What do you guys think of the new Anti-Immigrant Law SB 1070 in Arizona?

really, what if they were helping the us to get rid of drug cartels, the drug cartels came for them, so they crossed the border illegally, if u send them back they get killed, illegal immigrants need to be deported i agree, but still, the reason those mexicans go to the us is coz ur rich bastards and they see it as a chance to support there family, in any case, legalise all drugs, nationalise all banks, the problem will go away, would u go to mexico if your standard of living wouldnt change, no, and vice versa, the guy with the massive bank account causes these problems, not the broke ass mexican guy who just wants his family to have a better life.

What if they wipe my ass so I don't have to....it's all irrelevant to me, illegals are criminals and should be punished. US citizens are not the moral police of the world so take it up with the UN if you have a problem with it. I have to much respect for myself and others to enter one country illegally, btw I'm an immigrant from Germany and followed the legal path to citizenship.

Most people i talk to on this subject seem to take their opinions from the news, so i'll start this post with the link to the actual law.

Illegal immigrants gotta go. Either go as in leave, or go as in go through the naturalization process. I have no problem with legal immigrants; i have met people from all over the world who have come here legally, and are productive citizens. Including many from Mexico. I also lived in Mexico (Baja California Del Norte) for a short time, and met many really awesome people. Though not all were friendly. I remember riding through Ensenada harbor one time, and having some douche bags in another boat yelling out "Fuck you gringos! Go back to America!"
BTW, i was in Mexico legally.
The truth is that illegal immigration hurts America. It prevents Americans from getting jobs that are filled with illegals. It allows businesses that hire illegals to do away with regulations, like safety and minimum wage requirements. Every dollar earned by an illegal and not payed tax on, hurts every last tax paying American.

The cold truth, America is a community, and illegals do not add to our community, they take from our community.

Do illegals pay taxes? NO
Will illegals provide for the common defense? Hell NO! If a war ever broke out on our soil, illegals would either take up arms against USA, or run back across the border scared.
Do illegals cost us money? YES, we pay for their healthcare, and they don't even pay into our tax base!
Do illegals commit crimes? FUCK YEA they do. And often times wont face the same criminal prosecution citizens would face.

Illegals come here, add nothing, and take whatever they can. I couldn't imagine doing that, but then again, i was raised with morals.
you guys are missing the fact that this law isnt actually going to do ANYTHING lol. Arizona themselves cannot deport anyone. the states dont have access to people's status as citizens. the FED does. all Arizona can do, is question people, and if they dont have proof of citizenship, then they're forwarded to the ICE. the ICE has stated that they're not a fan of this new law and they "wont necessarily" be processing all the new cases from Arizona. this law is pretty useless. all this law has done is make it illegal to be an illegal in the state of Arizona...hahaha.

edit to add* im not supporting illegals in any way really. i understand the impact they can have on a country and its economy. im just stating that *this* particular method is ridiculous because its not gonna do much.
I have no issues with mexicans or any people coming to america, but i want them to go through the legal process and pay taxes. Dont come here illegally and live here for years then say "i wanna pay taxes but because i broke the laws of the country i like so much i cant, o well". Just do it right and there would be no issues. If you are in mexico and go to the border or wherever and go through the correct legal process then come on in.
if you cant come here legally like my scottish and irish ancestors did, then fuck off. as far as im concerned you wetbacks can have these states back if you really think you can do better with them, o wait, you sold them to the US. doesnt really matter any way, this nation will be like mexico soon enough. im not racist, i just know the truth, so fuck off in advanced for anyone that gets pissed off at my coments.
To be fair:

@ everyone saying, "just do it legally"

It's pretty ridiculous to become a legal citizen, I have a friend who has been here for like 10 years and he still hasn't even gotten a blood test to make sure he is clear of diseases. He still doesn't have his green card, and his family has payed well over $20,000.

Check this article out:


The process really needs to be changed.
To be fair:

@ everyone saying, "just do it legally"

It's pretty ridiculous to become a legal citizen, I have a friend who has been here for like 10 years and he still hasn't even gotten a blood test to make sure he is clear of diseases. He still doesn't have his green card, and his family has payed well over $20,000.

Check this article out:


The process really needs to be changed.

yea its pretty hard and takes to long to get 150,000$ for a nice brand new Ashton martin so ill just take one.

the price really needs to be lowered.
my dad married a phillipeano and it only took her maybe 2 years if that to get legal. process dont seem fouled to me. and she had no "fuck ups" as stated in that article. NEXT.
my dad married a phillipeano and it only took her maybe 2 years if that to get legal. process don't seem fouled to me. and she had no "fuck ups" as stated in that article. NEXT.

I imagine an entire family moving is different from a person marrying into a family.

I never said the article was 100% a perfect example, just you can see some things that are wrong with the process.
i really dont see "the system" leaning to one person that doesnt pay a dime in taxes over people that do. but then again this is america.
i really dont see "the system" leaning to one person that doesnt pay a dime in taxes over people that do. but then again this is america.

I would just think that it would be far easier to add a family member. She is moving in with your dad who already has bank accounts, records in the us, a home etc.

If you move from Europe to the US with your entire family you have to get a house, bank accounts, transfer money, proove all sorts of different shit. Starting a new life is way different than joining someone else's life.

Were all very lucky to be born in America rather than having to immigrate.
Yes but its not our fault they werent born in the USA, We arent fucking martyrs. Why should we pay for people who werent as lucky as us. Sucks that they were born in their country. Maybe they could start trying to fix it rather then abandon it. They come here after ditching their country and then wave their ugly flags in "pride" of the country they left to diminish. Sounds harsh but america is not the world saviors. If no one has fucking noticed we have our own problems right now, after we fix them maybe we can go back to trying to fix all of the other fucked up countries of the world.
Yes but its not our fault they werent born in the USA, We arent fucking martyrs. Why should we pay for people who werent as lucky as us. Sucks that they were born in their country.


It's totally their fault they were born in another country where they can't make enough money to legally immigrate into the US.

Our system is fucked up, it needs to be fixed.

Maybe they could start trying to fix it rather then abandon it.
Our war on drugs is also fucked up, that needs to be changed too.

So take your own advice. Instead of getting potentally getting busted by the cops, going to jail, and causing the taxpayers money: Stop smoking weed, then you should go to cannabis-legalization marches, and make weed legal. Then when weed is legal start smoking it again, because again, your potentally costing us all money by smoking/growing cannabis while it's against the law.

Or you could just abandon legalization because it would take forever, and then you could smoke illegally and immediately.

Just like a lot of Mexican's abandon the ideal of immigrating legally, to immigrate illegally and immediately.
I would just think that it would be far easier to add a family member. She is moving in with your dad who already has bank accounts, records in the us, a home etc.

If you move from Europe to the US with your entire family you have to get a house, bank accounts, transfer money, proove all sorts of different shit. Starting a new life is way different than joining someone else's life.

Were all very lucky to be born in America rather than having to immigrate.

well i dont hear europeans cryin about americas immigration laws. seeing as america is a nation the equates debt as wealth i dont see us making it easier for a phillipeano that will make absolutely no money or "debt" for this country over a family that will. but hell lets just end up like china with 1 billion + people and have restrictions on how many babies a household can have. i kno they dont have immigration issues but just trying to make a point...
and just a reminder...this system is the way it is cause this is what the powers that really run things want it. it wont be fixed, and will only get worse and never get better. i want the fuckin oil spill fixed but guess what...not happenin
i never said it was their fault. but its not ours. Why dont they go south or go to canada?

i tell you what, lets just sell everything in the USA, cars, houses, the wood from the houses the metal, everything. Take all the money and give it to the mexicans, and everyone else who needs it. Then they will be happy right? ok sounds good.

And smoking weed, at least im breaking my own countries laws, so when i do get in trouble ill have payed my taxes for myself to go to jail.
They break the law, dont pay any sort of taxes then they want rights and whatnot. Seems correct to me.
hey ppl :blsmoke:

first of all, this is with no bad intentions at all, i just want to open a discution to see what people thinks off this thing.

im mexican, so u can see im not against my raza... and usa has given me a lot of fun, find stuff that i cant find here, etc... i actually like usa.

i live in baja and i go a lot to SD...

2 years ago i was working in a SUBWAY in mission beach, sd ... is an example of the thousand of mexicans working there, the owner just got mexicans working and 2 americans, the keep the chek-inspector cool.

so that way he can avoid taxes and paperwork i think... and just payin us cash.


ps. sorry for my english :P

the bill is harmless its the idea that states on the border want change scares the hell out of the illegals and there families
damn.... and mexico cant do nothing about it.....

maybe if the MEX.GOV. protest or something to USA.... we can loose our country like when u took CA, AZ, NM, TX .... u.u

Thats a good way to look at it. the U.S should go in and take Mexico. Sure it would lower the standard of living in the current U.S. But would raise the Mexico standard alot. It would sure end the cast system and end the illegals. I for one think it would be good in the long run.