The Art of The Auto


Active Member

I wanna Eat this one FullD..She is Simply Stunning....:clap:
I Love the side view too..Tufty M8..she looks as if she will have Muscles with growth like that.

(I have just placed a bet with BH that the JEM you showed is WHITE..
then realise that it is an old photo..for comparisson...ha ha.
Well..I was right.)

Those tiered pots DO seem to make a difference...wonder what it will do on Yield....:weed:

John Mondello

Active Member
The Usual Slut-spects...


OK... stats for vinegar...
first pic is my tap with no adjust
second pic is 5 ml (1 tsp) added to 1 gallon tap water
3rd pic is 2 tsp to 1 gallon (us imperial)

last pic is my final approach adjustment prior to watering.. (I'm runnin a lil low for the next few waterings to compensate the soil out for the 8+ ph I've been running for 30 days

Hope this helps guys!


please ignore bottom attached pics



Active Member
Aw just made my day..didn't get to see the girls this morning...
back in around an needs walked


Well-Known Member
I wanna Eat this one FullD..She is Simply Stunning....:clap:
I Love the side view too..Tufty M8..she looks as if she will have Muscles with growth like that.
Thank you my friend, she is real pleasing to my eye :) The balance is perfect and all her side branching is identical. Has to be the best balance i have had yet. I know she has Jem in her blood, but that balance is hard to pass up. I think i may just hit her with some of that purple male jem pollen i have. To grab that balance and maybe a meld with color. Cant wait to see what she has in store for me :)

(I have just placed a bet with BH that the JEM you showed is WHITE..
then realise that it is an old photo..for comparisson...ha ha.
Well..I was right.)
Ha ha yep it was evil Bud at 3 weeks to show how well the tiered pots are working.

wonder what it will do on Yield....:weed:
I am wondering the same thing. I told you i was out to crush my past numbers. I have been running FF at almost full strength and they are LOVING it. Fed them last night with 3/4 of a dose and looked at them this morning and they are loving it :) All leaves were standing at attention.

John Mondello

Active Member
lookin good budolskie!

mosser... glad i could make your day... sorry for the delay.. some a-hole let a server go down somewhere or they'd have been on time.. lol



Active Member
wow ive been reading this whole thread for about a month now, i thought it would never end and have learnt alot from you lot, thanks to all of you ive currently got some easyryders at day 41 and some diesel ryders at day 12, pics will soon come just getting more used to the site as i am a noobie lol


Active Member
MG is still on my shit list... for these reasons... not organic #1, and no 2 huge commercial bastards!



ps - fox farms is on my love it list
Miracle Gro is organic if you get MG organic choice... Organic choice has only bark-fines and composted chicken manure...
It doesn't have the little chem-balls of death in it so its just like any other organic soil...


Active Member
yep you got it has that extra bit of oxygen in there :)

Hows the ALF Neal?
She's got little golfball sized buds and the feeding I gave her yesterday has really made her happy. I see 1/4lb or more coming from this bitch, I'll get some good pics of her up soon man. I really don't see why this thread ain't stickied yet!?

I just set up another growroom in my closet, It is just lighted with 150 HPS. I've got some DR X BS F3's popping and some ALF #3 and Bad betty so I should have plenty of great pics soon...

John Mondello

Active Member
yep you got it has that extra bit of oxygen in there :)

Hows the ALF Neal?
extra oxygen molecule for every water molecule... well... at 100% solution

Food grade is the highest available without a permit... above that you're stretching into the rocket fuel category... requires super freezing temps to store... liquid rocket fuel is comprised of H202 (the oxygen cataylist) and hydrogen (the fuel)


ps - on the MG.. I forgot they have an organic line.... still cant support corporate america... rich get richer.. poor get poorer... rather make fox farms rich!


John Mondello

Active Member
She's got little golfball sized buds and the feeding I gave her yesterday has really made her happy. I see 1/4lb or more coming from this bitch, I'll get some good pics of her up soon man. I really don't see why this thread ain't stickied yet!?
I think its not stickied cuz our budz are too sticky... it'd just bind up! lol



Active Member
Have a HBD female I am going to spray a bud with Silver thiosulfate to pollinate the ALF#3 so I can have some nice feminized crossed beans.