Lacy's Indoor Grow??? (lots of questions)

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Well-Known Member
Lacy..........will you hold my hand this spring? I've never grown outdoors...........FDD only sits in his back yard......I wanna GET OUT THERE.......BDW never writes back......he's too busy...I know you're a queen out whadda ya say?? Now, I know we got a climate difference..but hey...communication overcomes all troubles...whadda ya think? I'd be planting 2 months b4 u~ but you could give me a few good pushes..
I'd just like to pic yer brain on pests/finding a good spot~ 6-10 plants.....etc...
You could be happy, and I won't know.
but you weren't happy the day I watched you go.
and all the things I wish I had not said.

You Could be Happy.
Snow Patrol

Just for Lacy :)


New Member
Gosh you people sure know how to make a woman feel good. :hug::hug::hug::o:oops:

I went out to purchase a last minute gift for my husband and I fell on the ice at the back of a parking lot and hurt myself. I promised hubby I would stay off the computer as it concerned my back and right arm so I kept my word.
I did write to chiceh to let her know what was going on.

Unfortunately I did not get anything done or my grow room nor did I get a new light. :cry: Even hubby wouldn't look after my plants since it is MY thing so they don' look the greatest.
You guys are gonna be so disappointed wif me. :neutral:

Here's a few pics of the ones in my closet.



New Member
Tanks Bong. I have about 3 or 4 that have the fattest leaves I have ever seen. Then I have some that I think are shunk because they just reek.
The thing is I got an indoor mix so I have no idea what is what. Even the one kind that I knew I somehow screwed up and now they are all unknowns.
It still will be interesting figuring them out especially once they start flowering.
What is up Ms. green thumb?? those leaves are so fat, it's good you got that light cause the fat leaved ones got to have more penetration. they lookin good...:joint:



Just some idiot
Yay a full recovery. What are you talking about the plants look awesome. And anyone who gets hurt has a free pass silly. Glad to see you are back and feeling better...:mrgreen:

Also try rubbing the stem and tell me what you smell? Any of them smell like melons or bananas (like a rind smell) and do any of them remind you of "chalky" type candy.


New Member
I hope you had a great holiday also kant. its good to see you again. The seeds that you told me about sound really good. I have never heard of them either but please let us know the results of your grow.

Did you start any yet?
marry christmas lacy!!!

so stupid me forgot to realize it's the holidays and people don't always ship on the holidays *sigh*

so dr. chronic will be closed until jan 3. so that'll mean i might miss april 20 AGAIN *sigh* and be budless....
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