Marijuana Seeds

I just placed my fourth order from Attitude last night, the first three were successsful and I live in the US. I will report back if they don't come in, but I don't have any doubts anymore. I got more Dutch Passion seeds, Blueberry and Power Plant. The shitty part was that Attitude only have 10 packs of Blueberry so I had to pay double the price. I only wanted a 5 pack but oh well, I still did it anyway.
speaking of Stealthy ship methods,...I ordered from Marijuana Seeds Canada, which is kind of a middle man for bigger companies selling singles instead of 10 packs but yeah I got my seeds in a brand new wallet.... which made me laugh cause I had just got my wallet stolen out of my truck and had to buy a new one, I would of just baught the seeds had I own known lol
BC BUD Depot wont send an USA citizen seeds threw mail...... everyone knows what happend to marc emmery..... you can blame your own country for the rip off
I just placed my fourth order from Attitude last night, the first three were successsful and I live in the US. I will report back if they don't come in, but I don't have any doubts anymore. I got more Dutch Passion seeds, Blueberry and Power Plant. The shitty part was that Attitude only have 10 packs of Blueberry so I had to pay double the price. I only wanted a 5 pack but oh well, I still did it anyway.

The Attitude sells in "breeder packs", if the breeder didn't choose to make a "5-pack", it's a bit lame to blame the Attitude!
The Attitude sells in "breeder packs", if the breeder didn't choose to make a "5-pack", it's a bit lame to blame the Attitude!

I don't get it. If you're interested enough to respond and write that comment, why not check to see if 5 packs even exist? Dutch Passion sells 10, 5, and 3 packs FYI. The more you know.
I don't get it. If you're interested enough to respond and write that comment, why not check to see if 5 packs even exist? Dutch Passion sells 10, 5, and 3 packs FYI. The more you know.

Yeah...OK...So I JUST checked the Attitude, guess what??? Dutch Passion's Blue Berry, feminised, available in 5 or 10 packs!
So what's the hubbub Bub? And just for clarity, you didn't "pay double", the 5-pack is $81.59 and the 10-pack is $151.99, so you saved about $10. As you said, "The more you know"
and we all dislike what happened to Mark Emmery but he demonstrated to us that no battle is too hard and we are the ones that create change, a favorite quote of mine that expresses this message.
All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible." -Thomas Edward Lawrence
With neither judgment or rancor, I ask, WHY????? What led you to spend your hard earned money at this particular seed bank?
What was it about MJ seeds/NL that attracted you. Please, I really would like to know, thanks.......BB

Rookie mistake ordered before I joined here.
So what are you saying? rip off joint or bad quality ?

What your recommendation? I live in US. Pacific Northwest
Rookie mistake ordered before I joined here.
So what are you saying? rip off joint or bad quality ?

What your recommendation? I live in US. Pacific Northwest
Many people are happy with that seed bank. Just reading the posts on this page some people are not.My friend ordered there got his seeds so good luck.

As for places that ship to usa, I hhave used hempdepot, Dr Chronic, and Sanniesshop successfully as well as Attitude. I'm pretty sure BCBudDepot does ship to the states though just to clear that up.
Yeah...OK...So I JUST checked the Attitude, guess what??? Dutch Passion's Blue Berry, feminised, available in 5 or 10 packs!
So what's the hubbub Bub? And just for clarity, you didn't "pay double", the 5-pack is $81.59 and the 10-pack is $151.99, so you saved about $10. As you said, "The more you know"

BB thanks for the laugh
2000 miles north of there.

Is there reliable seed companies that ship to the US from there?

I just checked a Canada seed and they don't ship to US
Yeah...OK...So I JUST checked the Attitude, guess what??? Dutch Passion's Blue Berry, feminised, available in 5 or 10 packs!
So what's the hubbub Bub? And just for clarity, you didn't "pay double", the 5-pack is $81.59 and the 10-pack is $151.99, so you saved about $10. As you said, "The more you know"

I just checked there too and THEY ARE there (now). Had you checked when you made the comment, you'd know those are new.