RIU Suicide....Ask an Ex-Cop Anything.

Who is this guy?

  • He's a narc.

    Votes: 44 34.1%
  • He's a stoner.

    Votes: 32 24.8%
  • He's a troll.

    Votes: 12 9.3%
  • He just wants to try to help us ALL get along.(No Rodney King pun intended)

    Votes: 41 31.8%

  • Total voters


New Member
But dude you're putting yourself out there as trusted source more or less with the title and I've already seen you give some of the worst advice I've ever seen on a pot board concerning such issues. I think you need to learn from this side of the fence before you start giving advice seriously. Think about it.


King Tut
But dude you're putting yourself out there as trusted source more or less with the title and I've already seen you give some of the worst advice I've ever seen on a pot board concerning such issues. I think you need to learn from this side of the fence before you start giving advice seriously. Think about it.
My OP:
"Well, it's not truly suicide because a few members have accepted me for what I am. An ex-cop in Central Cali that is now(off and on in HS and for the last 10 years) a smoker. Also a grower(VERY small, just a couple patients). I don't know everything and I quit in 1998 so not all law will be up-to-date(disclaimer).

All I can offer is a bridge between two communities that already intermingle. I know basic training, principles, ethics, etc and am more than willing to be the conduit that helps bridge the gap.

LEAP.cc is an excellent start for anyone wanting to try to understand those that are LEO, those that aren't, and those that still ride the fence.

If you are, were, thought of being, or know someone who is LEO I'm sure you have a basic grasp of what I'm trying to do. If you hate bacon, well it is your choice.

I could go on and on about different experiences and theories, as well as ideas, that I have. But I hope this initial post will open the door to a relationship that will, in the end, be beneficial to all."

If you can't read that and determine that I #1) Do NOT know all, 2) You need to verify any info(since I quit in 1998 and we're on an INTERNET POT FORUM), and 3) That I am just trying to bring the MJ and LEO societies into a mutual understanding, then I am sorry. I do not know how to state this in any more simple or clear way. I have been trained in both security and police report writing, both straight and "creative"; NEVER got less than an A in HS or JC English(don't even ASK about Chem though:confused:); and had VERY few reports ever kicked back to me for correction. If you have misunderstood me, I'm sorry and I wish you well.:peace:


King Tut
Don't know who left the last one, but I applaud the majority for their responses. Thank you for your understanding. From my rep:

<H2 class=blockhead>Latest Reputation Received (577 point(s) total)

12-23-2010 03:56 PM

Thread: whats the best product...

I like the idea of leaving a sig since I can't figure out how to find who left the comment.



Active Member
If a cop wants to come into my house they will be denied until they show me a search warrant or bust down my door.
Be sure the warrant is signed by a "judge" and specifies where exactly to search. Sometimes a pig will show you anything,hoping you’re to distracted ATM. :wink:


Well-Known Member
look under urban dictionary for troll and has a picture of japanfreak

One who purposely and deliberately (that purpose usually being self-amusement) starts an argument in a manner which attacks others on a forum without in any way listening to the arguments proposed by his or her peers. He will spark of such an argument via the use of ad hominem attacks (i.e. 'you're nothing but a fanboy' is a popular phrase) with no substance or relevence to back them up as well as straw man arguments, which he uses to simply avoid addressing the essence of the issue.
One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument.

1b. Noun
A person who, on a message forum of some type, attacks and flames other members of the forum for any of a number of reasons such as rank, previous disagreements, sex, status, ect.
A troll usually flames threads without staying on topic, unlike a "Flamer" who flames a thread because he/she disagrees with the content of the thread.

1c. Noun
A member of an internet forum who continually harangues and harasses others. Someone with nothing worthwhile to add to a certain conversation, but rather continually threadjacks or changes the subject, as well as thinks every member of the forum is talking about them and only them. Trolls often go by multiple names to circumvent getting banned.


King Tut
Well, after a pretty good night's sleep, I started thinking that while japanfreak doesn't like this thread, he can be the "voice of reason" for someone out there. Just a different perspective.


Well-Known Member
Well, after a pretty good night's sleep, I started thinking that while japanfreak doesn't like this thread, he can be the "voice of UNreason" for someone out there. Just a different perspective.

He is just trolling you.


Pickle Queen
Ya budlover13 japan does this on almost every thread, ignore him and move on, it's very easy since all his posts are pointless negative rants, dude probably fights with his reflection in the mirror


Well-Known Member
How far does honesty/respect go, for real?

I mean, I ALWAYS hear cops say things like "just be cool and honest and cooperative and I'll cut you a break.." meanwhile that's all I ever do and have never been given a break on a ticket, never! Not once! It seems like they just say that line so that you'll feel more secure and trusting with them and give out more information than you normally would have had you remained silent.

Is that just a dick cop move or have I just ALWAYS been pulled over by dick cops?

OH SHIT! One more thing, can't believe I forgot this!

I have like 3 or 4 friends who tell me everytime it gets to be around the end of the month, like the 20th.. 22nd... "dude, watch out for cops, they've gotta fill their quota!" - Do cops have quota's they have to fill with speeding tickets and shit like that every month, and if they don't the cop gets in trouble?


Well-Known Member
How far does honesty/respect go, for real?

I mean, I ALWAYS hear cops say things like "just be cool and honest and cooperative and I'll cut you a break.." meanwhile that's all I ever do and have never been given a break on a ticket, never! Not once! It seems like they just say that line so that you'll feel more secure and trusting with them and give out more information than you normally would have had you remained silent.

Is that just a dick cop move or have I just ALWAYS been pulled over by dick cops?

OH SHIT! One more thing, can't believe I forgot this!

I have like 3 or 4 friends who tell me everytime it gets to be around the end of the month, like the 20th.. 22nd... "dude, watch out for cops, they've gotta fill their quota!" - Do cops have quota's they have to fill with speeding tickets and shit like that every month, and if they don't the cop gets in trouble?

I have heard about quotas up in Canada too. I think urban myth. I have run into asshole police officers at the beginning, middle AND end of the month. Thankfully I drive professionally for a living, so my exposure to them has significantly reduced since I was arrested/convicted.

Just my take but Budlovers insight would be appreciated. More than likely, practices like quotas would be universal, not restricted by borders.


Well-Known Member
i think it's like any job. you are expected to perform X amount of duties. i don't think it's so much a "quota" as it is a "goal". start slacking and your supervisor will want to know why. i can easily see how ticket counts would be a good way to look at job performance. every ticket written brings in revenue.

shit, i've never even been a cop and i'm giving out "advice". ;) lol


Well-Known Member
i think it's like any job. you are expected to perform X amount of duties. i don't think it's so much a "quota" as it is a "goal". start slacking and your supervisor will want to know why. i can easily see how ticket counts would be a good way to look at job performance. every ticket written brings in revenue.

shit, i've never even been a cop and i'm giving out "advice". ;) lol
LOL right on. I actually like your answer, seems to make sense. Let's see how JapanFreak replies to this one lol.


Active Member
look under urban dictionary for troll and has a picture of japanfreak
Maybe you should shut your mouth and allow the pack to establish order. Your just as annoying as he. You never know, he could be a "swine" dressed in sheep clothing - then what? :shock:


Well-Known Member
There is a good one, how easy is it for a law enforcement agency to track people off of this site? Is this done on a regular basis that you know of (for any type of site not just this one)?
Well I am not a cop or anything...but I know for almost a certainty that very few if any police officers use the internet to track down drug dealers...for one anyone can get on this site and talk a big game about what they have and what they are doing...so you can't take what someone says online as gospel...(can you really take gospel for "gospel"?)...anyone can be anything they want online...so I would say that since people know this I am pretty sure they just let the internet be what it is...huge strings of bullshit connected by invisible lines....lol. There is a youtube cop that makes videos that I have thought were pretty informative...but I don't think I have any california police questions...since I don't live in Cali it wouldn't be very useful info...although I did read a training manual fro spotting drug traffickers awhile back that gave me a good giggle....you should not just pay attention to black men, but also spanish men, black women, hispanic women, white men traveling alone, white men wearing business suits, groups of single women riding together, single women riding alone, women with children, men with children, entire families, and people with dogs should all be watched for suspicious activity because anyone can traffic drugs...it's not just for black jazz musicians anymore....hahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaha....anyway it was like a manual on how to be paranoid, distrustful and racist...