Well-Known Member
done. final answer. leave the leave
why it is a simple fact and only takes common sense to know that a plant needs it leafs to produce its fruits. do you see apple,pair,orange,cherry farmers removing theri leaf to get light to the fruit NO, why because its the leafs that make the fruit big and healthy if they were in the light all the time it would be bad for the fruits. growing marijuana is mostly COMMON SENSE
OP, dont touch the leaves until 3 weeks into bloom. Then you can safely remove all the fan leaves to maximize yield. Cannibas doesnt use the fan leaves hardly at all once you reach that point and the light they block from lower sights they become very counter productive. I have done lots of SOGs and with high numbers there is no other way you can do it. You have to remove most of the fan leaves . Done it both ways and removing them makes a huge increase in yield. With Chronic White Widow I have done SOGs that averaged 30 grams per plant dried and cut at 4 per SQ foot without the use of CO2. That is over 1.6 grams per watt. Numbers speak for themselves but I'll post a pic of one of my early grows with this strain done at 4 per foot.
Havent read all of this yet but you are incorrect. We arent growing fruit we are growing a weed that produces large dense buds. The leaves are needed during vegatative and early flower . After that it gets all it needs from the small bud leaves. Here is a pic of one of mine that I removed every single fan leaf on day 21 of bloom. I always do this and I always get great results. Notice how the bud is as thick and dense on the bottom as the rest of the plant. I have this same exact strain outside with ZERO pruning and its 7 feet tall. The buds on it are SMALLER then the one pictured below ! Proof is in the putting. Every one that has posted "oh dont cut the solar panels off, nature designed them for a reason blah blah blah" havent posted any results at all but are rather assuming you cant improve upon natures design. FAIL. Sorry but plain and simple FAIL. These threads get under my skin. All these people come in here talking all holier then though when they are for a fact wrong. They act like you are committing a sin by removing them. I first heard about guys doing this and getting better results I admit I didnt know. Guess how I found out? I actually TRIED it and compared the results. Not even close. Look at a huge plant outdoors. Where are all the large colas? On the bottom ? NOPE. On the bottom where its all shaded you get tiny crappy popcorn buds. I have several large outdoors trees just like that right now. Funny , there are lots of leaves down there but almost ZERO bud. It is very shady down there, it couldnt possibly be from those bud sites not getting light could it ?? HMMMMMMmmmmmm............. What do guys lollipop and remove a third of th bottom of the plant ? Why do guys Scrog ? Bottom line is every time I hear guys spouting BS about not removing leaves its always the guys with no prrof, picture or better then average results . The guys that post in these threads who do remove them are the ones with better the average results. With my style of growing the difference is 10-15 grams per plant or 30. But hey I am not a botanist growing orange trees so dont listen to me. LOL
Well then you clearly didnt read or comprehend my post then did you? I was refrring to lollipo and SCOG because they are both different methos of manipulating the plant to yield MORE which clearly is comparable to what we are discussing. I do SOG trays all day long and I get consistant results using this method. When you start getting over 1.5 grams per watt (hell even 1 gram per watt) without CO2 then feel free to scutinize my very successful method of MAXIMIZING YIELD. Like I said very clearly in my post I went from 10-15 grams per plant @ 4 per SQ foot to 30. That equates to 1900 grams on a 4X4 tray with no CO2. Last round I did averaged 25 per plant. Yep cutting those leaves sure as hell hurt my yields BIG TIME didnt it ???? Those numbers speak for themselves while you are just flapping your lips as have many others in this thread. Havegrown scrog and lollipoping and this method I employ gets me a much higher yield. Solid thick buds 20 inches tall all the way to the pot 64 per 4X4 tray. Any other method you use to mazimize your lights efficiency will also require removal of leaves in order to get the highest possible yield for that given space, we go again. the only fails here are that you clearly don't understand the argument and have merely slapped up a pic with no control plant to compare it to. whoopie. "proof" he says. lmao. had you actually READ the discussion (or your own post for that matter) you would see why your argument is silly. you are advocating removing leaves in sog setups and lollipopping, which are techniques specifically for maximizing the TOP of the plant only. the argument here is whether removing fan leaves gets better light to the BOTTOM of the plant, so which is your argument, focus on the tops or focus on the bottoms? lollipopping removes those budsites altogether and sog neglects them due to plant size. neither of them has to do with taking a whole plant full term with better bottom buds. it's actually the opposite because the idea is to get rid of those budsites altogether and focus on fat top colas ONLY. so you claim that you can take all that which would have developed on the bottom and somehow stuff it all into a few top colas and this will equal more yeild. which brings me to my next point (which has been beaten to death but you clearly haven't read any of it). there are several ways to maximize the yeilds of the lower budsites WITHOUT robbing the plant of its ability to photosynthesize and transport mobile elements. i can't believe this thread still lives.
Well thats entirely too logical for this thread =) Their "logic" dictates that you are killing all the bud producing leaves no matter what the scenario is.I kind of skipped through for the most part, but did anyone mention the fact that this is a cfl grow and that light penetration is paramount. This is nothing like outdoor growth where light penetrates the leaves relatively well. With a CFL you are not only getting practically zero light penetration through leaves, you also have to keep plants in a very narrow range of distance from the lights before you have such a dramatic drop in PAR value that the buds outside of this range are popcorn. I would say that optimal growth (given that the light intensity from the CFL is the limiting factor in this situation) occurs when the maximum amount of photosynthetic surface is exposed to the highest intensity light available without burning the leaves, but before the PAR value drops off too much and the light is no longer useful. Using CFLs without a SCROG is generally too much work for the quality and production IMO.
.....Well thats entirely too logical for this thread =) Their "logic" dictates that you are killing all the bud producing leaves no matter what the scenario is.
(Botanically speaking) how so? Once you remove plant units that produces the simple and complex carbos that drive bud production, what plant material is left to do the job? I just got through harvesting an outdoor plant that got FULL sun, top to bottom, inside and out, sunrise to sunset, lost alot of its fan leaves due to my neglect (lack of water) while it was flowering and it was the worst yield I've ever had. Previous outdoor plant which retained its fan leaves yielded enough to fill up a wheebarrow (see photo), this plant sucked. Having said that, what I did harvest looks excellent with moist green leaves, bubble gum smell and very resinous.
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Whether the plant material is a pecan tree, apple, tomato or pepper plant, hibiscus or olive lose leaves and you lose flower/fruit production.
Well then you clearly didnt read or comprehend my post then did you? I was refrring to lollipo and SCOG because they are both different methos of manipulating the plant to yield MORE which clearly is comparable to what we are discussing. I do SOG trays all day long and I get consistant results using this method. When you start getting over 1.5 grams per watt (hell even 1 gram per watt) without CO2 then feel free to scutinize my very successful method of MAXIMIZING YIELD. Like I said very clearly in my post I went from 10-15 grams per plant @ 4 per SQ foot to 30. That equates to 1900 grams on a 4X4 tray with no CO2. Last round I did averaged 25 per plant. Yep cutting those leaves sure as hell hurt my yields BIG TIME didnt it ???? Those numbers speak for themselves while you are just flapping your lips as have many others in this thread. Havegrown scrog and lollipoping and this method I employ gets me a much higher yield. Solid thick buds 20 inches tall all the way to the pot 64 per 4X4 tray. Any other method you use to mazimize your lights efficiency will also require removal of leaves in order to get the highest possible yield for that given space, period.
You answered your own question. Lost its leaves due to your neglect hence seriously stunting your production. I already gave proof that removing the leaves works. That that huge single cola with no fan leaves doesnt show this I dont know what will. There are still lots and lots of leaves on a bud. Fan leaves are leftover from vegetative state.
Common Sense huh?!?! Common sense could just as easily tell me that the plant is wasting its energy and nutrients to maintain the dying leaf rather than generating a lil extra energy w/ the lil bit of green its got left (if it has any). Green= active chlorophyll = energy. Yellow= dead chlorophyll=no energy=blocking light for green leaves below. Or is my common sense-orator broken again?!