On the Impeachment Front ... Help Needed

so when is the sacrificial slaughter scheduled? And what exactly is the best way to roast a small dog?

Normally, I roast puppies with a pork roast or a beef roast. Add veggies to taste, some beef boulion and water, leave in the slow cooker for a day and yum! My wife makes this delicious Peking Puppy, but I am not good with Asian food.:mrgreen:

Then again there is always the old fashioned open fire roast. Not my favorite, but that smoke flavor adds this hint of southern cooking. Yum!

Whats the point of impeaching him anyway? Didn't Clinton get impeached? Now his husband is running for president. I dont see how it would do anything.

The point is accountability ... if we allow them to get away with these war crimes it will be a pass to continue ... they impeached Clinton on bullshit charges ... if a full investigation were to take place a lot of the elite would be charged with war crimes ... that is why they avoid impeachment ...

No, I want that proof you keep promising. In order to impeach somebody or accuse them of a crime it takes evidence.

Polly what a cracker? :mrgreen:
The point is accountability ... if we allow them to get away with these war crimes it will be a pass to continue ... they impeached Clinton on bullshit charges ... if a full investigation were to take place a lot of the elite would be charged with war crimes ... that is why they avoid impeachment ...

Polly what a cracker? :mrgreen:

It's "polly want a cracker", hahahahahah. You're so uninformed its hilarious!!:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
they impeached Clinton on bullshit charges ...

How does that go, Polly what a cracker? You are like a parot, always with lies and false claims. He comitted perjury, and we all watched it. The proof of his perjury actualy does exist. He also lied directly to you. "I never had sexual relations with that fatass, Ms. Lewinski"
Liberals are the most racist, bigoted, sexist, homophobic, hypocritical among us. And its a point that is self evident, I just like to commentate on the silliness. Thanks for the opportunity!

Read your posts and then read mine. It is very simple proof that the above statement is hilariously false. There is no room for debate. You have perfectly described 90% of your posts.
Liberal Nazi liar pussies dont need to prove their claims. Everyone believes their bullshit. By everyone, I am refering to inbred liberal nutjobs...

"arg arg ... if they don't fall for my first set of bull shit then make something new up ... arg arg ... that's all I got ... arg arg ... (whistle) .... dirty nutjob liberal ... arg arg ... see the link ... see the credible link ... arg arg ... (whistle) ...

Polly what a cracker ... :mrgreen:
How does that go, Polly what a cracker? You are like a parot, always with lies and false claims. He comitted perjury, and we all watched it. The proof of his perjury actualy does exist. He also lied directly to you. "I never had sexual relations with that fatass, Ms. Lewinski"

Arg ... he committed perjury ... he committed perjury .... arg (whistle) ... that's all I got ... master said when we have nothing talk about Clinton and the dress arg (whistle) ... :mrgreen:

Bwaaa ha ha ha ....
Growrebel is upset because nobody likes his president. I am sorry that you voted for Bush, Growrebel. I know you wish you could take it back....