im in.. the 20th of December? well if so, my clones are in the oven and should be ready by the first. I guess everyone will have a week or so on me. haha.. kalimist sounds nice.
Merry Christmas everyone!
I had a wonderful morning with my daughter. My living room is like funland! =) It's all about the kids, all bout the kids! Speaking of kids, my timers should be kicking my lights on and I'll be checking out my party cup kid this afternoon!
Have fun and much love during this holiday season to my RIU family!
Reps back at ya bro! Thanks! =D+rep to you mudslide! You got it straight bro!christmas is all about the kids man.seeing there little faces lite up! Nothin' compares! Merry xmas to you!
I doubt it considering thousands of people post pics to this forum =)Just out of curiosity, has there ever been any type of security issues with this forum?Call me paranoid, but I'm just rather worried about posting pics of my plants, even though I only have 3 small ones. Just wwondering.
It's personal preference bud (shrug) But you'll miss out on all the party cup fun if you don't post pics =)Just with all the precautions I take to keep my op secret and stealth it kinda seems ass backwards to go and post pix of everything I got goin on!
I realize the feds ain't gonna track me down and bust me for growing a few grams....well, I hope not!
They will hunt you down and bust you on growing a cuple of grams just because you said they won't. They probably won't but saying they won't will just entice them to do it.
Isn't that what the popo are?man-wouldn't that be abouta bitch!
Change of heart I see =D You decide to go ahead and give us a sneak peak at the competition? =Pwhat happened with the seeds as the prize? i was really looking forward to winning those!!!!
i have plenty of tshirts already!! i want some dank seeds!!