1st Grow... Working with what I got!


Active Member
View attachment 1389152 I am getting discoloration on the leaves of 1 of the 4 plants... the others have no sign of this...
This one has been the runt from the beginning... and I know I need to replant because I am sure they have used all the nutes in the soil. Any ideas as to what this specifically could be?
Well, I'm a newb grower and I'm growing hydro, not soil, but maybe they are root bound and should be transplanted. I am in week 5 of flowering and my babies started to droop a little and one had some discoloration in my germination station when they were getting to big for the little bitty cups.


Active Member
Thanks for stopping in... I will be transplanting, as soon as their new home arrives (bought a grow tent yesterday)... I was starting to suspect that myself. +rep


Active Member
Time for an UPDATE

The Ladies are looking good... working on their 8th set of leaves... The bottom set of leaves are starting to yellow a bit, and look like they want to die off... Cotyledon is mostly yellow and curled up.

Tent should be here between monday and wednesday... Then it is soooo transplant time!



Here is the Chron and White Widow... day 13ish. They are working on their 4th set of leaves

d23-3.jpg Chron

d23-4.jpg Widow


Well-Known Member
Ur ladies are lookin great lady! I hope u r blessed on ur first harvest. I see u have a tent comin. Congrats. This is highly addictive, so keep ur wallet out. U can DIY a lotta stuff if ur n2 being thrifty but I'm more n2 instant gradification so I just buy anything I need. Anyway, excellent grow. Your first go round looks way better then mine did.


Active Member
Because I wont have room for them where they are currently once in the big pots... Its only 1-2 more days... plus I want to make sure I have the proper set up before moving them from their comfy home. LOL


Active Member
Well... they were root bound... they grew so fast so quick, I wasn't ready for them to be done in the cups this fast. LOL I transplanted them into 10in pots (already measured to fit in grow tent). Hopefully they will be happy in their new homes until the tent arrives. Had to do some major light readjustment to accommodate the giant pots vs the party cups.

Here is the plant right out of the party cup... my roots are showing!!!

Here is one plant in its new pot...

And here is the white widow... day 14ish looking healthy!


Well-Known Member
looking good, they'll love the 10in. pots just fine... Good conditions can do that to your roots you know :D, nothing but good signs.


I cant wait to see the results with these tents, i will post some photos of my lil girls soon when i can find my cam =]


Well-Known Member
I want a tent too, but seeing how well my plants are doing in the spot that i have them in now, not sure I want to do that anymore. but then again we will see this summer.


Active Member
I really got the tent for 2 things... hiding it all away from the 3 year old, and controlling light during flower * can't be done in my current spot... lol


Active Member
LOL, I wish- at 3, it's hard to get her to understand that she's not allowed in 'momma's area'... she cant reach anything because it on a counter top, but all the cords and shit worry me... She's very curious and smart... likes to know how things work. So yeah... tent it is! LOL


Well-Known Member
mine would be trying to to build ladders out of chairs to get up there. (done it before to get to the goodies on top of the fridge) too freaking smart.


Active Member
I actually busted mine earlier- she moved the computer chair over there and was climbing... Arg- the tent is just taking forever it seems!!! LOL
Cap Looking good!!!! I would probably hold off on the tent unless you really need the security or you have bad air quality...Here's the girls at DAY30 let me know what you think....The only thing these girls have had in there system is water! TLO is the only way to go!

IMG00246-20110123-2013.jpgAKR DAY 30.jpgIMG00243-20110123-2012.jpgIMG00247-20110123-2013.jpgIMG00248-20110123-2014.jpg


Active Member
Looking Great Gangsta!!! No nutes at all??? Thats awesome! My tent is mostly for security... from the kid... LOL