Thank you, yes if I had a lot of money I could recieve treatment which may or may not work and if I was willing to enrole in studies I could probably get some kind of free treatment and possibly even get paid for it, I don't do it because my schedule dosen't permit it and it is hard without driving to do medical appointments but the main reason I don't get treatment is because i'm afraid it might make me feel worse or get sicker faster.
sorry to hear about your medical condition, dude. what is wrong with your liver, may i ask?
I'm not saying it is right to let me or anyone else to die but I am not your responsibility, you shouldn't pay for my illness If you want to out of kindness that is your choice and very noble of you and you should be able to donate your money or if your a doctor your services but it should not be required of you it shouldn't be mandated.
this is why i don't often reply to your long posts, they are often rambling and i like to address more specific things. i agree with you and kervorkian, it is not my choice to stop someone from dying if they want to. or if they can't fit it in their schedule or can't drive to appointments or if they are afraid.
No one will live forever no matter what they spend and I don't want to burden people I want people to have the potential to be happy and successful and to strive to build and achieve things.
no one will live forever, true.
but getting treated for your illness, by your own admission, will not burden others and may even benefit you by your own admission.
even if it did, getting you treated for your condition and the potential to be happy and successful and to strive to build and achieve things are not mutually exclusive.
I feel like if you are getting to be 13 or 18 or whenever your starting to work you should be able to do what you want and earn what you can and put that money to use as you see fit.
i feel the same way. i worked from age 14 and up. had two jobs in high school, one was a night shift. worked all through college. dropped out of college to work.
before i turned 18, i used to protest 'taxation without representation', as i had to pay taxes but was not allowed to vote. this seemed contradictory to the ideals upon which america was founded.
now that i am past 18, i still agree with your sentiment that we should be able to do what we want with what we earn and use that money as we see fit. i for one would like to see less of my money go to the military and more go towards domestic programs. i would like to see more of my taxes go towards programs for a healthier, less obese america and less go towards building a $4 million per mile fence that can be scaled in less than 15 seconds without a ladder.
you know what i do? i express my sentiment at the polling station. actually, in oregon, it is all mailed to anyone who registers to vote. i still walk it to the station on election day. it makes me feel good.
I don't think someone should have to get permits and licences and and meet regulations and then pay taxes...
then put your money where your mouth is, and hire an unlicensed electrician to rewire your entire house without getting a permit using wiring that meets no safety regulations.
tell me when the lights go out so i can suggest a licensed electrician for you. pay for sick people and lazy people and dumb people and wars and other things...
when an electrician gets a license, most of that goes towards running a licensing administration. ditto for just about any license, although some are ridiculous, like fishing licenses. at least the ridiculous licenses are cheap and easily ignored.
licenses and permits do not pay for the deserving sick that are doing everything they can to get better, such as driving to appointments (or riding socialist public transportation...*gasp*) and fitting their schedules around their treatments.
and being brave, instead of afraid. such is how progress is made.
i agree with you about the dumb wars. us progressives were very adamant about our opposition to that when it was happening back in 2002 and 2003. we also opposed a lot of the other dumb shit that happened during that administration from very early on. in fact, the best known progressive senator, russ feingold, even voted against the patriot act! he was recently ousted by tea partier ron johnson, a businessman who accepted corporate welfare from the government that our taxes paid for.
it often makes me wonder why the tea party did not start up until 2007 or so and have no real following until the new administration assumed office.
I think it should be like were born equal and where you go from their is up to you
i agree, and i think it it is. want an example? just take a look at the current president. a true example of progressivism in america. he would have had no chance 50 years ago.