King Tut
Quick post before I go start cleaning the new place. The respect/honesty thing is simply a reflection of the lack of morals in our society. VERY few people truly value those traits any more. I learned the hard way about respect, but honesty means the world to me. When I give someone my word, it becomes about honor, what's right, and trust. The interrogation tactics of lying to a perp is still an undecided for me. One side says I must be honest while the other side says that sometimes to beat them, you have to play their game. SO, in response to your situation, I would say it's a combination of both. Bad luck AND people with poor morals that happen to work as cops. Bankers, lawyers, politicians, doctors, priests. They all lie, or at least a good number of them do. When I say be honest with a cop, my rationale is that whether he's a cool cop or a jerk, him catching you in a lie can never be a good situation. Even jerks will occasionally let someone go for being honest, but if you lie and it is discovered, EVERY one of them will arrest you and file as many charges as they can.How far does honesty/respect go, for real?
I mean, I ALWAYS hear cops say things like "just be cool and honest and cooperative and I'll cut you a break.." meanwhile that's all I ever do and have never been given a break on a ticket, never! Not once! It seems like they just say that line so that you'll feel more secure and trusting with them and give out more information than you normally would have had you remained silent.
Is that just a dick cop move or have I just ALWAYS been pulled over by dick cops?
OH SHIT! One more thing, can't believe I forgot this!
I have like 3 or 4 friends who tell me everytime it gets to be around the end of the month, like the 20th.. 22nd... "dude, watch out for cops, they've gotta fill their quota!" - Do cops have quota's they have to fill with speeding tickets and shit like that every month, and if they don't the cop gets in trouble?
As for quotas, when I worked it was clearly stated that quotas are illegal(at least in Cali) and are not to even be discussed. That being said, fdd hit the nail on the head(again). The "magic number" tended to hover around 30 in my department. That averages to just over 1 ticket per shift. I never was a big ticket writer, but made MANY vehicle stops, usually fishing and giving breaks to all but those with bad attitudes. A couple times I was questioned as to why I wrote so few tickets when making so many stops. I explained my reasoning and was simply told that it would be in my best interest if I weren't so wasteful with city resources such as gas, insurance, my pay, the vehicle, etc. As long as I stayed above 30 a month, I must have been using the resources to my supervisors saisfaction. Cities DO rely on ticket revenue, and generally the amount of tickets they write seems to directly correlate to their dependancy at a local level.