Spin-Out for Chemical Root Pruning

Just takes a trip to the john to rid my bod of any wastes. Unless someone can give me a bonafide analysis of products they claim are "natural" or "green", I'll not buy into the green movement hype. With most or all green products, you don't really know what's in them as they are not regulated like "chemical" plant foods are. For all you know, that bag of worm castings contains high levels of heavy metals.

What is the most effective and cost the least?

Chemicals can be messy and possibly harmful to even micro life in the growing medium, if anything you have to continue to buy them and apply over time

Where as with Air Pots you just rinse and reuse and it will grow plants better than with regular pots and chemical root killers
Just FYI...if you live in a house that was built around 1950 or before 2007 chances are you drinking water that sits in and flows through copper pipe. As it does this copper is leaching into the water at various rates. If you have a dialetric problem in the system somewhere it is leaching at an even faster rate.

Hope every one has a great day and oh BTW the next time your thirsty I hope you enjoy that tall glass of cold water, I know I will.
I painted my living room with griffin's spin out. I havent left the room in 2 month. It work. Now i am unemployed.
Uncle Ben's a grouchy butt. He's alway upset with somebody. He's gonna end up with high blood pressure. Ugggeeeeeee..
He deserves respect, and I see a bunch of people who spout off to him. Too many people argue without wisdom. He follows two of my grow journals, and helps when I ask. I also research any question and have plenty of gardening experience.
I give uncle ben alot of respect. He have alot of experience and also back up what he say's. I'm not questioning the man wisdom and experience. If i met uncle ben he would look up to me for one single reason." I'm 6 foot 7 oh yeahhhhhh!!!! " I just order 30 microkote 1 gallon pot's. I'm going to try the sea of green with some critical mass clones from Mr.nice ass. I'm gonna get mini donky dick colasssss!!!
Copper and Lye are the main ingredients. I have copper pipes in my house. Used to run a copper still which is heated for extended periods of time and make soap with lye. My balls are still attached to my body and I have no illnesses from soap or liquor... Therefore I assume that it is 99% safe. Plus its non water soluble so it can't leech into the water! And once the paint is cured it can't flake or anything like that (not that it would matter if it did). Lookin beautiful! +rep
Also pic #13 is amazing
Chemicals can be messy and possibly harmful to even micro life in the growing medium, if anything you have to continue to buy them and apply over time

Where as with Air Pots you just rinse and reuse and it will grow plants better than with regular pots and chemical root killers

holy retard....
the plants don't eat the damn copper walls, it's a god damn force shield to prevent them from getting bound and getting them to produce some good secondary growth to eat their nutrients and water like champs
Big ups to UB! I would like to say I have been reading many of your post and although I haven't read that many I can already tell improvement from the knowledge you given. Thank you.

I know this thread is kind of old but this may help anyone who comes across it further...

If anyone is still worried even after FYIcool2's post I can assure you would die from lung cancer far before any adverse effects from the paint. A 100lb person could smoke 5 pounds of weed grown in these containers every day for 100 years (easier math) and still would have well below any harmful exposure amounts even if calculated with the most generous absorbance by the plant.
The main reason why the copper pesticides/fungicide are dangerous is because it can be directly absorbed through the skin. Secondly the ___-acides are in much higher concentration relative to the concentration in the paint, and they only have low sperm count from this high exposure. Lastly, and as stated previously the copper is suspended or "locked" in the paint and is not absorbed by the plant and even if it did manage to scoop out a tiny bit, it still would do nothing, refer to first points math.

I would also like to point out you can make your own for only slightly less than they charge. I found the recipe, which is 100g Cu(OH)2 per 1 liter of latex paint. There are articles of the effects of of spinoff on the plants in which they disclose this. I've found several laboratory suppliers that sell this but the lowest i've found was 500g of pure (94%) Cu(OH)2 for about $75, or 100g for about $50.

I do have one question for UB or anyone else who has been using this. I don't think there would be but, have you noticed any thinning or need to reapply after time? thx.
To those concerned about health facts;
The product which kills the root tips is the paint.
If the chemical from the paint meets roots, it burns them.
So if the chemical were to be INSIDE OF THE PLANT, it would FIRST have to CONTACT the ROOTS, which would BURN THEM.


There is no possible way for the copper to get in the plant, without killing the roots. The Roots are the only way for it to get to the plant that we smoke, so there's no way for the copper to reach the flowers & fruit.

Any other ingredients are a free-for-all without proper inspection,
but look at the way the plant recieves it's food.

Physically impossible for dead roots to transfer the copper...
This thread it awesome. I now feel better knowing people have used it without consequence. I was pretty sure it was safe based on how it works but it's always good to see other peoples experiences.

Thanks Uncle Ben for the post. (even though it wasn't originally posted by you, some people. hah)

Now i'm just not sure if I should go with SpinOut or MicroKote.
im going to make my own but am not sure the ratio of copper hydroxide to paint. since copper hydroxide is made from lye and copper sulfate its pretty damn cheap to make and latex paint is cheap so im thinkin ill just go though 5 gallons mixing pints with different ratios
well a while back i bought 50 of the Tex-R Agroliner 5 gallon Spin Out treated bags. wish they had smaller sizes but 5 gal was the smallest size.


bought 50 bags for $128 shipping & handling included. thats $2.56 a bag. im about 2 weeks into bloom. due to some type of mosaic virus coupled with fungus gnats and a heat wave, i had to postpone the transition into bloom about 4 weeks so they were transfered from 1 gallon to the 5 gallon treated bags approx 6 weeks ago, so the roots will have approx 3 months in the bags. not exactly testing the limits here, but o well.