So I Got A Picture Of A Ghost Tonight


Well-Known Member his house be on an old ass cemetary from da civil war
i did used to live on a civil war battlefield. if you ever watch cold mountain i lived where the big crater was in petersburg va, graveyard from 1800's 100 yards away from my house. weird shit went on there a lot and i am still a skeptic.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
good suggestions guys this area is just developed tho over the past 1-2 years all the houses n condos are new, so it would have to be something from a LONG time ago.

I came back this morning and every thing's fine for now


Well-Known Member
dude... it's canada... right?

He's just trying to give you some bud from the afterlife. I hear it's much more potent


Well-Known Member
Twist one up, pass that shit around, your ghostly pals will let ya know if they want you to stay or go....or like FDD said, burn that shit to the ground.


Master of Mayhem
tell me this isn't fucked, watching tv earlier and all of a sudden we hear a bang look over at the window and this things standing there, so i run and grab my camera.....looks like some old war pilot or some shit its creepy all my lights are on and staying on all night i'm tripping balls

That shit is crazy there:shock:

I was watching "Ghost Hunters" the other night on SciFi and they were in this hotel in MD that used to be a military hospital. They went into the basement where the old locker rooms are at with a thermal imaging camera. They were standing right in front of this locker...about 2ft away" and all of a sudden this heat image of a person standing right in front of them appeared. it stayed for about 3 seconds then dissapeared....after it was gone the "2" on the locker was glowing red with heat....the guy touched it and it was not hot...creepy shit man.:neutral:

Maybe I can find it on YouTube.......


Well-Known Member
I dont see nayfaces except in the second picture where you outlined it.Im pretty sure its just batman lol no really to me it does just look like ab igt smoke cloud from a hit in front of the window...FilthyFletch..then again i can never see the 3d art pictures at the mall either


Well-Known Member
I dont see nayfaces except in the second picture where you outlined it.Im pretty sure its just batman lol no really to me it does just look like ab igt smoke cloud from a hit in front of the window...FilthyFletch..then again i can never see the 3d art pictures at the mall either
i was thinkin it looks like smoke a little too mr slappy aka fletch. it does look a bit odd so i dont know. now everyone is gonna jump all over me and be like dude you can clearly see it is 19th century executioner.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
if there where ghost there would be some around where i live like salem M.A where the witch trials where or in Danvers M.A where they made the movie session 9. when i was younger me and my friends would drive there and get high and drunk lol i never seen a ghost.


Master of Mayhem
There are 2 new episodes of "Paranormal State" coming on tonight @ 10 PM on A&E for those interested.:bigjoint: