Marijuana Seeds

Monkey@Zoo, another nice first post, I can understand you protecting someone you think is a good guy and I applaud you for it but I think your support is misplaced.

I am simply pointing out that riot seeds show pictures of the Black Rose and Black Russian and Cannabiogen Seeds Sandstorm and claim them as their own. As far as I am aware Riot seeds are not selling these strains but are using the images as if they are Riot strains. I would call that is misrepresentation but if you don't that's fine also.

The Double Black Doja that riot seeds sell is actually a picture of a Black Russian bud, so I have a hard time understanding why you think I am slandering anyone as I am stating facts. As for the watermarks they are transparent and not easily seen until the pictures are enlarged so most buyers would not see it even if they knew what my watermark looked like.

as with all these things time will show if Riot seeds is a genuine seed bank, I hope for your sake and others that it is, until that time buyer beware.

Matt doesn't sell these strains..but they are part of the genetics in the strains that he is selling. As I said before.. I dont think it was ok to do this...and he should have asked the people first before using any of their pics..but this is being blown way out of proportions.
I have only known Matt for a few months and that only extends to online as our conversations have only been via PM, Email or through the forums. All I can say about ANY of the shit I constantly hear regarding beefs that different people have with him is that I really dont think he EVER intentionally tries to screw anyone. All of my dealings with him have been nothing but straight forward .... There is never any "beating around the bush" or "talking around" an issue. He always seems to take shit on straight up. He is new to running his own business and mistakes are going to be made and people are going to get pissed off. I personally think he is a stand up dude.

The more I think about this whole thing I start to realize that this obviously wasn't done thinking that Heath would never see them so I cant believe that he was trying to hide the fact that they weren't his own pics. The way I look at it is that Matt saw an opportunity to use a great pic to market a good product of his and used it not thinking that it was going to cause a problem. Maybe this decision was a little naive but that doesn't mean it was malicious. I really don't think it deserved the trashing that he took from it. Bottom line is that Matt is a very generous person that genuinely cares about the people that buy his gear and he stands behind it 1000% MORE than anyone else does in this business does. The guy is human and makes mistakes the same as EVERYONE else that has ever graced this planet. He publicly apologized and if that isn't good enough than it just shows that some people want to go through life holding grudges for whatever reason. Some people thrive off drama and honestly from what I gather Matt does everything he can to avoid drama and when he still has to deal with it anyway he always seems to try and diffuse the problem and move on.

In my OPINION flaming Matt over something as petty as this after he has apologized seems awfully whiny and downright childish. We are all adults here (I think) and if people cant get over something like this and realize the world has MUCH bigger problems then we are getting pretty soft as human beings. Get over it and move on.

Flame on everyone!!

Nice first post Dochybrid,

The simple answer is at this moment in time Riot seeds are the only seed bank that I know of which are using my pictures, renaming them and calling them their own. Because of this practice by Riot seeds potential buyers are buying a misrepresented strain. You can be sure if any other breeders use my pictures and rename them I shall point that out also.

keep it green


That is fair, and all I ask Heath. I've been in the growing/breeding scene for a very long time. We both know this is not the 1st, nor the last time this has happened in this business.

I'm not defending what Matt did with the pic incident, only him as a person/grower/breeder. So many people view this as petty, but in a breeder's perspective, it is not petty at all. People need to understand where you is coming from on this, however, we must also understand Matt's point of view as well. Does this make what he did right? No. However, I do understand his reasoning, and it was not to misrepresent his strains or to gain more sales; honestly, I do not believe it even crossed his mind att he tme he placed your pics on his site and as representation of the said strains they were used in.

How many of you people saying this is petty have bred a strain, took yrs to get it right, then had some hack rework it and claim it as thier own? I have numerous times, so I feel where Heath is coming from on this. We see misrepresentatin of strains at every online seed shop there is. Matt made a mistake, it was poor judgement, and it is now fixed, and all this should be done now, and all should move on. I hold great respect for both of you, and feel you are both genuine people. Honestly, what has this industry become? Armchair breeding, people using other breeder's cuts and calling it their own. An era of armchair breeding has begun, and those of us that use the art of selection from as many plants as we can grow is a thing of the past. It is far too easy to get a cut, and/or seeds of another's work, and call it your own. It is why I no longer release my work to anyone I feel is out to make the quick buck so they can buy a Ferarri, or take credit on a forum for the last 10 yrs knowing the strains I produce are from another's hard work, while being an arrogant ass thru the whole process.

You and Matt need to converse in private via PM's, IM's or whatever, for I think you both could benefit and move forward from this. I have very little respect for the seed industry, auto strains, fem seeds, BX'd strains from a cut of another's work, etc...etc... The industry has turned into a money game, with little or no respect for the species.

Edit: I will overlook your sarcasm on your "nice first post" comment. I'm a far better person than that.
Fucking Eh, Truly Bullshit Heath, you do someone a favor and they fuck you over and can't even get you some props after you helped them out. WTF,
Same shit with DD's "look at my amazing system I designed all by myself, I just sold my system for half a million"
I need to blaze up to calm down and burger boss your sticking up for a fucking scammer.:cuss:


Fuck Matt Riot.jpg
Fucking Eh, Truly Bullshit Heath, you do someone a favor and they fuck you over and can't even get you some props after you helped them out. WTF,
Same shit with DD's "look at my amazing system I designed all by myself, I just sold my system for half a million"
I need to blaze up to calm down and burger boss your sticking up for a fucking scammer.:cuss:


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Well, after the above rant, MediMary also sent me a PM:

MediMary said:
tell matt riot I hope he chokes on a dick.
fucking scammer piece of shit, thieving from heath robinson. Fuck him

And I answered with this:

I have NO idea who you are or why you would come at me this way!!!!
I DON'T know Mathew Riot personally, I joined the Riot forum because of the strains.
I had heard great things about them. However, I wasn't aware of all the god damned drama that goes with Mr. Riot! So please don't single ME out as some kind of scammer enabler just because I ignorantly attempted to defend his actions in the Attitude. At the time, it all seemed very reasonable to ME!!!!!

AND, BTW, I have ALREADY PM'ed Heath Robinson with a complete "mea culpa":

Stoner Mr. Ganja

Join Date Jun 2007 Location Central CA Posts 1,138

Hi Heath, I must confess, I know absolutely nothing about Mathew Riot.
I stumbled onto the Riot website last Fall, and was intrigued with all the strains, especially Clockwork Orange. Perhaps I allowed some great genetics blind me to the fact that there was "drama" going on even then!
Your reputation is "Gold", and I would never involve myself in anything that might
damage your standing in the canna community. So please accept the sincere apologies of "a naive old man" who meant no harm.
Good luck & good grow.......BB

TO which, HE replied:

Heath Robinson

Marijuana Toker Marijuana Toker
Join Date Jan 2008 Posts 124

Re: apologies

Hi Burger Boss

I really appreciate the apology and thank you for your honesty.

I very rarely speak out about the shady dealings which are going on in the seed business but when it involves a strain which I have spent years developing and someone is making money from a poor copy and misrepresentation then I feel I have to speak up.

Riot obtained the seeds from me under false pretences, you may or may not know that I give away thousands of my seeds a year to ordinary growers and medical growers Matthew riot approached me and asked if I would send some seeds as he was a grower whose only interest was helping medical patients. It later turned out that he was selling crosses on pot pimp and now his own site as well as others. Using pictures of my strain and selling what might be a cross of anything is unacceptable to me.

anyway thanks again for taking the time to send a pm i really do appreciate it.

all the best

SO, MediMary, perhaps you could pull your horns in, and your head out of your ass, and be not so quick to condem........Thank you.......BB
well maybe you shouldn't stick up for him on a public forum when yo ""know absolutely nothing about Mathew Riot.""in the first place.:cuss: You have anyone else you know nothing about, that you would like to vouch for??:|

I didn't tell you anything personal, didn't insult you in anyway, just asked you to covey the message along to matt, I assumed you knew him since you are coming to his defense and all:lol:
So you post my private message up in public(roflmao), what are you trying to make me look bad or something?
bottom line you mess with heath~ its personal.

BTW, I attempted to PM the above to MediMary first, however it seems their "inbox" was "full"; therefore I go public....BB
here is what OGraskal of the cali connection has to say....
Riot is a fuckin lieng scammer for sure. This is a fact for those that dont know.~ogr

Heres the truth about Riot seeds for those that dont know..

Yes folks, Mathew Riot is a scamming piece of shit!. I thought everyone knew this already. Before he went into the seed and clone biz He begged all of the breeders for thier cuts even cuts of their breeding stock and claimed it was for his medical patients. He said that he grew their medicine for them for free and gave it to them for free. I almost fell for his BS lies and sent him some but my gut told me somethin wasnt right with him. After i declined to send him some cuts since i didnt know him or ever here of him before, he went off on me and said i didnt care about the med community. I believe Outlaw grower also declined to send this guy some cuts and then when Outlaw grower got busted MathewRiot when online in public and made fun of him and said he deserved it. What a piece of shit. His plan was to use medical patients as an excuse to get access to dank cuts so he could make beans and sell cuts for outrageous prices. MATHEW RIOT IS A SCAMMING, LIEING, PIECE OF SHIT! THATS THE TRUTH!...~ogr
well maybe you shouldn't stick up for him on a public forum when yo ""know absolutely nothing about Mathew Riot.""in the first place.:cuss:

I didn't tell you anything personal just asked you to covey the message along to matt, I assumed you knew him since you are coming to his defense and all:lol:

Very well put.....Your're right!!! I'm still some kind of jerk for allowing the Clockwork Orange to blind me, and ignorantly attempting to defend the creator.
At least Mr. Robinson was willing to forgive, and I'm grateful for that, cuz his opinion means a lot to me, whereas, YOURS means SQUAT!
Very well put.....Your're right!!! I'm still some kind of jerk for allowing the Clockwork Orange to blind me, and ignorantly attempting to defend the creator.

And I could care less what you think of my opinion, Got anyone else you want to vouch that you know nothing about broski:roll:, maybe an undercover cop
And I could caer less the what you think of my opinion, Got anyone else you want to vouch that you know nothing about broski:roll:, maybe an undercover cop

Well for sure I'm NOT your "broski", nor am I an "undercover cop"!
You seem to really get upset with folks who will jump in without prior knowledge of the facts....And you admit to your OWN assumptions, ("I assumed you knew him since you are coming to his defense and all"

Let's see now...with the information available to me, I assumed Matt was OK....
YOU assumed I knew him because of my post.........Guess that makes US a couple of ASSUMING ASSES........& have a good day.......BB bongsmilie

man I sent you rep and said to chill ~ but hey I can continue arguing with you.;)

Broski was in sarcasm(duh),Common sense lil homie, here Wikipedia that shit sense apparently you don't get sarcasm.
No I am not calling you homie:D

I did assume you knew him since you were coming to his defense, I mean in all honestly who defends someone who they know nothing about. Seems like a pretty common sense assumption on my behalf, You supposedly think so highly of heaths opinion of you, why do you question him and support Mat in the first placet?!?! WTF!!!. Now you magically came to your senses. Seriously WTF!
Put YOUR +rep where the "Sun don't shine!".........IF I could get it OFF of me I would.......To any Mod: I will surrender the last +rep posted to me, most happily. In fact, I deserve to lose something for posting a "PM" in the public, so please, do the right thing.......BB
bongsmilieWell I guess we will just have to agree to disagree:D
no more arguing left in me, usually I can go on for awhile.:sleep:
i planing on getting some seeds from attitude im interested in the auto flowering fem seeds and ive been looking at quite a few and after looking on here all i hear is alot of he said she said about different seed companys and i kinda find it to be obnoxious i just want a straight answer with out all the bullshit anyways heres a few ones ive been looking into getting and i was wondering if anyone has tried these before and how they turned out
#1 "ive always been a fan of afgahn so why not give it a shot"
#2 "only 60 days from seed to harvest cant go wrong with that just my only concern is the yeild"
#3 " says its resistant to pests and fungus nice cause there would be lest to worry about"
#4 "a nice skunky plant ;)"
#5 it would be nice if i could find some sort of a auto fem cross of northern lights and white widow.... any ideas?
so let me know what you think and what ur experences are and if you have had any luck with any of these from attitude... thanks