1st Grow... Working with what I got!


Active Member
Wow... well I have never had Fed Ex delivery something at 9:00pm @ night... But the tent is here! I will post pics when I get it put together!
I know the feeling my 5 year old is always looking for keys to the cave and my 9 year old wants to do her book report on the "Cannibible"! Yea Absolutely no nutes, I feed the soil instead of the plant and then just water her and occasionally treat the soil... TLO (True Living Organics) gives a much more natural taste with insane flavor and hevier yields with quicker grows, surprisingly as you would need 5 gal for your girls to grow up in, TLO allows you to use 1 gals all the way through and still achieve more yield. Once you master feeding the soil there's no need for heavy amounts of medium because your feeding the soil not the plant and the roots thicken as oppose to stretch! And the ingredients are so much more readily availible and beyond cost effective, it's truly nature recycling itself right in front your eyes...LITERALLY!


I know the feeling my 5 year old is always looking for keys to the cave and my 9 year old wants to do her book report on the "Cannibible"! Yea Absolutely no nutes, I feed the soil instead of the plant and then just water her and occasionally treat the soil... TLO (True Living Organics) gives a much more natural taste with insane flavor and hevier yields with quicker grows, surprisingly as you would need 5 gal for your girls to grow up in, TLO allows you to use 1 gals all the way through and still achieve more yield. Once you master feeding the soil there's no need for heavy amounts of medium because your feeding the soil not the plant and the roots thicken as oppose to stretch! And the ingredients are so much more readily availible and beyond cost effective, it's truly nature recycling itself right in front your eyes...LITERALLY!
thats awesome! what do you feed the soil with?


you have got to love the anticipation of these forums i sometimes find myself constantly re-freshing the page. Captbooyah do you mind if i post a picture of my twins? there 3 weeks old from seedling today and was 2 sprouts from the same seed


The 1st picture is from when they was little 2/3days.The middle two are my twins (21days today!) They are the ones in the big pots, the little mini pots/sprouts i am nursing for a mate for a little while
I think there a tad under developed but due to poor lighting in the 1st week and a few days. But im currently using CFL's.



not sure on there sex at the moment Im vegging them on 24/0 under there new lights. Im not using any nutes at the moment. Yeah someone said to me earlier that's there was a 1/100 chance but IMO I dont know lol. There are the freebies from attitude. UFO #1 Kannabia Seeds La Blanca Feminized. Im using these 1st to try my new cupboard out. Im trying to go stealth but need to finish my new area for when I flower them as it's not light tight at the moment.


Well-Known Member
thats trippy, two for one. i loke your co2 bottle.
The 1st picture is from when they was little 2/3days.The middle two are my twins (21days today!) They are the ones in the big pots, the little mini pots/sprouts i am nursing for a mate for a little while
I think there a tad under developed but due to poor lighting in the 1st week and a few days. But im currently using CFL's.


my CO2 bottle is FABULOUS! and its so cheap to run! this grow is going so smooth at the moment. i think i over cared for my 1st plant but i was excited LOL.


Active Member
LOL Bonzi... he's got one about the size I need... I need specs! LOL

Got the grow tent in the closet and set up... just need to figure out exactly how I want to go about lighting in there... I'm going to have to wait to get my dual ballast until after taxes... LOL... so I am waiting to move my ladies until I can get the lights set up. Also have to get an new fan for inside the tent... Might just order those cute little clip fans on-line... Wal-marts stock of fans is pretty shitty now compared to the spring/summer season... and I don't need an industrial or box fan...

LOL- went to the dollar store for 1 spray bottle... had to get 5 because there is a $5 minimum on debit or credit purchases... what a load of bs. But, they are pretty cheap, so I am sure I will go through them. My last one randomly just cracked and busted out the bottom one day. It's a good thing there is a sink right under the bar counter I am currently using.

Will post update pics and new tent pics later tonight.

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
I took the 2 clip on fans I had in my flower cab out. The room is so tight and the air movement so controled (lots of it) the fans are in constant motion (I can watch the sealed room on a web cam), the plants seem so much healtheier although they seem to be flimsier, I know I am going to have to prop up buds this time.

Oh and the CO2 is only useful in a sealed enviroment.


Active Member
LOL- thanks Bonzi... I actually breathe on my plants purposely all the time- I heard that it is just as good as having co2 in there...


Well-Known Member
yah, i talk to mine all the time when i am hanging out with them. i go in there several times a day just to check on things like lst, humidity, temps etc. so my ladies get all kinds of Co2


Active Member
I just finished my 1st grow------- https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/401950-take-guess-ladys-yield-3.html

As also a beginner, I got nothing else to say but ur light. if u wanna make money out of ur crop instead of just picking up a self-satisfying hobby, u better upgrade your lights. believe me I had a same budget shortage and had to work with what I've had, I searched so many online stores for HPS' hood, bulb and ballast, but I couldn't afford none of em. then I found out this one:
Don't get me wrong, Im not advertising for anybody, and Im not sure if there were cheaper sites out there, anyway, I bought an air-cooled hood, a 600w ballast and 2 600w HPS bulbs from em, plus shipping it took me under $140 total, and the qualities are very good (I've never seen other brand's quality). Only thing is I that had it as a local package, so if u order it with an international shipping, it's gonna cost u abit more.