King Tut
You know, I want to be cool with the police. If I see a piece of shit mug an old lady, I think he should be behind bars. I hope police realize that they are hugely missing out by going after people that like to smoke a joint every now and then. Its unfortunate because it seems like they serve only to generate revenue and protect the biggest criminals. The police in the United States have actually become "enforcers" for the globalist banking cartel. They will slap the cuffs on anyone caught with so much as anything which can be identified as cannabis. At the same time, those fucks from Goldman Sacks, Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, the cops will drop to their knees and suck their dicks, AND SWALLOW. Bottom line, either the cops are there to keep the peace and help the community, or they are there to enforce the laws and edicts of our rules. If they are there to truly help the community, then they will have my full unconditional support and assistance. If they only serve to enforce any edict or ruler's law, AGAINST the will of the people, then they should all be destroyed, period.
You're right. An officer's discretion is the only salvation we have. If they had no choice in who is and isn't arrested and just enforced the laws black and white, we would be in trouble. Unfortunately, letting them have that discretion is also a common way that a cop is "dirty". There's a horrible paradox for LEO in that they see that the MJ war is ridiculous and a waste of resources, but that same war also subsidizes their paycheck.