Indefinately's Sea Of Green


Well-Known Member
Hi People

I will start with a brief of my new found Hobby.

I have two seperate areas :
  1. Cloning and Vegging Room (Mother Room)
  2. Flower Room
I am in the process of setting it all up.

The current plan is to have 4 x Flood & Drain Tables 2000mm x 1000mm.
The pots i will be using are 190mm Square Pots ( Hold 4.45 Litres ).
Each Table will have a 1000 watt HPS fiited with a Cool Tube and a Large Adjusta Wing.

I am not sure if i will be using Coco or Floc ( Granulated Rockwool ) as my medium.
I will do a batch with each and check the results.

I am also testing out an Aeroponic grow to see the results compared to F&D.
I am currently having a few issues with the Aero setup so i might give it up untill i have more time to trouble shoot.

Co2 will be used, although i will have to wait a while to buy the control for it ( something like the Harvest Master).

The Mothers are normally in a a Grow Box i built and used for my first few grows. They are in Coco and have a 400 Metal Halide Lighting them.

I am using Canna Nutes

The begining of my new Favorite Hobby.

I will update as regurlary as i can.
Any ideas, questions and suggestion welcome.
Any feedback is appreciated.

A very big thank you to Al B Fuct .
Even though he is not around any more i have spent months reading his journal and learnt allot from his journal alone. This Grow will partially replicate his Perpetual SOG. Big Thank you to him and all the other guys and girls that put a journal up and help anyone that needs help.

Indefinately ......


Active Member
What type of aero system I run aero and honestly nothings better as far as speed and size. Im gona try flooding in a diff room next time tho only because i wana try orgganics and cant really do that in aero cuz the beneficial fungus wont grow right and the nutez are to thick for sprayers and alota other stufff... Whats your issue w aero might have a few tips depending on system.


Well-Known Member
Make sure Room is completely sealed.
Cheap Blind purchased from IKEA.

Step 1 - Install Blind


Indefinately ......

Step 2 - Cover and attach Plywood

I used 18mm Yellow Tongue Flooring.
Measured up before my Trip to my Local Hardware and had them cut it to size. Secured it with 8 Screws ( Simple ).

Step 3 - Use expanding Foam for any edges.


Indefinately ......


Well-Known Member
**I Should have mentioned that prior to starting.
The room should be cleaned thouroughly!!
I Sprayed the walls with disinfectand and then washed them with sugar soap.
Had the carpet Cleaned professional.

Step 2 - Reflective Material ( Panda Film )

Any Vents should be taped up as well as that is an opening for insect and dust and you want you area to be clean and Insect Free.

I attached the Panda Film with Velcro Sticker.
There is one male and one female.
I stuck them both on the Panda Film and rolled it on the wall.
I marked out where i put the stickers so i can go back and put afew staples in to make sure it is secure. ( I didnt want to put heaps of staple in the wall so i dont have to patch many thing up.)

I will probably have to staple the bottom down as i test run a Fan and the Panda Film was blowing everywhere, Nothing some Tape and Staples cant fix.

I have heaps more things to Post that have already been done, but i have to continue to work on my new hobby. I will keep posting and try get you guys to catch up to where im at Soon.

Indefinately ......


Well-Known Member
Hi there Trichlone,

I have done allot of reading over the Last Year and half.
Allot of Researching.
I have watched many videos ect ect ect.......

I have not found anything more informative and helpfull than Al B Fuct Thread .


Well-Known Member
What type of aero system I run aero and honestly nothings better as far as speed and size. Im gona try flooding in a diff room next time tho only because i wana try orgganics and cant really do that in aero cuz the beneficial fungus wont grow right and the nutez are to thick for sprayers and alota other stufff... Whats your issue w aero might have a few tips depending on system.
Hi there Dripdrew,

Funnily enough, i actually read you thread today (badboy thread).
Nice work, very impressed with the fluoros......

Im not sure whats wrong with my aero, the roots look healthy but the plant dont look well at all.
I will post some pics and details tommorow.
Hopefully someone can help otherwise i will take them out and stick them into a pot with some Floc or Coco. That will teach them!

I have some pics of the Roots:

B10.07.06.10.jpg B11.07.06.10.jpg

Will update the aero info tommorow.

Indefinately ......


Well-Known Member
Hey Dripdrew

I Have Cannazym but i have not used it yet.
I just got it recently.
Im Using Canna Vega and Rhizotonic and superthrive. Thats it.
I thought i would post the Aero issues on a seperate thread so i can keep track of it better. I have included photos and a better description of everything.

Check it out below ( Aero Grow ) and if you have any tips reply there.



Well-Known Member
Supplies here to date :

Canna Nutes & SuperThrive
Co2 regulator, Sticky Paper , All Vent a-60 (150mm),
Hygrometers and Ph Up & Down.

Coco, Wasnt sure if the Srilankan Coco is as Good as the Cash Crop so i will test both and see if there is any major differences.


Floc ( Granulate Rockwool) & Exfoliator ( Mix of perlite and vermiculite)

More to come soon........



Well-Known Member
Brief Description & Pics of the Cloning Stations cleaned and reaady to go again:

Propogation Station

I originally started with the Propagation station ( from seed ) and used a heat mat.
I have had 100% success with seeds so far with that method.
I used Jiffy Peat pellets and transfered them to Coco.

Works great, havent had any issues.
Im probable getting about 70-80% success rate.
I am cloning some really small branches though and have noticed that the thicker ones are surviving at almost 100%.
I need more Mothers to get thicker clones ( Working on the Extra Mothers ) .

I used the reflector from the 1000 Watt HPS since i wasnt using it ( i use the Adjust-a-Wing with a cool tube on the 1000 watt).
Bought the light and a 5 metre extension cable from local hardware.
Wired it up and attached it to a piece of timber.


More to come......


Well-Known Member
8th of June - 28 Clones ( A & C )

I Soaked the rockwool overnight, and cleaned my tools.

Made 14 Clones of each A and C.
Here they are :

More to come.......



Well-Known Member
Hi People

Some More Supplies Have Arrived :

Flood & Drain Tables have arrived ( with cradles to suit )
I have put them together, now i have to clean up the Trays as they were delievered dirty, seems like they have been left outside prior to delivery.
Hope they haven brought in any bugs to my clean room.
IMG_9095.jpgIMG_0017.jpgIMG_0027.jpgIMG_0003.jpgView attachment 994538IMG_9098.jpg

Clones update :

There Looking Healthy ........


Flower Room

Currently have 1 x 1000 watt HPS fitted with the Adjust-a-wing and a cooltube..
A few plant under there which are getting fairlly big.
Not sure how many i willll keep as mothers and how many i will flower untill i get the op working on schedule Al B Fuct Style.
I dont have any smoke, so i might flower most of them.

Pic's of Flower room ( Still being prepared )


Seeds :
I have seeds being delivered soon.
Hopefully Monday.
I will have Big Bud ( Sensi Seeds)
Shiva Skunk ( Sensi Seeds)

Equipment to come :

3 x 1000 watt HPS
2 x 600 watt HPS
Adjust-a-Wings to suit
Cool Tubes

Would love to order the Harvest Mater but it might have to wait a couple of harvest.

Cant wait to replicate Al B Fuct.

Any sugestions or questions always welcome......


Well-Known Member
Rep'd. Everything looks great so far man!! If your like me you gotta be anxious waiting for everything to get there!! :) All my crap came dirty too, I just had to clean it before I brought it into my room!! Ill be along for this one.. We should have harvest around the same time! I'm off to build my mother room!


Well-Known Member
Hello people,

Haven’t updated in a while, I will be updating regularly from here on in.
Any question or tips as always are welcomed.

Clones Update : First set of clones did really well at first and then started going down hill really fast. I had accidentally used the lighting which comes from factory instead of the normal lighting for propagation. The standard fluoro are allot Brighter and whiter. I think that is what did it. As I have had unreal results in the past.
I have now replaced the lights to the correct lighting.

I saved about half of them, the other half which had some roots only were tossed as I want them to start off really strong and I didn’t think they were off to a good start.

Seedlings :

Train wreck and Big Bud


I Planted 1 seed of each.
Big Bud is doing really well.
Train wreck didn’t break the seed and carried it up ( I opened the seed carefully with a scalpel and twesers ). Then the first leaves were stuck together so I had to pull them apart. I haven’t experienced anything like this. Im not sure if it will survive or not. I only had one seed so I will be devastated.

The Aero Grow

All the plants in the Aero Grow got Canned...

All the plants were repoted at thae same time, there all in there square pots unitll the end. I disrupted the roots with a knife to get them to use the whole square pot.

All the plants that were in the Aero system got transplanted into pots with either Floc or Coco with a little perlite and Floc on the bottom inch so the coco doesn’t go everywhere when I start to Flood & Drain.

Vegging Room / Clone Room
Lots of work still to be done.
I have the room set up now with the mothers under a 400 watt Metal Halide.
I have a few mothers as I want to get really thick and tall cutting ( Al.B.Fuct Style).

I’m still to set up the partition for the Mothers and Clones, i am not sure I will as I don’t think the metal halide will bother the cuttings and they will be on the same time schedule anyway. I am still not sure.

I definitely need to fix the ventilation in there quick as the humidity is relatively high. The Temperature is fine though. So I may just try find a cheap dehumidifier.

Flower Room

I have been using the flower room to veg the mothers up until yesterday.


I moved all the Mums to the veg room and put the flower room on its first 12/12 cycle. The flower room will now stay on a 12/12 cycle Indefinately........


I have not Loaded the tray full as I would like to start the Perpetual grow like Al.B.Fuct. But I have a few plants that have been vegged for in between 4-6 weeks. So I think that it should still give me a good yield.

I now plan to take as many cuttings as possible and have them root in order to Load Tray # 1 in two Weeks.

Flood & Drain

I am still currently hand watering ( top feed ).
I had not considered how large a Tote I would need for a tray that is 2m x 1m.
I need to do some investigating into what tote I could use and where I can fit it.
Any sugestions?

Equipment & Lights

The Balance of everything should be here within a week.
So everything will really start rolling soon....



Well-Known Member
Everything is still looking good man.. I'm still building my rooms too.. It seems like it is never ending! Hang in there!! Your clones look great!!


Well-Known Member
so did you end up flowering your mothers? or are those just really big clones? everything is looking good though, i found the Al B. Fuct SoG style which really impressed me since he makes 2 lbs. every month in a 8x7x8 room which is amazing imo. I bookmarked it a while back but then had to reformat my computer and lost it which really pissed me off. I just came across is again yesterday when i was looking for an SoG picture on google images, who would have known that Al is on google images. anyways keep up the good work, its very inspiring as i am planning on renting a place soon and doing minimal damage to the place as you tried to do (less holes to fill etc.) while getting the most i can get out of a second bedroom SoG style. Would be sweet to average 1oz per plant. anyways just make sure you use some root enhancer when you cut those clones because roots greatly affect the yield, i'm sure you already knew that though, just saying it anyways. well have a good fourth man, and keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
Hey Kick
I went through your threads and dont see any grow there yet?
You have been a member since Aug 2007 and havent grown anything yet?

All the Best......