Seems as though we visit this subject all too often here. There is so much misinformation floating around along with many many ways that people do things. First of all why would you pull, trim or cut something that you just spent months to make bushy? I don't know if I can make the correct analogy but here goes: You take a clone, do you cut all the leaves off of it? No you'd kill the cutting. The cutting needs these leaves in order to have the energy to grow roots. Well, it is not the exact same process to make buds but it is close to being the same. If you take the leaves off how do you have the energy to make buds. The roots transport nutes to the buds but derive their energy from the leaves along with nutes from the leaves as they are being used up (hence yellowing fan leaves during flower).
Taking this one step further, when you harvest your girls do you think they are dead at once? NO they are still alive during the drying process, dying slowly over time as they dry and have no more energy to support themselves. During this time the buds use the stored energy in the stem and leaves to continually produce resins in the hope that they will fulfill their purpose of reproducing seeds.
During the drying and curing is when you have a chance to make the final impact on your labors. This is the time where the final chemical reactions occur which add the final potency to your bud, also to the smoothness of your smoke.
This is the reason whenever possible I harvest the entire plant, hang it whole complete with leaves until dry. I trim them once dried and place in jars to cure as whole braches or with as much branch as I have space in jars for. I believe that if you have tried this method which has been used for literally thousands of years you won't go back to other methods or techniques.
Happy Growing