First grow/CFL stealth cab/Short Rider


Well-Known Member
Well I havent recieved my seeds yet but I did happen to get a few new additions to the group!

Most of them got heat stressed "I'm guessing" and seem like it stunted there growth but they seem to be doing okay now.. "All but 1 anyway.."

1 of them is a bag seed from some good stuff I had from a while back and only one of the seeds germed out of 2.
3 are short riders, one of these arn't looking to good but they where givin to me after the fact, so 2 out of 3 is good:)
Last but not least the oldest, fem wonder woman!

So this just got a little more interesting for those that are following along. Isn't much to show off yet but its a start! Here's a few pics.. I'll probably update these every week aswell.

1st pic) "From top to bottom/Left to right." SR, WW, SR, Bag Seed, SR
Next few pics are of each.

If you look at the last picture with the two cups, Wonder woman on the right and bag seed on the left. This was taken yesterday and the bagseed has doubled leaf size compared to the small puney short rider.. The other short riders look like they MIGHT pull through... Lmk what you think!



~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
DA DOT DA DAAAAAAA Wonder Woman is here. Lookin good Bro. Cant wait to see how she turns out so I will know to order

A few beans of WWoman. Be Easy


Well-Known Member
Thanks homie, hopefully she will sprout up nice tall so I can get some decent bud off her and give you guys a good smoke report!
So far she looks to be one of the healthy ones out of the bunch.. I'm wondering if I should feed her and the other babies a small dose of big bloom, if you look at the fox farms chart they recommend to start feeding them at 1 week.. I know with the FF soil I won't need any extra N for the first 3-4weeks but would the big bloom help or hurt them at this point is what I'm wondering..??

I might try it on the bag seed that I have going and see how that reacts. Then try it on the rest of them.. I'm still trying to figure the nutes out seeing its my first time but I figure if I stay on the light side and feed like every other water or once a week they will hopefully be okay.


Well-Known Member
I topped these plants last friday, lmk what you think so far. These have been outside for the past 3 or 4 days so their starting to stretch but looking pretty nice, getting used to that sun.. As you can see I transplanted them to bigger pots. I'll move them in a couple weeks to a nice sunny, secluded spot and put them in 5 gal buckets.




Well-Known Member
To keep this organized for not only myself but the people following along, here's the age of the plants I have going as of today for future reference

-2 Og Short Rider's "Outdoor"__8 weeks today

-2 Original Short Rider's __6 weeks, 2 days "Regular seeds" Haven't shown sex yet.

-2 Bagseed Unkown strain__2 weeks, 4days "1 week from being topped today, the pictures I just put up."

-1 Fem Wonder Woman __Approx. 2 weeks

-2 Short Riders __Approx. 1 week, "the 3rd one didn't make it"

-1 Funk Bagseed, Unkown Strain__Exactly 1 week from germ


Well-Known Member
Damn I didn't know you had all these different grows going on. A lot like me, I got 3 different grows going started at 3 different times, haha. Is that the Nirvana Wonder Woman?

What did you end up going with from Attitude?


Well-Known Member
*moonwalks through the thread..naked..covered in funyun crumbs*
Pantera fan, eh? They use to be one of my favorite bands. I saw them back in 2001. It was pretty crazy. Think it was actually their last tour together.


Well-Known Member
fucking love Pantera..the only band i think i hear every day...granted i own a heavy metal radio station,so i tend to hear a lot of metal


Well-Known Member
Damn I didn't know you had all these different grows going on. A lot like me, I got 3 different grows going started at 3 different times, haha. Is that the Nirvana Wonder Woman?

What did you end up going with from Attitude?
It is indeed, Nirvana Wonder Woman!

Now that I have them in the closet, "about 3'x2'. " that hps is haunting me lol... I'm going to keep to my word though and hopefully get a solid cfl grow in the first couple attempts:) Right now its sitting at about 190 true watts for the tops and 60watts for the sides. I'm planning on adding another 84watts soon with 2 42w cfls!

Here's a pic of the way I found that two 68 watt light bulbs sit perfectly horizontal with 3 y adapters!! LoL, not to bad for 2 cfl's. 4200 lumens each at 15bucks... I was stoned when I figured it out of course.
I'm taking the two that are pointing down and moving them to the sides and top with the 42watters mixed in.. Then I'll be able to get the light a little closer, this was just a test run.. lol..

Oh and I added in a pic of the SR that I think is stunted, you will see it looks kind of deformed and the bagseed is half its age and sprouting quick!

Anyway more pics to come soon, +Rep for dropping in with positive comments lol..



Active Member
Yo Smelly!There's a fine grow over there!!!Good job man!You ll get a very decent smoke! :eyesmoke:
Which of these are you thinking to sent out?

+Rep,Subbed! :bigjoint: :weed:


Well-Known Member
nice grow. plus rep for sure. they look good for just cfl. im allover the place with my lights. nice
Welcome sir wolf and thanks! I'm constantly moving these lights around lol.. I angled them a little different for the time being. You do have a ton of lights but I'm sure your plant will love them!!

Yo Smelly!There's a fine grow over there!!!Good job man!You ll get a very decent smoke! :eyesmoke::
Thanks for dropping in marlo, it will be nice to have another fellow SR grower along for the ride!! I can't wait till they show sex:)

Which of these are you thinking to sent out?

+Rep,Subbed! :bigjoint: :weed:
I moved the two topped plants outside, "just the random bagseed." I also sarted 2 other shortriders outside before I starting messing around with the indoor setup, there about 8 weeks. Depending on the male to female ratio these smaller ones might all stay inside, I'm hoping to know pretty soon on the SR's. Plus I might pollenate a lower branch on one of the outdoor sr's if at least one turns fembongsmilie

Opinions Needed Below!:mrgreen:

I was thinking of trying this,__ staircase technique or just lsting the lower branches because they are nice and healthy but growing straight up "under the fan leaves. If I do decide to go for this and they do turn female I think it would definitely increase the yield.

My original plans where assuming this plant was a true autoflower, I didn't want to touch it because of chance of stunting growth... Now things have obviously changed because they are almost 16" tall now and still not showing sex. What to you guys think?

Trim or Not?
+Rep if I can leave it!


Well-Known Member
Interesting article. I think I remember reading that a little while back. Don't know how well it works, but personally I don't know how I would feel about removing large amounts of fan leaves like that.

Hey man I was just thinking, how much room you have left in your cab? When you start them flowering they are probably gonna stretch on you. I'd hate to see you have to scrap them if they overgrow the box.


Well-Known Member
as it comes to that staircase thing....i dunno...removing that many fan leaves seems like a bad idea...topping it then doing some lst'ing seems like a better not a fan of the..."cut it here so it can repair itself"..seems like things go smoother when nature takes its course.all i can see from trimming off fan leaves is that it lets more light through.if you cut off a fan leaf its not gonna take long for the plant to repair the damage from it,so i dont see it helping the whole plant that much.and would only worth with certain strains.if the strain is known not to be very branchy..i wouldnt fuck with its natural growth....remember im normally very very high when i post i could be way off..all a matter of opinion.


Well-Known Member
Interesting article. I think I remember reading that a little while back. Don't know how well it works, but personally I don't know how I would feel about removing large amounts of fan leaves like that.

Hey man I was just thinking, how much room you have left in your cab? When you start them flowering they are probably gonna stretch on you. I'd hate to see you have to scrap them if they overgrow the box.
Thanks! +Rep
There in the closet now, I would have been screwed in the cab at this point lol.. Or pretty damn close!! Temp is way cooler and its pretty concealed still for the most part..
I have plenty of room but I don't want to get to out of control with it. I've been thinking of transplanting but I would really like to see the sex first but then I have to worry about stressing them... You think it would be worth throwing them in 5 gal buckets or would that be to much? I have a 2'x3'x6.5' area and keep in mind I'm still waiting to find out if there males or females.. So hopefully at least 1 female!

I've read more of that thread now and I'm going to hold off for my first grow as there's a lot of speculation about "lolipoping" but I would like to give it a try on my random plants that I already topped. I'm still open to hearing about it, if you've tried it!

I think for now I'll stick with a little lst on the new growth thats taking off and try adding some more side lighting.

as it comes to that staircase thing....i dunno...removing that many fan leaves seems like a bad idea...topping it then doing some lst'ing seems like a better not a fan of the..."cut it here so it can repair itself"..seems like things go smoother when nature takes its course.all i can see from trimming off fan leaves is that it lets more light through.if you cut off a fan leaf its not gonna take long for the plant to repair the damage from it,so i dont see it helping the whole plant that much.and would only worth with certain strains.if the strain is known not to be very branchy..i wouldnt fuck with its natural growth....remember im normally very very high when i post i could be way off..all a matter of opinion.
Thanks for your opinion dj, + Rep to you aswell!! It makes sense and I think I will just stick with a mild lst on the SR's this time around. If I end up making more seeds then I can experiment in the future..

I am still debating wether to take few clones if these don't show sex by wed!!! I have some healthy ones picked out near the very bottom!!


Well-Known Member
My original plans where assuming this plant was a true autoflower, I didn't want to touch it because of chance of stunting growth... Now things have obviously changed because they are almost 16" tall now and still not showing sex. What to you guys think?
.....if that is the short rider you speak of...they do have autoflowering problems that keep them from sexing at times...and did you get the fem or reg seeds?the only thing i think of as too why autoflowers wont show sex when they should is that its a hermi,hermis tend to have a long hang time to show sex...another reason im against too much pruning and training...too much stress=hermi...not saying thats whats up in your case..just in general.


Well-Known Member
.....if that is the short rider you speak of...they do have autoflowering problems that keep them from sexing at times...and did you get the fem or reg seeds?the only thing i think of as too why autoflowers wont show sex when they should is that its a hermi,hermis tend to have a long hang time to show sex...another reason im against too much pruning and training...too much stress=hermi...not saying thats whats up in your case..just in general.
It could very well be but they are regular seeds so I'm leaning toward them just being female and taking longer:) "Hopefully"
Plus I really havent done ANYTHING to stress these indoor short rider, the outdoor plants are a different story but these really have only had 1 very smooth transplant and have been babied since, "not saying they still can't turn hermi!" I might give it 8 weeks till I drop them to 12/12 if they still don't show by then.