So I Got A Picture Of A Ghost Tonight

agreed, sucking souls,
I see four or 5 souls hes been sucking on, they dont look happy about it. he might toke after the suck though... but why take chances man... unless he only sucks the soles of already dead people, and tokes up with people :P
There are 2 new episodes of "Paranormal State" coming on tonight @ 10 PM on A&E for those interested.:bigjoint:
hell yeah ernie i have been checkin out this show. i have a lot of interest in the paranormal but i am a skeptic at the same time cuz of so many hoaxes. go figure....:blsmoke: but that paranormal state show has creeped me out a few times lol.
hell yeah ernie i have been checkin out this show. i have a lot of interest in the paranormal but i am a skeptic at the same time cuz of so many hoaxes. go figure....:blsmoke: but that paranormal state show has creeped me out a few times lol.

what states the paranormal state? im confused :-?
what states the paranormal state? im confused :-?
it is a show here in the states on the A&E channel. it is a show where they investigate paranormal activity. maybe you should have them come to your house lol. i think they are located in pennsylvania.:hump:
it is a show here in the states on the A&E channel. it is a show where they investigate paranormal activity. maybe you should have them come to your house lol. i think they are located in pennsylvania.:hump:

lol sounds interesting, ill look it up and see if its on you tube or something i don't think we get that here
I LOVE THIS KIND OF SHIT.....Don't worry though they won't get you till your slepping. LMAO. Here is what you should do. Smoke a couple dubes and break out the ouija board and talk to these people its fun we used to use them all the time a fuck was it fun. There are good spirits and bad ones so we allways tried for the bad ones. I do have a couple freaky things that happened but we never died. Maybe ill start a new thread on ouija boards. They do look kind of kreepy and evil though I sure wished I was spending the night in that house. Is your house old? Maybe someone died there. My last house was brand new and about 3 times a year at night my stereo and tv would come one full blast in the middle of the night. WTF and I was a single then. Kind a wiered but this went on untill we moved and it hasn't happened since.
I LOVE THIS KIND OF SHIT.....Don't worry though they won't get you till your slepping. LMAO. Here is what you should do. Smoke a couple dubes and break out the ouija board and talk to these people its fun we used to use them all the time a fuck was it fun. There are good spirits and bad ones so we allways tried for the bad ones. I do have a couple freaky things that happened but we never died. Maybe ill start a new thread on ouija boards. They do look kind of kreepy and evil though I sure wished I was spending the night in that house. Is your house old? Maybe someone died there. My last house was brand new and about 3 times a year at night my stereo and tv would come one full blast in the middle of the night. WTF and I was a single then. Kind a wiered but this went on untill we moved and it hasn't happened since.

this thing was built less then 8 months ago :S maybe the grounds are haunted or something?


BOO!!!! :joint:
they eat souls, ya know?:twisted:
Yeah but still I think it would be cool.....Did anybody else think the second picture with the ghost outlined was funny as hell or what? Me and my brother were cracking up for an hour straight last night. Oh, man and it's still funny. LMFAO:lol::lol::lol:
the ghost looks like a old inidian to me. you sure your crib aint built on a indian burial ground? thats scary dude....i would move out asap.....and i think its true ghost do take souls because i was laying in bed one time and i heard footsteps comming up the stairs then all of a sudden i just went to half sleep half awake mode and saw a man in all black standing next to me in my peripheral vision...and since then my life hasnt been right ever since. goodluck
is it just me or is it in really light bold letters say fat or FATE in and coming out of his mouth? like F on his lips and the rest folwong... the E is almost not there