him.

The images were used without my permission and there is no information on any of the seedbanks where his seeds are listed or up for sale that the images are of my plants. Unsuspecting buyers would look at the pictures and presume that they were buying the plant in the image description.

Unfortunately they are buying crosses that may or may not have some Black rose in it.

so I will say it again

Riot Seeds Fuckberry it is actually a pic of my Black Rose complete with my watermark! and Riot seeds were calling it Fuckberry

Riot Seeds Blood Rose again a different pic of my Black Rose complete with my watermark! and Riot seeds were calling it Blood Rose

Riot Seeds Sid Vicious is a pic of the Cannabiogen Seeds Sandstorm and Riot seeds are calling it Sid Vicious

Riot Seeds Double Black Doja is a pic from one of my 2006 threads of a Black Russian! and Riot seeds are calling it Double Black Doja

so if you or Matthew think that showing someone elses strain and renaming it is a good way of creating a good name in the canna community then so be it, but when people who have paid good money grow out these "crosses" and find they are nothing like the description dont say I didnt warn you! :wall:

keep it green

Im stoked!!!

I bought a bag of super lemon haze the other day and found 1 seed in it. I have bought several bags of this batch and this was my first seed.

I was wondering, will this seed be female or not? because The plant was obviously a female since the buds were so nice and there were no seeds, does this mean the one seed I got will be a female?

I think I just got lucky and I think its going to be female. Usually female plants have no seeds, and the pollen from a male is used to pollinate a branch or two to create seeds on those branches?

If my thinking is correct, I have a female on my hands. Thanks everyone!!!
bricktop just had an awesome post on this subject the other day.. i will try and say what he did, but probably won't do it as well as bt did..
if you get a seed in a bag of killer bud, than more than likely the seed was a result of a hermie plant that went unnoticed, which resulted in one or more buds / plants getting pollinated.. considering the pollen came from a hermie, the seed is now going to have that same hermie trait as the dad, so growing out the seed will more than likely result in a hermie plant..
how we know that the seed was a result of a hermie is that most growers today cull out all male plants once sexed, and just keep the females around to grow bud, unless of course they are doing some breeding, in which case the males would still be seperated from the females.. so in order for a seed to be formed, there most have been some pollen coming out of an all female room.. this is where the hermie comes in.. once you know that the plants were all females, the only way to get pollen is from a hermied female plant, which isn't what you'll want to grow out unless you're into hermnies that is..
bricktop just had an awesome post on this subject the other day.. i will try and say what he did, but probably won't do it as well as bt did..
if you get a seed in a bag of killer bud, than more than likely the seed was a result of a hermie plant that went unnoticed, which resulted in one or more buds / plants getting pollinated.. considering the pollen came from a hermie, the seed is now going to have that same hermie trait as the dad, so growing out the seed will more than likely result in a hermie plant..
how we know that the seed was a result of a hermie is that most growers today cull out all male plants once sexed, and just keep the females around to grow bud, unless of course they are doing some breeding, in which case the males would still be seperated from the females.. so in order for a seed to be formed, there most have been some pollen coming out of an all female room.. this is where the hermie comes in.. once you know that the plants were all females, the only way to get pollen is from a hermied female plant, which isn't what you'll want to grow out unless you're into hermnies that is..

I would suggest that it's possible that the occasional seed found in "sinsemilla" is NOT the result of hermaphroditism, but rather some stray pollen from a far away male. Last season I had zero male sign in my grow, and I mean NONE! I watch very carefully, because I hate seeds in my smoke. Yet, I found 1 viable seed, that I have germed just for giggles. So someone in my area had a male plant puking pollen, and this stuff can travel for miles!
Good luck & good grow.......BB
I would suggest that it's possible that the occasional seed found in "sinsemilla" is NOT the result of hermaphroditism, but rather some stray pollen from a far away male. Last season I had zero male sign in my grow, and I mean NONE! I watch very carefully, because I hate seeds in my smoke. Yet, I found 1 viable seed, that I have germed just for giggles. So someone in my area had a male plant puking pollen, and this stuff can travel for miles!
Good luck & good grow.......BB

If growing outdoors there is the chance that a bee or a butterfly or a hummingbird or something will find a male or a hermie miles away and land and feed on it and then visit your plot ... but if it is indoors the odds of stray male or hermie pollen getting indoors and knocking up one or more of your plants is about equal to that of being struck by lightning and living on the same day that you will a $500,000,000.00 lottery and that night you poke the Olsen twins, unless you have a next door neighbor with a big outdoor grow with males and or hermies in it where you might carry the pollen in yourself or your cat or dog might.
Sorry....of course I was talking about my outdoor grow. Indoors, certainly not that big a problem. But then again, if spider mites, white fly and such can get into your grow room, pollen can't be far behind............BB
I want to warn anyone thinking of buying strains from riot seeds that I have been alerted to the fact that riot seeds are using some of my pictures taken from my threads and renaming them as their own strains.

the strains that I know of are

Riot Seeds Fuckberry it is actually a pic of my Black Rose complete with my watermark!

Riot Seeds Blood Rose again a different pic of my Black Rose complete with my watermark!

Riot Seeds Sid Vicious is a pic of the Cannabiogen Seeds Sandstorm

Double Black Doja is a pic from one of my 2006 threads of a Black Russian!

these were listed on the Attitude seedbank but I have noticed that they have taken a couple of the pictures down now (I wonder why!) it seems highly unlikely that they were posted in error as they were posted on the riot site as well, in fact the Riot Double Black Doja is still showing the 2006 Black russian image.

so just a heads up, research what you are buying before you part with your hard earned cash


I knew you from HG420, before it disappeared. I'm wondering why you only single Riot Seeds out? I've been growing and hobby breeding since the late 70's and have seen so many seed companies do this. Alot of seed banks do not even breed the lines they carry. I can go on forever about how many breeders use other breeder's strains to create a strain they call their own, yourself included. Anyone who has been in the game for as long as me has seen this done, even Neville, how many of Seed Bank's strains were a result of crossing strains he created? Very, very few. NL, Skunk, Haze, G-13 all were around long before Neville decided to kick herion and start a seed company.

I do understand your concern, however, why are you only targeting one breeder/seed producer? How many of these so-called breeders are acutally breeding their own lines? Here, I'll answer that for you, less than 1% if that. Many are using mothers from already existing strains, others are using already existing strains to create a cross they call their own. Your Black Rose, if my memory serves me correctly, is Subcool's Double Purple Doja X Shiva Skunk; did you create either of those strains which went into B.R.? I know you did'nt. So we have answered that question. Same with your Chiesel.

I have seen this shit go on for over 30 yrs, and have had many, many strains reworked, reproduced, or used in crosses and sold by many, many breeders; with not one word or acknowledgement of me. Do I put them out there on open forums, no, I do not, why, b/c I know my work, am confident in my work, and know another breeder is not using the detail of selection I am, they are not growing 100's of plants to find a single mother and/or father, they are simply using a special strain to make money, with little or no respect for the strain or species of cannabis..

Want some honest and good advice on seeds people, I shall give it to you. Almost any strain you buy on the commercial seed market is the work of hobby breeders like myself yrs & yrs ago. If it is not an exact decendant of one of these strains, it possesses some of it in it's lineage someplace. I started collecting land races in the 70's and began working with them to find th best of the best; quite often growing 100's of plants until I found that special female or male. You will not get me to sell any of my strains ever again. This is just for the simple fact I do not breed nor grow for money and/or profits, I grow and breed out of a pure desire to preserve true breeding lines, and b/c I possess a true and honest respect for the species of plant known as cannabis.

Do I know Matt personally? No. Have I talked to him? Yes, on several occasions, just as I have over 100 hobby breeders/seed producers over the past 30 yrs. Was Matt wrong for using another breeder's pics? Yes, it was misrepresentation. Is Matt the only breeder doing this? Hell no! My suggestion, wait and seek out grow journals of his lines, then pass judgement on whether or not his strains are incredible, just good, bad, or just another avg strain on the market. I have watched breeders hate on each other for over 30 yrs, it is like the Rap music industry, they all want a name for themselves, often at gaining attention for putting down or discrediting another. The truth is in the genetics, not the person selling the genetics. Talk is cheap, and from what I have seen, especially over the past 10 yrs or so, is alot of talk and most of it is just Hate me if you want, go ahead, take sides, it is not going to hurt me b/c I do not sell seeds or flowers, I donate, share, and treat cannabis as it was meant to be treated, with respect and dignity.
Nice first post Dochybrid,

The simple answer is at this moment in time Riot seeds are the only seed bank that I know of which are using my pictures, renaming them and calling them their own. Because of this practice by Riot seeds potential buyers are buying a misrepresented strain. You can be sure if any other breeders use my pictures and rename them I shall point that out also.

keep it green

@ Heath..Fact is Matt always stated in the strain description that the crosses with black rose.. were your work. It still says Heath Robinsons Black Rose. Matt used to have massive respect for you and consider you one of his heroes. His other posts about you on the forum, predating this, show nothing but respect. Also if someone would really try to rip off your work..they would remove the copyright signs etc. I can do this myself in less than 5min.. he did not do this.. because he had no intention of what you claim him to do. Yes it was wrong to do this without asking your permission. Too bad credit on the pics in the other stores was not passed to you. But in the riot store.. people that took the pics are credited for it. Matt is still new in running his own business..and still needs to learn alot.. but he surely does not deserve someone to slander his business and try to talk people out of buying from his store. There is a big difference in making an honest mistake...and trying to ruin someone his business. And yeah you can all start hating on me now...I dont care.All I know is that Matt is one of the most generous people in the business and Yes he charges alot for some seeds maybe, but he gives away more freebies than anyone else out there.