First grow/CFL stealth cab/Short Rider


Well-Known Member
looking great man...seems like im gonna be going in the same direction with multiple grows and grow times...just made an order for a pack of papaya,bubblelicious,white haze,and roadrunners....think ill start the papaya first then the bubblelicious when the diesel ryder finishes.wish i had the space to grow that you have...this is what im working with.ive got to be carefull where i no open grows.which is why im sticking to mostly short,fast growing strains.....


Well-Known Member
dam treeZ, everythings looking great, way to go!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Cd, I'm loving every minute of it!!

looking great man...seems like im gonna be going in the same direction with multiple grows and grow times...just made an order for a pack of papaya,bubblelicious,white haze,and roadrunners....think ill start the papaya first then the bubblelicious when the diesel ryder finishes.wish i had the space to grow that you have...this is what im working with.ive got to be carefull where i no open grows.which is why im sticking to mostly short,fast growing strains.....
I hear you on that bro, I had a very similar setup as yours for the first 5 weeks of this grow. What are the dimensions of your box?

I figure I will probably have at least 2-3 males so hopefully I'm wrong but numbers will most likely cut down once sex starts to show. I'm still debating on collecting pollen from a male SR to get some seeds for the future...

After I finish these off, the plan is to get one mother plant and have 2 plants going at the most at a time, 1 veging and 1 flowering.. Then I'll germ the Kandy Kush "avatar pic" and turn that into a mother when the wonder woman gets a good little run! Of course shit happens so I'm going to try and keep everything moving along nice and smooth.

they look sick as in badasss
Thanks MC, I can't stop staring at them!!


Active Member
Here's the order of the pictures.

-First 3 pics are of Bag Seed 1 "BS 1"

-Pics 3-6 are of BS 2

-Pics 7-8 Oudoor Sr's

-Pics 9-12 Thirsty Lst

-Pics 13-16 Droopy Lst and new light setup!
You are doing great man!BUT...why are the the plants thirsty?Did you forgot to water?That reminds me of something..... :-P hehehe! Keep up the good work dude!
Whats up with nuts?What do you feed them?do you got a schedule?



Well-Known Member
You are doing great man!BUT...why are the the plants thirsty?Did you forgot to water?That reminds me of something..... :-P hehehe! Keep up the good work dude!
Whats up with nuts?What do you feed them?do you got a schedule?

Thanks Marlo!
For nutes I used Alaskan Fish Emulsion for veg "5-1-1." I only water every few weeks with 1/4 strength because I was told, the FFOF soil was good for at least 3-4 week without adding any extra nutes..

Ever since I fixed the ph issue they don't seem to need the extra N right now so I'm just going to stick with the b/b. When they show flowers they will be getting FF Tiger Bloom added in at a VERY light dose because the last thing I want to do is burn them!

Then I picked up Some FF Big Bloom and gave them there first very light dose around week 5. Right now I'm mixing 1 tablespoon per gallon with a 1/2 tsp ph down and after its sits for a day it goes up to around 6.2-6.6ph plus the chlorine evaporates..

After I run out of the FF I'm going to pick up some Jacks Classic nutes because it was suggested by a few members and I'd like to give it a try.

When I first started I was overwatering "everyday" and I started letting them dry out for 2-3 days in between watering and they seemed to love it. Then they started to get some size and the last week or 2 Its been every other day.
At first I was checking 3" under the soil but I think thats a horrible way for a newb, I am better off going by how heavy the plants are before and after you water. Or of course just looking at the plants, "This was hard to do at first because I've never grew any plant before this..."

sweet plants man, im totally gonna subscribe
Welcome Darth, hopefully your just in time for the good part!


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
Check out Monty's Joy Juice.. I know you have your next nute picked out , I just wanted to share

a nute that has worked wonders for me in the past.


Well-Known Member
Great job Treez.
You can really tell the difference in the guy's that can learn fast or not.
I see very few dealers in your future.
I hate messing with dealers unless he's a friend.
Perpetual is the goal for round three I'm sick of these prices.


Active Member
I am better off going by how heavy the plants are before and after you water
I did the same thing but i wasnt sure and i had plants(not mj) before so i knew that technic.The problem was that the plants i used to have,were all outdoors and they needed watering more often.Now with the mj plants inside,and the soil that kept a lot of moisture for days,i couldnt understand the difference because the water was vaporizing very slowly!So i got a soil hydrometer for $5 and now i am checking everything in a minute and know that its right!

I hate messing with dealers unless he's a friend.
Perpetual is the goal for round three I'm sick of these prices.
I agree 10000000000%!!!I am sick of prices,shitty dealers,awfull weed....everything!
If you want to do something right,do it yourself! +Rep dude!


Well-Known Member
I did the same thing but i wasnt sure and i had plants(not mj) before so i knew that technic.The problem was that the plants i used to have,were all outdoors and they needed watering more often.Now with the mj plants inside,and the soil that kept a lot of moisture for days,i couldnt understand the difference because the water was vaporizing very slowly!So i got a soil hydrometer for $5 and now i am checking everything in a minute and know that its right!

I agree 10000000000%!!!I am sick of prices,shitty dealers,awfull weed....everything!
If you want to do something right,do it yourself! +Rep dude!
Rep back at ya. We're getting raped by pharmacies and dealers LOL.


Well-Known Member
I did the same thing but i wasnt sure and i had plants(not mj) before so i knew that technic.The problem was that the plants i used to have,were all outdoors and they needed watering more often.Now with the mj plants inside,and the soil that kept a lot of moisture for days,i couldnt understand the difference because the water was vaporizing very slowly!So i got a soil hydrometer for $5 and now i am checking everything in a minute and know that its right!

I agree 10000000000%!!!I am sick of prices,shitty dealers,awfull weed....everything!
If you want to do something right,do it yourself! +Rep dude!
Its funny how you would assume watering would be the "easy" part. Once you get a good idea of when the plants need water it is but now I understand why "they say" that one of the most common mistakes is overwatering.

I'm glad we both got it down now :)

Great job Treez.
You can really tell the difference in the guy's that can learn fast or not.
I see very few dealers in your future.
I hate messing with dealers unless he's a friend.
Perpetual is the goal for round three I'm sick of these prices.
Thanks a lot chain, not only is that a great compliment but you are the one who suggested to check my ph. Which fixed the couple problems I was having!!

I'm with you on the dealers, I really hope my "buying" days are coming close to and end :) Perpetual FTW!!


Well-Known Member
Well week 7 has rolled around and I thought I noticed a little hair poking out but I could be wrong, nothing very noticeable.. I'm pretty much desperate at this point:?

Other than that, I've got the runoff down to 6.7-6.9ph so I don't think it can get any better than that. I just fed them 1 tablespoon per gallon big bloom and droopy took 2 cups, thirsty took 3!
The leaves that yellowed in the begining are gone and they don't seem to be yellowing so I've backed off on the fish emulsion. I'll probably go to 2 tablespoons of b/b for now until I get the Tiger bloom...

I just measured them and thirsty is 17" and Droopy is 16"..

Other than that things are looking pretty good, what do you guys think?

-Pic 1-5 Thirsty

-Pic 6-8 Droopy

-Pic 9 & 10 Comparing the two



Well-Known Member
I don't mine at all, feel free to drop some pics in when every you want! They look really good man, they look similar but then again even the two I have look different lol..

You should get some y's and add 3 more cfl's :) Plus it will put them at a little bit of an angle and put off more light!


Well-Known Member
Btw I'm really wanting to drop these to 12/12 but I'm going to work on a little cab for the babies, "mother cab!" I'll hopefully get it done this week and move the babies, then by week 8 I plan on moving the lights down 2hrs a night until it hits 12/12 and force flower.. Then if any turn out female I'll remove the male and switch back to 20/4 for the rest of flowering. This method worked well for others so I'm confident it will do the same for me!:weed:


Well-Known Member
Yeah bro I was just going to say, if they haven't auto flowered by now, I doubt they will. Might be time to start thinking 12/12.