GOING OVERBOARD- First grow, first post- Journal 1


Well-Known Member
Trying to do it right the first time and not cut any corners, I am a long time smoker and I know what I like..... And I know what I want in my garden......Now is the time I am finally going to put it there, this is my first real garden!

1- I asked someone I know for two long awaited clones (grape god strain), I got them two weeks too soon. I had to keep them in a make shift tent till I got my room built

2- Bought all supplies minus 2nd light assembly for flower, a carbon filter and flowering nutes

3- Assembled grow room (wired two 20a circuits from service panel to room)

4- Set up and tested my ventilation with lights/heat.

5- Put my sad clones in bigger pots and am now about 30 days from when I started.

6- Currently trying to dial in the temp in my clone room, t5 is putting off more heat than expected)

I wish the clones werent already in soil/ I wish I was educated enough to transplant them out of the soil I got them in and into the DWC set up I will be running.

The ladies (GG1 and GG2) got there first batch of real nutes last week. IMHO there healthy but no where near the size they should for 30 days from being cut.

I intend to mainly use them to supply my garden with clones and flower them out as I dont want to put time into soil or want to keep soil around. The sooner I get to dwc the better.


Dial in the clone box temp (currently sitting around 85 in the humidity dome and it wont condensate??)
Cut clones
Get the DWC set up
Learn the ins and outs of bubble buckets
Decide on 18/6 or 24/0 for veg



Well-Known Member
I read the sticky and I forgot to mention that I want your guys feedback on what im doing. Please post in this thread with your input. If I didn't want it, I wouldn't have posted my journal.


Active Member
Nice setup! =)

I'm a fan of doing 24 hours light for the first 2 weeks of veg (especially if they are clones) then going 18/6 till flower time. =)


Well-Known Member
Nice setup! =)

I'm a fan of doing 24 hours light for the first 2 weeks of veg (especially if they are clones) then going 18/6 till flower time. =)
Well I haven't heard this technique. I think.I like.it.because.I don't use to worry about light leaks from clone box.

Your setup looks awesome. How long are you vegging? Are you going to top, fim or lst any plants?
I want to wait until there is enough new nodes that I can take 4 clones off each and then press flower. Im not trying to et alot out of the two ladies in soil. I want to get into dwc asap.

Thanks or the replies!


Well-Known Member
Nice. I do 12/12 until i think they're strong plants and can handle 18/6. Alot of ppl swear by 18/6. I may take mine up to 18/6 because i didnt realise the light seeds were premes and the dark seeds are mature.

You look like u have some good space in those pictures, Are you smell proofing or worry free? im gonna sub and follow your growth.


Well-Known Member
Nice. I do 12/12 until i think they're strong plants and can handle 18/6. Alot of ppl swear by 18/6. I may take mine up to 18/6 because i didnt realise the light seeds were premes and the dark seeds are mature.

You look like u have some good space in those pictures, Are you smell proofing or worry free? im gonna sub and follow your growth.
The people I get my meds from all run 24/0 for clones/veg and 12/12 for flower. The never change and they florish! They never skip a beat. The more people I talk to say run 18/6 in veg because the need sleep ( but I am having trouble finding anything that supports either way). Theres just too many ways to skin a cat....

I tried to set myself up to NOT cut my self short on space.

Flower room- 8x8x8
veg is 3.5x5.5x8
clone box is 2x2x4

I still have room for my secret working space/ mother/ place to trim and place to cure. All being hidden away.

Yes I plan on scrubbing the room for odor. Granted I live deep in the woods, I sill dont want company to know. Right now the slight veg room smells are covered by the smoked medicine from the living room :joint:. I DO still need some supplies, those supplies are specifically for flower and Im not exacty to that stage yet. I will need the carbon filter in a few weeks. I dont feel I need my 2nd light assembly for flower for a few weeks yet. Im spending my money on things I need right now and building as I go.

Thanks for reply.


Well-Known Member

I am learning a few things.
- I water my soil about every 3-4th day.
- The ladies know when its about to be lights out or lights on (before lights off they droop, before lights on they stand tall.
- Its easy to measure your distance from lights AND temperatue by hanging your temperature probe/sensor from your hood, kills two birds with one stone.
- I need to hook up a heater (with thermostat of course) for the dark ours (not running 24/0)
-Distilled water has under 10 ppm, if you ager with only distilled you will get nute deficiency.
-To keep a small vacuum in the room for daily clean ups if u have pets.


Mad props on building it out and not just buying a tent, you will get years and years of use out of this. Really looks great, wish i had that kind of room. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Mad props on building it out and not just buying a tent, you will get years and years of use out of this. Really looks great, wish i had that kind of room. Good luck!
Thanks, that's what I was hoping.

On a side note, I have owned a zenki ae86 coupe for 10 years. Its fully built and all track legal.

AE86 for life!


LoL, no one ever know what the name means, i have a zenki coupe also, found it at an auction got it for $214 out the door, and it was a running factory gt-s. Toasted the timing belt tensioner "using" a round-a-bout, could not find the tdc mark, so i used the old screwdriver method, apparently dropping a piece of previously broken spark plug into the #1 cylinder. Ate the motor and head, haven't had the money to rebuild it, family comes first. One of these days i will have it going again, considering a black top.


Well-Known Member
Ate the motor and head.... considering a black top.
Ouch, Im going sr20 I think. but I hate going soo far off topic.

Back to the learning


-They are looking good.
-Today was the first fully unsupervised day and all went well
-I will be working on the clone box tomorrow and hopefully taking some cuttings.

1. GG1
2. GG2



Well-Known Member

-I climbed in the veg room and fired up some lights in my working areast to test or light leaks. There are none! I guess I don't have to worry about making my clone box not leak light. Which makes me happy because now I can control temperatures in the clone box.
-I sprouted a few seeds I had been saving. 5x of some a good friend gave me from his garden and 5x of some random" good" looking ones. My process was letting them soak in distilled water till they sunk and then paper towel method. The 5 hand me downs sunk and were moved to paper towels today. 3 of the 5 randoms already split and showing tapa root. I will be moving them to the clone box tonight.
-Tonight I will be cutting clones.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Plants look great and not sad at all. You seem to have a good idea of what your doing and your ideas would be better than any advice I could offer you.

I was reading a thread the other day about 24 hour vs 18/6 and the consenses was that some dark period is beneficial. I always did it because it saves some electricity and 24 hours might be unnecesary anyways. The thread actually said 20/4 is about the best of both world. I often put my clones under 24 hours instead of 18 hours just cuz it's easy, some gardeners actually need 24 hours with their setup doent seem to hurt I guess but plants grow a lot during the dark hours in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Plants look great and not sad at all....

I was reading a thread the other day about 24 hour vs 18/6 and the consenses was that.......
Thanks, I was mainly talking about when I got them as clones. They origionally werent cut for me, someone else asked for 15. They never picked up there 15 and i just happened to recieve them shortly after that.
-The tag said they were cut 11/17
-I got them 12/3
-Each sat under 4x 6500 kelvin cfl's each (they didnt grow much)
-12/07 I finished my set up
-12/08 they recieved the MH 400
-12/15 they really started growing


-I noticed they werent "perky" when they woke up (temps all consistant), Felt soil and they needed watered. Fed them only well water (ppm 230).
-They look great otherwize.
-Misted lower branches that I may cut tonight if room temps stay stable.


-My well water has a ppm of 230, should I use this with out nutes and distilled with nutes. OR Does it matter? I dont quite think the "recomended" dosages I have been given are near full strength, probably around 1/4 strength and I have been using half that. (I think my soil has slow release nutes in it, thats why I waited awhile to nute them)
-Is a ppm of 230 too high for hydroponics, specifically bouble buckets?
-They are in what looks to be 5 gal pots that arent full, I am using about 1/2 gallon of water per plant and it dries out about every 3rd day. Does this sound about right.

Thanks for looking!


Well-Known Member

-I am going to get a heat mat and controler tomorrow
-Right now I have one cfl in a box and my humidity dome on top of it. It now has sufficient root temps as well as 2', 4 bulb hydro farm 6500 kelvin floro overhead.
-Clone dome temps are around 80-84 but the thing still doesnt condinsate? WTF? If I mist it, it will stay misted for awhile though.


-How do you guys clone/ what temperature makes the dome condinsate?

1-3x dishes w/ toothpick are "random" seeds w/ 1/4" tapa root, 2x dishes are my "first attempt at cutting clone". Yes I know there small, im learning while im testing the clone room.
2-Photo of clone room up top and heater on tstat and timer down below. I have to run it like this to keep the temps right.



I just spray my humidity dome like 4x a day, make sure there is about 1/4 in of water in the bottom and stick it back under the light. I spray the dome just enough for the corners to run off a little. I do not directly spray the clones or seedlings, just the dome and let it humidify the whole area.


Well-Known Member

-I made my cloner machine
-I transplanted my clones
-1 new seed popped up in the soil
-1 new seed showing 1/2" root in the paper towl
-Wife wants to experement with the new seedling and new cloner machine :confused:
-GG1 and GG2 looking great in veg
-I need roots from clones showing asap so I can cut more and get these ladies onto flower. I SHOULD HAVE BEEN RUNNING DWC BY NOW.



Well-Known Member

A LOT has happened


-Bag seed seeds are the only ones that sprouted, 4 total (3 right off the get go and 1 about 4 days after)
-3 were transplanted into jiffy/Advanced Nutrient cubes (cant remember name right now).
-They were watered with only well water (1/4 strength olivias liquid cloning solution w/ distilled water)
-They look GREAT.
-They all had roots coming out of sides and bottom of cubes.
-They were moved to 4x4x4 rock wool cubes (I followed directions perfectly, BUT This time I used my well water and 1/4 strength olivias liquid cloning solution with ph of 5.5.
-This was done 12/30/2010
-They were watered with same solution on 1/1/2011
-I noticed some yellow spots in very center of main leafs (see photos)
-I dont know where to begin to diagnos?


-After I ran the cloner for about a week of testing I tore it apart and cleaned it VERY VERY WELL.
-I filled it with only (per everyones recomendation) my well water that is has 200ppm
-I phed my water to 6.3-6.5
-Water temp stays at 74-76 consistant
-Room temp is 75-78 consistant
-Light is 24/0
-I left the 2 clones I cut last week even though I dont think they will root (I tried my well water and 1/4 strength olivias liquid cloning solution and my ppm was 400 and they burned a little).
-I cut 4 clones off of GG1, I used the under water cut method 3/4" under a node and tore the node down to take some skin with it.
-I cut 2 small clones off of GG2 that didnt have exposed nodes to tear skin so I took a razor and cut/split the stem in half (as found in my new MARIJUANA HORTICULTURE BOOK), all was performed under water.
-Clones were then dipped in olivias cloning gell (not to completely cover the stems, but to pack rooting hormone into the wounds as I know this will get sprayed off and just cycle in my aero cloner)
-Clones were moved into cloner on 12/31/2010


-GG1 and GG2 are looking very nice, watering is now every 3rd day with 1/4 gallons of water each time.
-They are looking very different
-GG1 has very tight node spacing and lots of budsites (14" tall now)
-GG2 has a more spread node spacing and less bud sites (16" tall now)
-Since Im "dont have a success rate for clones" I am going to keep one of these ladies as a mother for a little while. The other is going to be flowered out to be my first (real life) test in my flower room.



-Getting much better understanding of how to measure nutes
-Getting my automated environment dialed in
-Hoping all is going to work!
