Very well said, with everybody sayin the same thing, couldn't we rap this shit up, i mean shit it is our government, you'd think we'd have at least a little say in the functions of our nation, besides it fucking us every way they can, i see just a little bit of a choke hold lol, little bit. I say, the more people that smoke weed, the better -in the broad sense, dont be gettin all the neighbor kids fuckin high, let em ride their bikes or run around or whatever they wanna do. And to the guy that said that prop 19 will lead to industrial research on canabinoid study to save lives, son light up a joint, there's your research, why scope the shit out of canabis when that shit is already sittin on your kitchen table, you dont gotta research banana's to gain the vitimins it contains, you just eat that shit to give you vitimins, easy as that, then if someone wants to come up to me and tell me its got vitimin D, i'd be like, good deal. Its like that guy said on here, just put that shit in the air, and done deal.
"I have yet to see anyone post anything on why industrial hemp is nowhere to be found in this whole proposal." I read all about that a year or so ago, good job to bring it up. Indust. hemp will take a while to get established, that is one of those main things that is sure to come around, just not tommorow, as oposed to canabis sativa . It has a high start up cost because its a hardy plant that needs special equipment to harvest into different types of plant material coming off hemp-different strands of fibers, which make different things, -about 5,000 differnt uses, and counting. We would still have to cut out the current places in the market that would be replaced by hemp, which shouldn't be too hard considering it would mean the stopping of cutting down rainforest for wood, -or anywhere else as a certain matter of fact!!, That means the stopping of depletion of the Earth, almost intirely, because our dependence on oil is just about a thing of the past, after we can unseat the corrupt chairs of our government, which is waaay too many people, like..all of em.
And hemp is really effective in deleaching the soil of contaminated waste,-pestisides,herbasides, and any other chemical in feilds, or contaminated places in general. And hemp does not require any chemical to go because of its hardy, benefitial nature. You'd think our tax dollars would go into the production of the hemp industry, or anything really, rather than being sucked away and lined in pockets and used against us, I'm just sayin its about time we stood up, and take some action, even those that are sittin comfortable smokin legal ass weed, can't you see the condition of our State, compassion needs to be sittin shotgun while we drive this mother fucker some where. lets do it