Party Cup Contest *with prizes


Well-Known Member
vintage fender tube amps are awesome by the way.
i use an SWR working man 400 for electric bass and a hartke combo amp for upright bass.
never liked any fender amps...too twangy for me...i like the crunch you get from marshall and randall amps...but im more of a metal guitarist


Well-Known Member
hey guys, what is DWC? i keep seeing it all over the board.
dwc is deep water grow with your roots in water and nutes and not in soil..just another method of hydro growing...ive got 2 dwc systems now...put them on the back shelf till i have more room


Well-Known Member
Merry Xmas everybody! I didnt get a chance to post the list last night cuz i got talked into see Tron in 3d (it was ok). Anyway heres the list of entrys we got so far, I've only counted the ones that have entered with pics already. Alot of people waiting for the seed to break soil (like myself).

Kottonmouth king15 12-20
djruiner 12-20
rasputin71 12-20
researchkitty 12-22
bekind bud 12-23
mudslide9791 12-23
Kulong 12-23
Badzad (coming soon)

I had changed the entry to 1 plant per a person cuz i didn't want to try and keep track of like 60 plants. But i will let a few people enter 2 IF you mark them in some way that was easily tell the 2 plants are the same the whole grow. IE putting something around the trunk that doesn't stretch so the plant grows into it and it cant be removed or carving something into the plant its self and making sure its in each photo. Once again remember to smoke and have fun! Merry xmas!

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Please remove me from the competition.

My first entries/pics were all in 18oz cups and I culled them this evening because I was way over my 12 plant limit (and they were non-fem or hermi'd seeds). I germ'd a Kannabia Power Skunk Fem seed, that may go into a party cup eventually , but chances are it will be an 18oz square bottom solo cup (or #1/#2 Smart Pot) so I won't meet the requirements. If I pot it to a 16oz cup I will post pics and make an official entry, at that time.

So here's an update on the gear upgrades in case anyone gives a poo =) I ordered a 1000watt HPS with a 6" easycool hood, 6inch Inline and carbon filter to exhaust it. The 1000watt is going into a 5.5x5.5x7 room for flowering 12 girls perpetually, 6 will be finishing while 6 will be halfway through flower. I have a 4x4x6 mylar tent coming for the new veg room. I'm moving my 400watt MH into it to veg 12 clones perpetually along with a 4" inline and carbon filter for exhaust. I'm really hoping the 400watts will cut it, I would prefer a 600watt MH but I couldn't justify spending another couple hundred on that upgrade and letting the 400watt sit unused. We''l have to see how it works out 12 plants is alot for 400watts, but I'm thinking they will be small enough to stay under the 3'x3' footprint.

This will be my first perpetual attempt so I'm pretty nervous. Be nice harvesting 6 plants every 4-5weeks though =) We'll see how it goes =-D
Check out my thread. I am starting a perpetual system with 10 clones currently in veg (#2ga smart pots) under 400w MH and 2 tube T5 HO, with (eventually) 6 or 7 under a 600w HPS in my flower box. I am planning to build a bigger (3.5' x 7') flower box in Jan or Feb.


Well-Known Member
Looking Good KK!!!

All 3 SR's where opening up when I checked them today so if all goes well I should have some sprouts this weekend, going in the dirt/cups tomorrow!!


Well-Known Member
After 4 days my seed finally popped, so once again the good old paper towel method done me right.

Seed: Hindu Kush x AK 47 (Auto) its not feminized so I also germinated a bagseed that I am currently growing. I am using Badzad's method with the shot glass for 24 hour to see how that works. Not much for pics but hopefully soon a sprout will come out to play!

HKx47 (2).jpgHKx47.jpg



Well-Known Member
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these are the four i've got started. they're all 3 1/2 weeks today.
right front corner is the one i've previously posted pics of.
Looking good Kotton:leaf:
Looking Good KK!!!

All 3 SR's where opening up when I checked them today so if all goes well I should have some sprouts this weekend, going in the dirt/cups tomorrow!!
There you go again, "KK". I know you mean Kottonmouth King but when I see you type "KK"....ugggggh I WANT A BOWL OF YOUR KOTTON KANDY!!!!! LOL


Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Thanx guys.all my pics dwnloaded small&funny yesterday.wierd.anyways,my 3.5 wks aint nuthin' on dj's! Sheesh.i just ggot mine under the light&its makn a difference.

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Thanx guys.all my pics dwnloaded small&funny yesterday.wierd.anyways,my 3.5 wks aint nuthin' on some of yours! Sheesh.i just ggot mine under the light&its makn a difference tho.there 12/12 from seed& thinkin they'll stay 12/12.


Well-Known Member
Don't know if my girl is going to make it. It is really cold here and she seems to of just stopped growing.

I will give her a few more days to see if there is any life, but it's not looking to good at the moment.


Well-Known Member
never liked any fender amps...too twangy for me...i like the crunch you get from marshall and randall amps...but im more of a metal guitarist
Yeah dude, I'm a marshall Guy.. My main setup is a mashall head with a 4x12 cabinet.

But recently I bought a portable amp for jamming at my buddies house, It's not bad.. A spider 15 or something like that, I don't use any of the on board FX, I just run it clean off my pedal chain.


Well-Known Member
I want to play :leaf: ... got a couple of clones pushing roots right now... what volume is 16 oz in Europe? how many ml's?


Well-Known Member
My plants are showing sign of some minor nute burn from the MG soil they are in. At least I'm contributing it to that. I went ahead and tested the runoff and it was a little acidic for my liking but not too bad. Looks to be around 5.3-5.6 somewhere in that range. I don't think thats too awful bad but I would prefer something a little closer to 6.0-6.5 or so. I'm getting some dried leaf tips and a bit of yellowing in the low leaves. New growth is looking good on all 12 of them though.

I need to consider some other soil mixes for when I start my 20 plant perpetual. I like Fox Farm but it's really difficult to get around here. Anyone have any soil mix suggestions? I was considering doing my own mix of clean top soil, worm casings, and guano. What do yall think?

Edit: I think MG Potting Mix is a little nitrogen heavy for young plants. They will grow out of it, but MG soil is tough on plants up to 4 weeks old. The extra time and care required to nurse young plants through MG potting mix is the price you pay for saving money and buying cheap soil.


Well-Known Member
My plants are showing sign of some minor nute burn from the MG soil they are in. At least I'm contributing it to that. I went ahead and tested the runoff and it was a little acidic for my liking but not too bad. Looks to be around 5.3-5.6 somewhere in that range. I don't think thats too awful bad but I would prefer something a little closer to 6.0-6.5 or so. I'm getting some dried leaf tips and a bit of yellowing in the low leaves. New growth is looking good on all 12 of them though.

I need to consider some other soil mixes for when I start my 20 plant perpetual. I like Fox Farm but it's really difficult to get around here. Anyone have any soil mix suggestions? I was considering doing my own mix of clean top soil, worm casings, and guano. What do yall think?

Edit: I think MG Potting Mix is a little nitrogen heavy for young plants. They will grow out of it, but MG soil is tough on plants up to 4 weeks old. The extra time and care required to nurse young plants through MG potting mix is the price you pay for saving money and buying cheap soil.
thats using all MG for my soil..its a mix of MG organic,MG perlite,MG peat moss....they seem to love it in there...ive only had a light nute burn at maybe 2 tips...but that was from me bumping the nutes up too much on a new solution...only thing i do is a small flush every 2-3 a party cup your going to get more soil compaction...that seems to help hold salts in a good flush time to time really helps out...and since its only a party cup and not giant container...they need watered about every day or every 2 its not going to miss the nutes that much after the flush till its next feeding.......but when i start my next set of gonna give jungle growth soil a try...been heaing a ton of good things about it and cost only a little more then MG and lowes carries it

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
i used mg & plants loved it-till i started adding nutes.then they burned,i flushed,they burned.i think its the time release nutes&my nutes always over feeding.switched ffof,only difference i made&not1 problem this grow. Granted its different strains.