Congresswoman on Palin's "Hit List" shot


Well-Known Member
Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D) - Arizona was shot at a constituent event in AZ. 18 people shot, some killed. Congresswoman had brain surgery and doctor is optimistic.

Unknown motives for the shootings at this time. Ms. Giffords was on Palin's rifle-sight ad however.
It's These "Tea-Bagger",,,extremist's,,Brain washed fool's. it's alway's Demacrat's targeted by the "Radical Right",,,Killing kid's is just fucking wrong. Braiwashing a young 22 year old is wrong,,,WTF she is a moderate!!!
"Finally! We've been waiting with baited breath for something like this to happen.

When we first heard about this we had our fingers crossed it would be a right wing nutjob.

Now's our opportunity to rid ourselves of those damnable Teabaggers. It's time for Kristallnacht Version 2.0!"

/sarc off

Are you even sure the shooter is a Teabagger?

Present evidence the Teabaggers are cheering this tragic event.

Speaking for myself, I condemn this criminal act.
I'm not ready to say that. No idea who did this or why. We'll know soon enough. She was in that ad, though.
Well,,,Let's see who is Bitching about the federal government? Taxes? We all are in one way or the other,,,But who is "Organized" and "Preching",,,It's "Blind" not to see it's against the "Current" democrat's! WTF happened with the anthrax threat,,,years ago,,,the abortion clinic bombing's,,,come on man,,,IT'S ALWAY"S the radical' Right,,,and a Tea-bagger is just the Right's 3rd party!
Well,,,Let's see who is Bitching about the federal government? Taxes? We all are in one way or the other,,,But who is "Organized" and "Preching",,,It's "Blind" not to see it's against the "Current" democrat's! WTF happened with the anthrax threat,,,years ago,,,the abortion clinic bombing's,,,come on man,,,IT'S ALWAY"S the radical' Right,,,and a Tea-bagger is just the Right's 3rd party!
It's not ALWAYS the radical Right. Unless you number Weather Underground as Right Wing.

You've obviously already made up your mind when even the President said it's to early to know what provoked this tragedy.

Take a look at this guy's alleged YouTube page before it gets taken down. Look at his reading list. Look at his videos and explain what you see there that indicts the Teabaggers.

Nut job? Yep.
so sad that so many perished.

a 9 year old...dead. for being at the wrong place at the wrong time.

miraculous that giffords is responding to commands after taking a bullet in one side of her head and out the other at point blank range.

others were not so lucky.

from what i've seen of the loughner's facebook and youtube pages, he looks pretty disturbed and paranoid.

what makes this all so much sadder is that we all saw something like this happening from miles away. putting literal targets on offices of congress people, telling people to not retreat, reload...second amendment remedies...carrying automatic weapons to rallies...pelosi spoke of the heated environment months ago, recalled harvey milk.

so fucking sad. a sad day for the country as a whole, no matter how you swing politically.
so sad that so many perished.

a 9 year old...dead. for being at the wrong place at the wrong time.

miraculous that giffords is responding to commands after taking a bullet in one side of her head and out the other at point blank range.

others were not so lucky.

from what i've seen of the loughner's facebook and youtube pages, he looks pretty disturbed and paranoid.

what makes this all so much sadder is that we all saw something like this happening from miles away. putting literal targets on offices of congress people, telling people to not retreat, reload...second amendment remedies...carrying automatic weapons to rallies...pelosi spoke of the heated environment months ago, recalled harvey milk.

so fucking sad. a sad day for the country as a whole, no matter how you swing politically.
I could not agree more, Buck. There is no excuse for this horrible event.

I am disturbed the online chatter I am seeing which appears almost HAPPY about this tragedy. Some use it as an excuse to attack Fox News, Republicans, Teabaggers, Palin, etc.


Let's not forget that the Unabomber had a copy of Owl Gore's book in his cabin. Do we hold Gore responsible for the actions of the Unabomber? Do we make him answer for the domestic terrorism of the Earth Liberation Front? Of course not.

Let us not also forget that a member of the crowed was carrying a concealed weapon and dropped the assassin.

Yea ya' have to be a Nut job,,,But I see a lot of new Nut job's being recruited. STOP Please.:peace:
Recruited? Exactly which group does this recruiting you mention?

That's just speculation on your part.


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I'm sorry for pointing the finger at any one here,,,But this really bother's me at the way socitey has become,,,Mainly because I'm an adult. But she stuck up for belif's on all sides. I remember after 9/11,,,EVERYONE in the USA stuck together,,,and was and is proud of what we have created. To bad thing's change so quick. People have to raise there kid's a little better IMO.
"Let us not also forget that a member of the crowed was carrying a concealed weapon and dropped the assassin."

They are saying someone returned fire, but the gunman was tackled by a staff member.
Let's not forget that the Unabomber had a copy of Owl Gore's book in his cabin. Do we hold Gore responsible for the actions of the Unabomber? Do we make him answer for the domestic terrorism of the Earth Liberation Front? Of course not.

i get what you're saying here, and i share your disgust with those who take this as occasion to attack...whoever. i share your disgust about those who seem to be almost happy about this tragedy. this is not the time for attack and hate...this is a time for us to unite and stand up against it.

there is a difference between owning a book and the incendiary rhetoric leading up to this tragedy. i cited some of that rhetoric in my first post. i feel that this moment crystallizes the previous concerns held by many that calls for violence, no matter how craftily-worded, should be condemned by all immediately, and without vacillation. the type of heated rhetoric i've cited, no matter what side it comes from, leads to practical consequences in the real the mother who will never hold her 9 year old daughter again.
"I wish we would all curb our enthusiasm in some of the statements and understand that some of the ears that it is falling on are not as balanced as the person making the statements may assume." - nancy pelosi, 9/19/2009

"...if this Congress keeps going the way it is, people are really looking toward those Second Amendment remedies and saying my goodness what can we do to turn this country around? I'll tell you the first thing we need to do is take Harry Reid out." - sharron angle, jan 2010

"don't retreat, reload!" - sarah palin, april 2010
