wanting some advice from the experts


Active Member
100110123128.jpgThis is my set up it is pretty simple set up just wondering what you guys here at riu thinks any advice is greatly appreciated i am running four 27 watt cfls and 1 23 watt cfl...my goal is to have 1 or 2 babys going at all times i mean i dont want nothing big just trying to set it up were i can get my smoke a lil cheaper through out the year i smoke ALOT...what do you all think?:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Why did you leave so much space to the top of the bucket? Also, do you have two plants in there? If you do you really need to have one plant per bucket and believe me, a fully mature plant will need the space in an entire five gallon bucket. I had two in a bucket one time and they both ended up being really small and there is no doubt they competed for the space.

Also, you need air on those babies, get a rotating fan and help your plants strengthen up the stalk. Otherwise, for a cfl grow it looks ok.....


Active Member
thanks man for the input...and i only have one plant in there she is very shocked from bringing her inside and then i didnt have her under the right light for a week and she was over watered and all kinds of shit...but i got up with a guy on this website and he really really helped me out i mean i was about ready to give up and he talked me all the way through getting it set up the right way. This site was a life saver...anyways that is the reason i have not brought her any further up out of the bucket as soon as i nurse her back to health i am going to raise her up out of the bucket about a half inch from the top. Do you think that she can make it two more weeks till i get paid for a fan if not then i will see what i can do if it is vital


Well-Known Member
You'll be good until you can get the fan, the reason for the fan is fresh air and to have the plant sway back and forth to strengthen up the stem. If you want until then you can fan the plant slightly with a newspaper or magazine a few times a day. Glad someone helped you through, that's what this site is all about! Good luck!


Well-Known Member
you're gonna need alot more light.. and place them as close to the plants as ou can without buring them. consider maybe a 150 hps. they don't run very hot, and they will do a much better job than the equivalent wattage of cfl's.

the fan is a must. always have air blowing back and forth across the plants. it will not only help with the temp but like illeagal said it will help strengthen the stems, causing more vigorous growth.


Well-Known Member
^I agree with those guys. The setup you currently have, isn't bad, though. You're 4 light setup is better than many i've seen. You should bring it a bit closer if you can, but if you think they will be a little too warm, wait for the fan. One other thing about the need for a fan....it'll prevent molds and fungus from forming, and will also speed the drying of the medium(help keep overwatering problems minimal).

All in all, looks pretty good, for this stage in the game. The lumen count should be sufficient for one plant, especially where you have them hung. But, you'll want to upgrade as soon as you can afford it, especially during flowering. It'll pay off in the end. Good work. :leaf:


New Member
looking good man see you been putting some of advice to use
now listen to the good advice these members gave u
and get another plug in light receptcle and take the bulb out of table lamp and add to your surge protector u are losing most of that light but im glad u are one of the ones that ask advice then use it so many here just ask ? but dont put to use the valuable advice on this site
+rep u come along way in a short time bro

thanks man for the input...and i only have one plant in there she is very shocked from bringing her inside and then i didnt have her under the right light for a week and she was over watered and all kinds of shit...but i got up with a guy on this website and he really really helped me out i mean i was about ready to give up and he talked me all the way through getting it set up the right way. This site was a life saver...anyways that is the reason i have not brought her any further up out of the bucket as soon as i nurse her back to health i am going to raise her up out of the bucket about a half inch from the top. Do you think that she can make it two more weeks till i get paid for a fan if not then i will see what i can do if it is vital


Well-Known Member
Your light is just fine for young growing plants, but will be completely inadequate once you are a few feet tall. You need a big light to get a big yield and CFL just doesn't have the power to get overall nice tight dense nugs once they are dried. I would not recommend anything smaller than a 400W HPS.


New Member
OH NOES here we go the clf vs hps argument lol

Your light is just fine for young growing plants, but will be completely inadequate once you are a few feet tall. You need a big light to get a big yield and CFL just doesn't have the power to get overall nice tight dense nugs once they are dried. I would not recommend anything smaller than a 400W HPS.


New Member
no u misunderstood i meant now the cfl growers will start arguing saying hey i grow good with cfls i was joking i wasnt knocking your advice so chill dude lol
and reason i havent recommended a hps is because i know OP and it isnt in his budget

The guy is asking for advice, what did you expect?


Well-Known Member
that non-argument has gotten so old on this forum..

yes, you can grow really tasty, stoney, crystally fuckin herbs with the cfl's. but they would always be better with the hps.

why do the kooks with the least growing experience/knowledge always jump up to defend the cfl's?


New Member
i dont know why they do i used both and i dont care what someone uses and hps do work better and easier to use then a bunch of bulbs but my comment was a joke to all the times someone here says hps is the way to go and then all the cfl users get mad
but damn now it seems that everyone is taking that to mean i was arguing
for your information i have been personally working with the OP through countless PM's to help him improve his grow and havent recommended a hps to him because like others in these times money is tight but damn everyone that has replied to my joke seems to be uptight and wanting to start something so like i said before chill smoke something relax peace
PS and incase no one caught it please notice that it was a joke which should have been apparent by the LOL at the end of the post i made

that non-argument has gotten so old on this forum..

yes, you can grow really tasty, stoney, crystally fuckin herbs with the cfl's. but they would always be better with the hps.

why do the kooks with the least growing experience/knowledge always jump up to defend the cfl's?


Well-Known Member
i dont know why they do i used both and i dont care what someone uses and hps do work better and easier to use then a bunch of bulbs but my comment was a joke to all the times someone here says hps is the way to go and then all the cfl users get mad
but damn now it seems that everyone is taking that to mean i was arguing
for your information i have been personally working with the OP through countless PM's to help him improve his grow and havent recommended a hps to him because like others in these times money is tight but damn everyone that has replied to my joke seems to be uptight and wanting to start something so like i said before chill smoke something relax peace
PS and incase no one caught it please notice that it was a joke which should have been apparent by the LOL at the end of the post i made
There will always be those folks who don't want to offer any help and just chime into these threads to stir up shit. Fuck 'em.:shock:

To the OP, your setup should work just fine. My only real advice would be to fill that bucket up with soil next time but other than that, have fun. It looks like you're doin' a fine job.:weed:


New Member
thanks DOC i didnt see much except to buy a hps and the op said

thanks man for the input...and i only have one plant in there she is very shocked from bringing her inside and then i didnt have her under the right light for a week and she was over watered and all kinds of shit...but i got up with a guy on this website and he really really helped me out i mean i was about ready to give up and he talked me all the way through getting it set up the right way. This site was a life saver...

Im the guy he was referring to so to act like i have no advice to offer and where were they when i been helping him everyday through private messages for like 2 weeks which i have enjoyed watching him make the changes needed

There will always be those folks who don't want to offer any help and just chime into these threads to stir up shit. Fuck 'em.:shock:

To the OP, your setup should work just fine. My only real advice would be to fill that bucket up with soil next time but other than that, have fun. It looks like you're doin' a fine job.:weed:


Well-Known Member
My advice on a tight budget is to get a few more 23 watt CFLS for now...I think you should look into getting Y adapters and Clamps from a place like lowes or home depot. It will allow you to have two bulbs super close as you can clamp it on the bucket . As of right now your CFLs aren't working to their full potential. The one in the lamp on the side is too far away and you are losing the valuable lumens you have...


New Member
it wasnt really your post i was referring to but i did think u might have been referring to me as a kook lol
i misunderstood lol i see so many post where someone will say hps and cfl growers get worked up its funny but i dont give a shit what someone use for their grow and plants
but i try to even refrain from saying anything is better then another way cause people get worked up

I was in on the joke from the beginning

my post was rhetorical..

not directed at anyone who's been to this thread yet