Well-Known Member
Another typical ignorant guess on your part...
I love subtle racism!ahhh, subtle racism.
i would bang michelle before i would bang palin.
thus, michelle > palin (> = better than)
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Buck, I was refuting the asinine statement "We people of intellect." Which implied that those on your side were intelligent while those on my side were dullards. The examples I provided proved otherwise.irony, ha.
so i guess you are allowed to judge the whole on the basis of a few, but god forbid we do it...LULZ
what makes it funnier is that you showcased a few that weren't even up for any public office.
If you could, you would.whereas i could showcase almost ALL tea partiers up for public office sharing some radical extremist ideas.
When did I claim the rodeo clown would make a good Senator?gee....batting a thousand, yet not representative....only in your silly bizarro world where o'donnell would make a good senator, johnnyo. only in your world.
Palin didn't need a makeover. Pickles did.ahhh, subtle racism.
i would bang michelle before i would bang palin.
thus, michelle > palin (> = better than)
Yeah right ass -munch....
When is the piece of shit in office gonna except the blame now.
Unemployment was not 15% in my state before that piece of shit in the white house got there..
Go nuzzle his balls a little more..
And sorry dickhead i have paid for all my medical expense..Typical ignorant ass-munch WHO thinks that they are enlightend...
It's fucking people like YOU that really make this world suck...
sorry to crash in on your litany of insults, good sir, but i am fairly confident that 'ass munch' is not hyphenated.ass -munch....Go nuzzle his balls a little more....dickhead...ignorant ass-munch ....It's fucking people like YOU that really make this world suck...
Here's the truth, deal with it. Bush left the mess, created the atmosphere for the banks and wall street to steal the money, corporations incentivized for outsourcing and shipping whole factories overseas, de-regulated everything him and Cheney could in secret, dug a giant hole and slithered out of office just in time for the roof to cave in. Here I thought he was stupid, pretty smart I'd say, now you righties are trying to hang it on Obama. That is all the pathetic crap you have.First off boy the name is Tea Party. Leave your sexual fantasies out of it.
The race card has already been played and failed miserable. But coming from you and another of your posts filled with no substance it's not surprising. Obama and Biden when asked, said the Tea Party was not racist. When the issues from the ones YOU back are failures, it's always good to avoid them.
The Tea Party is about lowering the debt and smaller government. The Tea Party candidates replaced the ones who have sold us out. If they don't practice what they preach out they go. Newbies are easier to vote out.
The photo proved my point.my more recent picture TRUMPS your ages old picture!
imagine how sexy that jiggling cellulite would be as you were hitting that loose as a goose, stretched-out-by-5-kids pussy.
good sir, i do not believe that 'ass munch' is a compound word, and if it were, i do not believe it would be appropriate to capitalize the first letters of the two words composing said compound word.Good sir..Like that really fucking matters AssMunch.....
we are living in the here and now, johnnyo. i can not go back in time and fuck someone, otherwise i would have lost my virginity before graduating high school through the power of time travel.And I believe I mentioned the term pre-makeover. Thus nullifying your objection regarding the age of the photo of Brack sitting next to that frumpy, pursed-lipped troll.
So when are you going to get on the ballot? I agree with more than half of your premises, probably more than any other candidate out there.By using 'they' rather than 'she' you are making the mistake of judging all Teabaggers based on the ramblings of the rodeo clown.
As far as I can tell your main objection to the Teabagger movement is based on your disdain for four maybe five Teabag candidates.
They can work on the 'how' once they are elected. My main concern at this moment is their commitment to do it.
First on my list would be to eliminate all public funding for NPR, and PBS while I was at it. Liberal media should not be subsidized by the likes of me.
Liberal media as you call it is the only true media as it is not sponsored by corporate giants, with the content controlled by the corporate biggies that pay the expenses. NPR and PBS are mostly funded by the public, you and me, well me, out of my own pocket. They recieve less than 2% from the government, another good source of news, Link TV.
I would withdraw us from Afghanistan immediately. Obama is a lover, not a fighter. He does not have the stomach for it.
I would reduce the number of foreign military bases to at least 25% of what it is now. Our foreign military presence is too large. Far too large.I would remove all US military from Korea. South Korea can protect itself now.
Agreed, maybe less.
I would withdraw us from the UN.
I don't agree, we need a place to counteract with other countries, maybe cut most of the funding we seem to provide.
I would reduce our commitment to NATO to almost nothing. Europe can protect itself now.
How's that for a start?
Just like Clinton left a mess for Bush. See how that works?Here's the truth, deal with it. Bush left the mess, created the atmosphere for the banks and wall street to steal the money, corporations incentivized for outsourcing and shipping whole factories overseas, de-regulated everything him and Cheney could in secret, dug a giant hole and slithered out of office just in time for the roof to cave in. Here I thought he was stupid, pretty smart I'd say, now you righties are trying to hang it on Obama. That is all the pathetic crap you have.
Obama has been filling in the hole as fast as he can, but the enormity of the fiasco takes way more than 2 stinkin years to correct, especially with the righties filibustering every bill that could help. Obama may spend a few billion getting us back on track, but without the governments help, we'd be further up shit creek than you could imagine. I love the hypocracy on the right, rag on Obama for increasing the deficit, then turn around and yell that we need to give the rich motherfuckers that caused this fiasco a tax cut of 800 billion, which will go right onto the deficit, then claim how the tax cut for the rich will create all these jobs, while we are still under the tax cuts and no stinkin jobs have been created by the rich motherfuckers, have they? So the truth is there, can you fuckling deal with it, or do you have your head in a dark place?
BTW, asswipe, I'm not your boy.
Semantics, eh Johnny. You are right, I knew the content of your reply before you wrote it, Predictable enough I'd say. You always respond with the sane swarmy rhetoric, like you know everything and everyone else is stupid, Prove me wrong.I find that statement funny in that you didn't predict anything in relation to me before I responded.
I suppose you you expect the folks at home to take you at your word that you knew ahead of time exactly how I would respond.