The Art of The Auto

I am using the Mg now and it is working fine. We will see if the FF can do better. I am also going to pick up a pump and airstone to start bubbling my water. I am curious to see if it makes a difference.
I have seen someone do a side by side somewhere on here and from the last I read the MG was actually out performing the FF.

I only use MG organic choice(molassis) on my outdoor grows, And all of my plants are in MG organic choice soil. I will only use MG organic choice soil for autos...
I've even ran an Hydro grow with organic choice molassis as the only nutes and the HBD produced very heavy dank buds with no problems at all. The MG organic choice will only work in DWC hydro because it doesn't have to go through spaghetti tubing that would stop up almost amediatly.
The smell in my apt is driving me nuts. I have two ladies that will be ready any time now. The smell is making my mouth water and the swag I have now look unappealing. I might cut one down tonight
The smell in my apt is driving me nuts. I have two ladies that will be ready any time now. The smell is making my mouth water and the swag I have now look unappealing. I might cut one down tonight

Tell me about it... lol... my 3 ladies are overpowering on the smell and i have a little under 3 wks left and damnnnn.. lol... it gets harder everyday, but i know the rewards will be great... and ya know this is my first grow aldo, so its an even greater of reward... good luck to you though teflon.. having patience is hard as hell in some
I couldn't take it, some one had to die. The beast has been appeased for now. I can only see one solution for this problem, I must grow more. Any way 90gr wet. She was small and dense.#6 top.jpg#6 90grm.jpg
Well, given my experience I'd def wait till week 4.. they are highly sensitive to nutes... dont overdue it! better to go light... (1/4 strength) and def wait till at least 28 days... FD mossy? this about right?

Any confirmation of this? Week 1-4 is considered veg and 5 unti harvest considered flowering?

Another question. I have one girl, named Suzy Mae, who has dark green leaves and extremely stunted. The rest of the girls are doing well. Anything I can do to save or help Suzy Mae?

400 hps
6 gallon rez
temps 76-86
humidity 30-40%
ph = 5.8 ppm=483
Mighty Crobes Beneficial Bacteria
Superthrive (6 drops once)
Age: 29 days



Any confirmation of this? Week 1-4 is considered veg and 5 unti harvest considered flowering?

Hes on key here, usually you dont have to nute these guys untill about 4 weeks. They can make it to sex with out any nutes at all. I waited 14 days before i fed mine and they didnt show any signs of deficiency, i just wanted to push this crop.

BUT it all depends on what they are telling you. Sometimes they need it and others they do not, ive never grown an auto in hydro so it could be a little different than what i am used to. The time that you mentioned is ideal for an auto but they can vary from time to time depending on how you grow them. Thats where the tread got the name :)

Another question. I have one girl, named Suzy Mae, who has dark green leaves and extremely stunted. The rest of the girls are doing well. Anything I can do to save or help Suzy Mae?

At this point she is pretty much set in her ways. If she is as far into flower as i think she is she wont get much bigger. I have had a few of these and i have one right now, sometimes its stress and i feel that sometimes there are just micro phenos you can treat them all the same and then one of them just stays small.
I have one right now that has had the same treatment, never touched or bothered the root ball, she just decide to stay small.
You know all the picture posting going on today you would think that it was the weekend. :clap:

teflondummy your girls are fantastic and you should be proud
if you haven't caught his girls you need to roll back a page or two and check them out. :leaf::leaf:

And i promise you will love what the o2 loaded water will do to the gals :)

Neal that ALF makes me sick, in a good way! She is quite the monster
great work on her, and i too can attest to FF line. Its like steroids for these guys
Seems they really really like the stuff.

Well due to the three week bday i figured id share a few, comparison as well as a group shot.

monkster my stumpie is in this shot shes on the far right you cant miss her :)
and before anyone says it i know my intake fan is rigged as hell :oops: but it works

My original JEM at 3 weeks from seed. Planted in a cup then transfered to a 6in pot. She was right at 13-15 in tall and yielded about 42-43g dry. The second shot is the ICU#2 that has been a stunner since day One. Shes almost double the size if not a little more than the JEM was.

JEM @3weeks



ICU#2 @3weeks with new theory of tierd planters. Theory works :)




The difference is there and i couldn't believe it till i looked back
Im pleased with these and i can see why you fell in love with them BH
i know the color got you but they have some serious phenos in there that are lovely, like you said there is something about that skunk smell :)
I also loved that info on the vinegar i think ill giver the cedar a run this time
just to give them all a try
Mossy ran the white wine and ill do the cedar and see if there are any differences.
these JEM F1's will be great test subjects :)
You have got to get some colour this run.. lol that fat leaved one is like the exact one's i had.. She even has the stubby middle finger on one of the fans like that.. :D

5 weeks from now is going to be sweet!!!

Yeah the vinegar stuff is great.. I was totaly oblivious to what "all" was in there. I was reading on about how he uses dandylion leafe in his nutrient teas for N supliment. Crazy vegan's lol. Wanted to use "No" animal parts in his grow.

Edit: I am very curious to see how big yours get i waited too long to put them outside. So they were stunted.

Anyone had a snowryder that is extremely sensitive to nutes? She's bigger than anything else I have near the same age (2 jems, another snowryder and an easy ryder) but seems to not tolerate the go juice at all. The past two times I've water with nutes, she burns like crazy but every other girl seems to love it. I'm going to try maybe just finishing her off with just my oxygenated h2o even though I probably have another 4 weeks to go.

nutes I'm using are Tiger Bloom btw. About 4-5 CCs per gallon.
You have got to get some colour this run.. lol that fat leaved one is like the exact one's i had.. She even has the stubby middle finger on one of the fans like that.. :D

Well thats good to hear and a lil promising :) I am so over due for color its aweful
i think there is something to this white knight thing. I dunno what it is, BUT the pot has been frecking fantastic so i have no complaints, the one ALF i had changed a little but not enough to catch in the grinder.

You did say though that it changed color later in flower correct?

5 weeks from now is going to be sweet!!!

Fingers crossed :leaf:

Yeah the vinegar stuff is great.. I was totaly oblivious to what "all" was in there. I was reading on about how he uses dandylion leafe in his nutrient teas for N supliment. Crazy vegan's lol. Wanted to use "No" animal parts in his grow.

Me too that was a fantastic read as well as informational. I didnt realize the potential. And like you said most essential flower nutes just sitting there and we all never gave it a second look. Knew there was something to it other than a buffer. And the animal parts made me really LOL.

Edit: I am very curious to see how big yours get

Me too as these are bigger now before flower than any of the ones i have grown thus far. I hoping for big bud lumps :)
This is hard to tell, it all depends on your environment, soil, pot size, actual light saturation, and ferts as well as tons of other things. All i can say is that if you treat them well, they will reward you.

3 things i would suggest you get on lock. 1. Get your pH right, im anal about this and my friends will tell you that lol. You have no idea how important this is to the survival of your plant.
2. Make sure you have light soil, the roots like to grow and grow fast. Lots of perlite.
3. if you want a big yield on your first attempts start them where they are gonna finish, these guys dont like to be moved around. Get you a nice 2-3 gal pot and germ the seed where its gonna finish, i promise you you'll love the results.

Good luck and get that journal up so we can help....

He said he was growing in hydro... Do these AF's grow better in soil as opposed to hydro?
A few pictures of ALF#3.
Shes budding nicely, I'm going to have to net her when the buds get thicker.
The building that I had to turn into a grow room has shelves with 20yr old canned food on it, I'm cleaning it a little at a time. When I get rid of all of them I'm cloroxing everything from roof to floor.
I'd reccomend H202 in place of chlorox.. bleach doesn't always kill molds and fungis... h202 will devour them completely
