Lacy's Indoor Grow??? (lots of questions)

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New Member
Hey gygax. Thanks a lot and no eggnog for the plants. :?
And yes some of the plants that I think are mango have a VERY fruity flavour to them and it is also very strong. I also have one plants that is quite light in the green tones. I also have one whose stems really stretch outwards. Its different seeing of the varieties and starting to get exciting.

I'll post some more pics when my camera battery recharges.

Thanks gygax
Merry X-Mas Lacy, hope all is well and you and your family have a good holiday......remember no egg nog for the plants:mrgreen:


New Member
Hey Pencap. For sure I will help you. I LOVE doing outdoor grow. Its so refreshing being outdoors in the fresh air and sunshine. You don't have to worry about your plants smelling too much. Its just so much fullfilling in my opinion. But then again, I am a real outdoor chick myself.

I can start some plants indoors the same time as you and then transplant them outdoors when the whether is right. I might even take some cuttings and give them a head start indoors. (that should be quite interesting)

I'm honoured that you thought of me to help you.


BTW. I've done many, many outdoor plants. :mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:
Lacy..........will you hold my hand this spring? I've never grown outdoors...........FDD only sits in his back yard......I wanna GET OUT THERE.......BDW never writes back......he's too busy...I know you're a queen out whadda ya say?? Now, I know we got a climate difference..but hey...communication overcomes all troubles...whadda ya think? I'd be planting 2 months b4 u~ but you could give me a few good pushes..
I'd just like to pic yer brain on pests/finding a good spot~ 6-10 plants.....etc...


New Member
Awe Godspeed. no lights or room yet. Not even a start. :cry: Bummer. I was not doing too well at the holidays and some other things happened but Tahoe gave me a great link to a lighting place in Canada so I am getting on it right away. I just don't want to have a light sitting here with no place to put it. :roll:

Thanks for asking and I hope your holiday was great.:mrgreen:
Hey Lacy, how are the room and lights coming? Hope you had a great Christmas!!!


New Member
That is so sweet!!!

Awe Fake trees. I'm ok gurl. The holidays could have been better but life's good now.

How were your holidays?
I will check out your grow as soon as I respond to all these posts.

Thanks :hug:
You could be happy, and I won't know.
but you weren't happy the day I watched you go.
and all the things I wish I had not said.

You Could be Happy.
Snow Patrol

Just for Lacy :)


New Member
Oh Kant. Thats a lovely bouquet of flowers. How colourful.

I saw the link you guys made. OMG! :oops: I was really doped on meds the first week and promised hubby i would stay off the computer.

I hurt an old injury and twisted my right arm back but I am feeling very good now.

Thanks Kant:hug:

You guys sure know how to manke a woman feel special.
lacy! come back to us! we're all worried about you

these are for you



New Member
Thanks bongspit. You funny man you. I have LOTSSSSS of that. In fact I chucked out some killer meds after about a week or more of feeling numb and decided to just go
if she hurt she would probably rather have this...........


New Member
Hey crazy. We luv you too crazy.

I think it has more to do with the fact that I am female than anything. Most guys probably aren't gonna say" Hey crazy dude. We missed ya and love ya man." :?

See my point?:mrgreen::peace:
wished everyone loved me,like they do you.
welcome back lacy.i love you.
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