Party Cup Contest *with prizes

randy leopard

Active Member
is cloning gel absolutely necessary to clone? i just snipped a few branches off one of my flowering girls and threw em in a medicine bottle with water.
will that fly>?

dont laugh! ive never cloned. always just gone from seed.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
is cloning gel absolutely necessary to clone? i just snipped a few branches off one of my flowering girls and threw em in a medicine bottle with water.
will that fly>?

dont laugh! ive never cloned. always just gone from seed.
go to your local hardware and garden store and get some cheap rooting powder for like $5...


Well-Known Member
I use some Lowes $5 special rooting powder. The environment is more important than the hormone.

During rooting of a clone, that clone doesn't have a way to pull nutrients up through the soil so, it relies heavily on foliar feeding/lack of perspiration. You don't want the plant to perspire as normal, hence the humidity dome and foliar spray once or twice a day. Keeping your rooting medium (soil/rockwool) at roughly 80 degrees will help stimulate root growth with or without rooting hormone.

So here is a good environment to stimulate clone rooting, regardless if you use rooting gel/powder. Humidity of 80%-95% (use a dome), Heated medium (soil/rockwool) to roughly 75-80 degrees (heat mat), foliar feed at least once per day and pull dome off to circulate fresh air once a day.

You do not want your plants to transpire moisture through it's leaves like normal, meaning you really must have a humid environment during this time of a clones life (humidity dome)

My clones root in 1-2 weeks with a 95% success rate or so. (the other 5% are just bad clippings, too small etc)

ALso, your clones do not need much light contrary to what some suggest. I use one 2ft t5 floro tube and it stays around 4-5 inches off my clones while under the dome. Hope this helps


Active Member
Welcome to the fun newer people! There is no cut off for entry, you can do it as late as you want but you have to finish by 4-20. Ill get a list up of all the entries in a hour or so. Theres a damn kitty sleeping on my notebook atm.


Well-Known Member
No. In fact, you can clone with just plain water.

Once they have decent roots, plant them right into your medium.
Never tryed rooting cuttings in just water, isn't that how the Hydro guys do it also? I'll have to give it a shot one day. I took a look at your Auto-flower grow log KuLong. Very nice, VERY nice indeed =)


Well-Known Member
Never tryed rooting cuttings in just water, isn't that how the Hydro guys do it also? I'll have to give it a shot one day. I took a look at your Auto-flower grow log KuLong. Very nice, VERY nice indeed =)
Thanks. ;)

Let me clarify. I just started cloning and have been planting my clones directly into my soil mix and just using water to water them.

I want to try a DWC cloner and read that you can use just plain water.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. ;)

Let me clarify. I just started cloning and have been planting my clones directly into my soil mix and just using water to water them.

I want to try a DWC cloner and read that you can use just plain water.
Personally, I hate cloning. I prefer growing from feminized seeds, but that's just personal preference. I also like running a variety, as the folks I donate my herb to like having a variety of herb to choose from. Unless it's just a particularly fun strain, I won't clone it for another run. If I want em down the road, it's just a bean pop away =D

randy leopard

Active Member
hey kulong, i just read your autos journal and im very impressed with both harvest and harvest time.
i def wanna try an auto strain next time around. (after this PCC with bagseed)


Active Member
Ugh, I can't believe I didn't take pics of mine >< this is what they looked like the day after I transplanted them from party cups ><DSCF0018.jpgDSCF0017.jpg


Active Member
Merry Xmas everybody! I didnt get a chance to post the list last night cuz i got talked into see Tron in 3d (it was ok). Anyway heres the list of entrys we got so far, I've only counted the ones that have entered with pics already. Alot of people waiting for the seed to break soil (like myself).

Kottonmouth king15 12-20
djruiner 12-20
rasputin71 12-20
researchkitty 12-22
bekind bud 12-23
mudslide9791 12-23
Kulong 12-23
Badzad (coming soon)

I had changed the entry to 1 plant per a person cuz i didn't want to try and keep track of like 60 plants. But i will let a few people enter 2 IF you mark them in some way that was easily tell the 2 plants are the same the whole grow. IE putting something around the trunk that doesn't stretch so the plant grows into it and it cant be removed or carving something into the plant its self and making sure its in each photo. Once again remember to smoke and have fun! Merry xmas!


randy leopard

Active Member
I took my clone out of the water and put it right into soil in my party cup.
I foliage fed her with water. Should I be using nutes? I only have flowering nutes at the moment.
Also got her under a little dome. Still nothing from my seeds.