1st Grow... Working with what I got!


nice, i have been watching your thread. interesting material.
I tried growing a few months back. and was learnt loads, managed to smoked a little too.
I'm looking to buy some new lights soon but my little 100w hps done ok. =[


Well I have just finished my new grow cupboard which is slightly smaller but more erm 'tight' im worried that if I move my girls into there they could become too hot under the hps light as the temp's are high at the moment in the current location =/


Active Member
LOL... Its ok, we are all here to learn. Personally, I wouldn't go for LED lights, but thats just me... It will be good for your cupboard at least compared to HPS... but you could use the HPS if your ventilation was good.


This is my problem ventilation is poor, but there is room to adapt this new area for ventilation. There are too many ways of growing to play with.
Hope you dont think i was stealing your thread at all just i saw in previous pages you was looking at new lights and have followed this thread for ages and not said much. I myself am at the same sort of stage with my grow at the moment and this is also my second grow like yourself trying to do it with minimal cost.
I wish you the best of luck with your grow, i will keep following.
Anyway's off to start my own thread =P


Active Member
problem.jpg I am getting discoloration on the leaves of 1 of the 4 plants... the others have no sign of this...
This one has been the runt from the beginning... and I know I need to replant because I am sure they have used all the nutes in the soil. Any ideas as to what this specifically could be?


Well-Known Member
the soil might be too hot (to many nutes) for her since she seems to be delicate. when you transplant her, cut the soil with more pearlight than you used before. somebody please correct me if this is incorrect info. still learning too.

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
Thanks B... the only thing that I could find that sounds close is potassium deficiency... But idk for sure.
Don't worry about it right now. Trying to correct problems can sometimes lead to disaster. Nice thing about soil is it will SLOWLY spread if it is an issue. Just trans plant into FFOF (Rose Buckets of course) and water with plain H20 (plus hygrozyme) and then next watering start 1/4 strength nutes. I also keep cal/mag + on hand and has saved me in the past.

Stop looking for problems, sometimes the cure is the kill. I have seen a couple of people kill their grows in your spot; never to return.

Chill... nothing happens overnight and there ain't nothing that can't wait till tomorrow. LOL me to a tee.


Active Member
Thanks Bonzi... wise words! My other 3 girls that have been grown and cared for the same are fine... so worse comes to worse if it keeps up, I get rid of it... Buying my grow tent tomorrow, and nutes after the transplant... have to get pots (or rose buckets as preferred lol). I'm not too worried...


Well-Known Member
Amazon.com! I love them... and they ship anywhere in the US... great prices and you can find anything you can think of on there!!!
cool, i had looked there in the past but never saw one that cheep before. i actually used to be a big time seller on there for like 7 years. herbal stuff.


Active Member
Day 19 Update:

Three of the ladies continue to thrive... while the ones spots are getting worse... Waiting to transplant when the tent is set up.


d19-5.jpg this pic is my fave... looks so lush!


And here is the spotted lady


The White Widow is growing beautifully...


And the Chron is growing a little funky all of a sudden... the third set of leaves grew on one side, but the opposite sides growth seems to be 'stunted'... really weird



Active Member
Right now they are eating about every 3 days or so... sometimes 4... I have been very patient as to not over water... bc i want to... but thats bad! LOL
I am sooo bad about over watering, then under watering my outdoor garden ( tomatoes, strawberries, parsley, basil, etc.). That is the main reason I went hydro instead of soil. I so DO NOT have a green thumb!


Active Member
Its just odd, I guess I should have posed as a chic because I started a thread kinda like this but it would prob be titled"1st grow , spent hundred and hundreds(still am)" and it got to like 9 pages of comments, not that I'm looking for comments/opinions on anything that I do (the finished product is enough for me) but I mean wtf??? I grew 5+ foot tall plants first time up and nobodies interested . AND most of the post on said thread "1st grow , spent hundred and hundreds(still am)" most of the comments are me talking to myself!! haha, wtf. Gonna make a new pro, gonna sound real feminine and shit. gonna get me some free seeds!
It's kinda funny you should say that! I have been thinking for a while now that I should have pretended to be a man, then maybe I would get more replies! In fact, I now split my online time between here and Grass City, because at least on Grass City, I get more replies! Here no one wants to know about first grows unless you screw something up!