Auto-Flower Cage Match! (Revised)


Well-Known Member
haha nah I won't cheat, don't worry about that.

So then Napa is the only one that has posted their last update as of now, correct?


Active Member
When is the contest over? Ive never used any autoflowering plants but have always wanted to. If I have time I'l order some and get cracken :) O. One more question! Can auto flowering plans have 18/6 light cycle? Thats what I heard and I sure hope its true! :):) Thanks!


Well-Known Member
When is the contest over? Ive never used any autoflowering plants but have always wanted to. If I have time I'l order some and get cracken :) O. One more question! Can auto flowering plans have 18/6 light cycle? Thats what I heard and I sure hope its true! :):) Thanks!
It's basically over already, we just need to vote. There might be one next month according to how well this one finishes... sorry though I'm not too sure.

To answer your question: Yes, they can have that light cycle. They also do well in 20/4, some people do them under 24/0 but I personally wouldn't recommend it.


Active Member
O thats alright! I hope there is another one! I would love being able to keep them on an 18/6 light cycle so I can keep them in my vegitative grow area. Just thought it would b a nice vew to c some buds amongst all my young vegies :)


Active Member
O thats alright! I hope there is another one! I would love being able to keep them on an 18/6 light cycle so I can keep them in my vegitative grow area. Just thought it would b a nice vew to c some buds amongst all my young vegies :)

Dude, they are lots of fun. They are not real keen on nutes though, so go easy on those if you plan on germing some.


Well-Known Member
I vote for 43hitman.

Not only did he finish and his girl looked good all through the grow, he was one of the best contstants in this competition.

On a side note:

The Autoflower Cage Match Round Two starts December 10th.

I will be leading it and all are invited to join!

Watch for the thread "ACM Round Two!"


Active Member
Thanks for the kind words KuLong. :) I'll post up an official finishing post in the am. I am letting my secondary buds develop a bit more since they are getting so much more light now. Since this is my first auto, I think by letting one set of buds go a week or so longer will be a good test as to when the plant is 'done'.


Active Member
i vote for cannon...that thing is serious...i liked that he had the balls to fim his auto..the poor guy struggled with his grow space the whole damn time..he wrestled the damn plant into submission and it filled out better than maybe he even expected! plus his used really colorfull pretty ties for some lst...the colored ties really did it for me....


Well-Known Member
"used really colorfull pretty ties for some lst...the colored ties really did it for me.... "

4 for a Dollar. LOL Makes her look all dressed up and sooo sexy! LOL :lol::bigjoint:


Active Member
To be completely honest, right now I'm stoned and don't really feel like posting up pics, but I will later. lmao


Well-Known Member
To be completely honest, right now I'm stoned and don't really feel like posting up pics, but I will later. lmao
LOL Don't think you need to rush. I'll be a spell still. Possibly another week or so.

Dr. -
1373-snapshot20090708103647.jpg just for you ;-)


Active Member
Canon have you read the Sword of Truth series? Its where the Confessor and that show originated. Much hotter in the book though imo.


Well-Known Member
They are on my Christmas wish list. After the holidays I get into reading a lot. Not sure if it'll be the same without visuals though. LOL

You smoking your girl already?


Active Member
They are on my Christmas wish list. After the holidays I get into reading a lot. Not sure if it'll be the same without visuals though. LOL

You smoking your girl already?
Nah not yet. Been drying the Cola for the last two days. I think the smaller part was ready so I cut it up a bit and put in a black glass jar today to start the cure. If it gets to sticky I'll dump it out on some cardboard for a bit.

About the books. I have them all and have read them at least twice. Its a great freaking story man, you'll love it. Start with Wizards First Rule, thats where the story begins.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the last entry should be done at the cut. I chopped mine today, but my friend who helped (we chopped a blue widow as well) and I are in the process of smoking a blunt... So I'm with 43, too stoned to post pics right now haha, I think I'm going to watch a movie, and chill for a while as this is my day off from work :bigjoint:

I'll be back with pics at some point, hope everyone is having a good day!