i have 13 screws in my knee. holding a titanium plate down. i have a pinched L5S1, it's often debilitating. i was on clonipin for insomnia for years. i still am prescribed meds for it but never take them now. i have asthma.
all of these are qualifying ailments.
i took these pics from a ladder.
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when it starts to rain i will be on the ladder covering everything.
do you have to be on your death bed to not be judged these days?
prop 215 CLEARLY states "any ailment for which it provides relief". we all voted for it and got it. i don't understand the problem.
pot provides relief from my excess spit. that's a qualifying reason.
"Only in America"......
I have MS, fybromyalgia and was labeled with "chronic fatigue" What the hell, aren't they all the same?.....was told I had arthritis at the age of twenty. I also have asthma, myelitis, hypoglycemia, swallowing disorder(s). I suffer from depression and anxiety---not too many of us can say we don't in this day and age.
Desiccation in T1 and T2 and C1 all the way to C7, L3 through L5 protrude, bulge ---degenerative disc disease.
When I'm not suffering from insomnia, I'm unable to get out of bed some days....and often only long enough to do the most menial thing, only to find myself crashing on the couch. Needless to say, indicas are not my favorite.
I'm thinking this qualifies me for a forest.
All that being said, it was not too long ago that I was running several miles a day and hard core lifting weights for two hours non-stop and roller blading down the free way for 30-50 miles at a clip....all in a day, every single day. An hour of fairly intensive yoga was once "relaxing." Did I spark up before heading out for my excursions "then"?

...and I never ask family/friends for their medical cards before sparking up either.
I've never been one to believe that any person has the right to judge "why" someone would wish to smoke MJ.....as an adult, it is your RIGHT....disease or no disease.
Yet,"only in America" would you find a single mother dying of cancer having to spend her last days (and energy) fighting the "system," and
instead of embracing her last hours with her children....while only miles away so many can nonchalantly joke about their mini forest being spotted by a helicopter.
He waves and she finds herself in a living hell because she had a roach or a quarter bag.
I don't know of any state where the people haven't made it public knowledge that the majorities are clear advocates for MM, but the bills continue to flounder and innocent people continue to be treated like criminals.
As far as "judgement"....I don't think a day goes by where I'm not being judged for opting for smoking weed vs/popping pain killers and muscle relaxants and sleeping pills like candy. After all, if any person were to glance my way, they'd never suspect I had all, or any, of these medical problems.
It just seems ridiculous that we are in the twenty first century in the USA and laws are still being enforced to jail ANY ONE for something so innocent.
He asked for input and those were my immediate thoughts.
Hell yeah, we'd all love to rightfully "wave" to the jackass invading our personal space.
Personally, I'd of probably shot him the rod.